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  1. SOLD
  2. [color=#191919][font=Lato, Arial, sans-serif][size=3] Greetings one and all, I'm toying with the idea of replacing the pickup in my Westone Thunder. My MIJ Fender 551 has the Hot Rod P-40 as stock and I adore the sound. Shedloads of punch one the amp's dialed in. I also believe it's overwound. Now, since I can find hide nor hair of an original online, would anyone have an idea or a modern reproduction? Many thanks AJ [/size][/font][/color]
  3. Price drop £100 bump
  4. Polite bump. Offers always considered. Would prefer no trades but if anyone has a B3K going spare...
  5. Salutations ladies and gentlefolk, Up for sale is my trusty Sansamp BDDI V1. Now, yes I am aware there is a V2 on the market at around about £240 (average on retailer prices) but here's your chance to pick up what has to now be a classic pedal for half the price. Why am I selling such a pedal do you ask? Merely lack of use, I occasionally plug it in for a little variety but that by itself doesn't justify for it to be kept. I may have also just purchased a new bass so funding is needed. Now this sale is sans (see what I did there?) box and manual due to them being lost/misplaced/ fallen into the black void probably during my various house moves through uni. Bearing this in mind though, it will be securely packed with bubble wrap and packing tape. I'm based in Plymouth so if you wish to drop by and try, by all means do so otherwise I'll be happy to post. Photos will be uploaded once I try and figure out why they keep getting cancelled. Something about going over global media limit? Cheers AJ
  6. Wandered into a guitar shop enquiring for used 5 strings. They only had one, but by Christ was it one. Been meaning to try a Dingwall for ages to see what all the hype was about but where I reside there's no dealers within an acceptable travel distance. The fanned frets took extremely little time to get used to, the occasional peek at the board but otherwise I was good Was informed it was an early Afterburner model that used to belong to the owner's late husband, who went the whole hog with the upgraded preamp and wood selection. I've never wanted a bass more in my life, however as a poor student, £2250 is just outside my price range if I want to live. Hypothetically if that sort of cash comes my way, how comparable are the Combustion models? Obligatory photo attached..
  7. I'll take it please. Shall I PM the necessary info?
  8. Looking back on it, it's probably the strings. I've been neglecting it whilst I've been at uni having just the Fender and all.
  9. Generic P split coil. PB-40 originally if that helps.
  10. [color=#141414][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3] [indent]Greetings, I've been considering of swapping out the pup in my Westone for a while after deciding it hasn't the punch or clarity of my Fender MIJ PB551. However I haven't the foggiest what Fender used in those basses at the time and that's the sound I'd like to preferably emulate. Therefore can anyone nail a current brand that may grant me what I seek? Cheers AJ [/indent][/size][/font][/color][color=#141414][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2] [/size][/font][/color]
  11. Purchased Javier' Milk Box compressor. Easy payment, quick postage. A pleasure to work with
  12. epic576


    PM sent
  13. I just don't understand that the MIJ model had a tinted neck and fretboard but this MIM model just has a tinted headstock, Why?
  14. If memory serves the WH Olympic white is refinish 4
  15. Thanks for the advice, I'll try and find the thread.
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