Gig bags suitable for short-scale basses aren't easy to find so I'm always on the lookout. Just bought a really nice TGI Extreme Protection padded bag from the independent guitar shop near my daughter's in Poole. The smaller one of the two they had on display is perfect for my headless, short-scale ACG Border Reiver and cost a reasonable ยฃ40. It's a good compromise between light weight, compact size and protection. Neat features are extra handle for carrying vertically, big back pocket to hold straps when not in use, internal velcro strap to secure top of neck, and different finish from (IMHO) boring black. Also impressive is that it still stands up against a wall when empty and unzipped. Just done a quick online search and the gear4music link below shows the closest I could find to mine, although this may be newer design as mine doesn't have the black webbing for the handles. Annoyingly, can't confirm size of this one either as they don't give dimensions. Equally annoyingly, they are out of stock (that's Xmas for you!!). I'll grab a shot of mine when I get a minute.