OK, so let's get the numbers up a bit with my 2 short-scales!
My Mensinger Cazpar was the standard passive model except for the eye poplar capper being a bit thicker to allow for the deeper arm-rest chamfer I requested (I wasn't charged any extra for this mod!!). The Elwood active was made to my spec including chambered body, Hipshot lightweight Y tuners and alu bridge, Haeussel P-JJ with mini series/single/parallel switch for the HB, Delano 2-band electronics with 3-way pup selector toggle and pot's for volume + active/passive (push-pull), bass and treble/passive tone. Two very different basses but (to me) equally beautiful. Have to say, though, that the (much!) cheaper Cazzie is the star player - I've never found anything like it at any price.