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Everything posted by LayDownThaFunk

  1. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1485971404' post='3228175'] Great album and a great player. Sadly their form dipped considerably after this album IMO [/quote] No it didn't. One Hot Minute is their best album.
  2. 'Technical' players really aren't cool... Anyone who plays a 5 string is not cool. Sid, JJ, Duff. Maybe Timmy C.
  3. Ken Smith Compressors are the same string, not sure if they do medium scales?
  4. You got rid of an AD200 for this?!
  5. I prefer SIT Silencers to be honest. Or GHS Pressurewounds. Those D'Addarios were better when they did them in steel over nickel plated.
  6. Slap reviews - all flash, no smash.
  7. The guitar solo in Oblivion by Mastodon? Actually, the solo in Hey Joe (Hendrix version) is pretty good too.
  8. Elixirs just feel like plastic to me.
  9. So Fender labelled D'Addario Xls.
  10. I think that's a classic case of quantity over quality. Looks like an oversized Xmas tree fairy light.
  11. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1485079727' post='3220875'] sorry lads, thought people would realise my tongue was in my cheek by that point [/quote] I have no excuse. Don't use outdated phrases.
  12. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1485186214' post='3221890'] Ditto - lovely strings, currenty some 40-100's on one of my basses IIRC, aren't the Nickel windings over round core instead of the usual hex core ? [/quote] Sunbeams are nickel roundcore. Lo Riders are nickel hexcore. Fatbeams and Hi Beams are steel roundcore. Lo Rider steels are steel hexcore.
  13. If you like XLs, Lo Riders in the same gauge would be perfect for you by the sound of it.
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1485169542' post='3221653'] I've just listened to it again to check I wasn't imagining it. It's even worse the second time... 80's big-ballad production? Check. Pointless, cheesy nylon-string noodling? Check. Angsty monochrome video? Check. Are we 100% sure it's not a parody..? EDIT: Oh, and the band are called 'Disturbed' as well. Bless. [/quote] I wouldn't say I'm a Disturbed fan but they've been going twenty years now and their last five albums all hit number one in the US so they must be doing something right. I saw them Saturday at the O2 and they did that song - pretty amazing live I thought.
  15. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1485043214' post='3220744'] must admit I don't understand this preoccupation with light weight heads, cabs yes, but heads no, I've got a 200 watt TE SMX head that weights 13Kg, easy one hand lift, even my missus can carry it, come on lads man up [/quote] I've got no arms so why don't you man up?
  16. GHS Pressurewounds or SIT Silencers are the answer then!
  17. Just buy D'Addario EXPs? Better string in every aspect?
  18. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1485023159' post='3220532'] The Weeknd* [/quote]
  19. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1484754444' post='3218130'] I've not had that stuff in years. See also Fiddler's Elbow and Black Wych; they are sorely missed. Never been sure whether it was Wychwood themselves that dropped a lot of those old recipes, or whether it due to pressure from Marston to devote more capacity to making more Hobgoblin...did you get much info from the inside? [/quote] You can still buy Black Wych? Hook Norton is my favourite 'local' brewer. Old Hooky and standard Hooky are class beers.
  20. Genuine question - but what do you do at bass guitar shows? Is it just watching performances and noodling on gear?
  21. Real ale, craft ale? Same thing isn't it? Real ale is ale drank in old man pubs. Craft ale is ale drank in 'new world' bars/pubs.
  22. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1484675769' post='3217425'] New set of strings and a BDI21 [/quote]
  23. Did you know he's selling his '75 Precision?
  24. I'm enjoying this 'sale' in public - very similar to what I've experienced in the past on BC when I have received a bass that was in 'top condition'.
  25. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1484391724' post='3215117'] They're for people who like the Fender style but actually want a really good one. [/quote] Better than my answer! Unfortunately for Fender it's the truth. Would everyone still be driving Ford's just because it's the 'original' production car? Of course not - there is more choice and better stuff out there.
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