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Everything posted by LayDownThaFunk

  1. Why not just turn the mids down for that specific frequency then?! Am I the only person who does this and gets good results?
  2. Losing all my friends Losing them to drinking and to drugs Losing all my friends But I got them back
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1443128543' post='2872567'] It's why I stay out of traditional relationships. Not many American women will tolerate being number 2 in a guys life. And that's exactly what they would have to be with me, number 2. Blue [/quote] Nice. Can I get you a cold Bud and then after teach me how to parallel park?
  4. Why is this thread even in existence? 13 year old school boys who play guitar making a best bass list and BC acting like it's a serious list. Move along.
  5. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1443271831' post='2873533'] You're right, Kev. My comment actually looks a bit silly now. But the song still sucks. As a marker of talent - Sam Smith wrote this in twenty minutes, which is five minutes longer than it took Chris Cornell to write Black Hole Sun. It should be like with actors - Chris Cornell should get a five film deal to do the theme songs etc. Is Shirley the only artist to do more than one theme song? I have no idea why we're getting so upset and protective about this issue, but.....we are, rather, aren't we? [/quote] 15 mins to write Black Hole Sun? Damn. Superunknown is a cracker of a album.
  6. Flight case.
  7. There are lots of expensive basses for sale in the FS section and not a lot of cheap basses. Therefore, cheap basses are better.
  8. Like tuned drop D for the ad to make it more metal?
  9. Adverts are always louder than programmes. Been that way since the dawn of time.
  10. You know everything was better in the old dayssss...
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1441872903' post='2862417'] I was a regular gig-goer from 1974 - 89 (entirely in London) and I never saw any violence of any sort at any gig. That was partly because I avoided the relatively small number of bands whose gigs were known to attract violence[/quote]
  12. One Hot Minute is a great shout. Navarro was the perfect guitarist for that era. Actually, Great Escape Artist by Jane's is a cracker that got little fanfare when it came out 4 years ago. No Ritual, but their second best IMO.
  13. Just order Stateside and you can skip custom charges. I get brand new Lo-Riders for £18 including postage. I would recommend just getting heavier gauge strings if downtuning, specifically a heavier E for drop D stuff.
  14. It would be the exact same problem if using a mic for male rock vocals... Tell her to stand closer to the mic. If she already does this, get her to sing louder. Mics don't improve someone's singing technique.
  15. You can get the Super Bright nickels on eBay for £16 delivered.
  16. Nice, cheers for that.
  17. That's interesting because when I tried the EB flats they felt rougher than the Silencers. Those Silencers had been on a year though, so.
  18. Pretty sure that's the frequency the mids are boosted at on the cabinet.
  19. SIT Silencers are already pretty smooth!
  20. Why not just turn down the lo mids (800Hz)?
  21. Members knocking gear they've never seen in the flesh yet alone tried one?! Surely not.
  22. This thread has been done twice before, hence the links...
  23. Is that a Squier? I don't think you've mentioned what bass it is... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/267962-fender-hot-rod-jazz-bass-candy-apple-red/ http://basschat.co.uk/topic/268228-new-bass-arrived-today-very-fast-shipping-from-thomann/
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