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Everything posted by LayDownThaFunk

  1. You won't regret it - been using mine for years to have more control over my sound out front and the odd quick home recording.
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474303977' post='3136971'] I still like US models from all the big players, call me a snob but still feel short changed paying USA money for basses built elsewhere. [/quote] So Status, ACG, Iceni, Warwick, Yamaha no good?
  3. What got me was US Fenders with that dumb centre hole in the body of the bass - really?!
  4. How do Roundcore Boomers compare to Sunbeams? Very few people I know have played the Roundcore Boomers! Also how do they compare to normal Boomers?
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1472719785' post='3123555'] I think Gerry and the Pacemakers had an album out last year, too. (I know. What I mean is that he's not new any more, so there's less excitement about him.) [/quote] Guess Jaco, Jamerson, Bootsy, Pino, Stanley Clarke, Marcus, Flea aren't exciting anymore either?
  6. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1473672358' post='3132045'] I've tried a few sets. Like most strings they work better on certain basses but they're more like a slightly muted round really. I find GHS Boomers to have more "flat like" characteristics personally and not much different in feel to the quarter rounds. Still undeniably round wound though. [/quote] Boomers to me just go dead then stay dead. They sound very much like a round still.
  7. Sandberg Jazz copy.
  8. I think it's more of a technique thing personally...
  9. Looks like a GK cab to me?
  10. Buy a DI/Preamp pedal... this whole 'heft' thing is rubbish. Most these guys change heads every year so what do they know?
  11. Has anyone had experience of these? I love SIT Silencers but was hoping for a more flat type of sound. GHS Pressurewounds didn't do it for me so was hoping this is the next best option?
  12. They just look [i]right[/i]. Guitarists have the Les Paul, we have the Thunderbird.
  13. Lose a touch more brightness after settling in but then keep that sound for quite a while. I prefer them to Elixirs - feel less plasticy.
  14. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1473512360' post='3130893'] Yes all very well but the music in this clip didn't really use or show any of the Vic's character on the instrument. They may as well as had any math-metal bass player... [/quote] He's out front you don't like him. He's at the back you don't like him. Give the guy a break!
  15. I buy strings all the time from the US and I pay just the cost of them plus the shipping. It gets marked as a gift, hence I never get stung.
  16. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1473127013' post='3127201'] I was born in 1953. For a music fan,that's the winning ticket in the lottery if life, as far as I'm concerned. Sorry it's just the truth. Being 16 or 17 in 1971 (the year rock exploded) was simply awesome. You become pretty critical if you we're into pop music growing up in that time period. For example a few years ago a friend was dieing to get me to listen to The Black Keys. I did, and I was like,; "Ok, and why am I supposed to be excited?" Blue [/quote] Suprised you don't like the Turn Blue album!
  17. Lo Rider steels 40-100 gauge. Same step I've made coming from the roundcore 45-105 gauge and the tension is very similar.
  18. Not everyone can read chord charts but likewise, not everyone can be cool. Those who say image doesn't matter generally look like crap.
  19. Quality UK built basses - nothing more to say.
  20. Funk machine? Bass of doom? The Blood Sugar Wal?
  21. Flats and rounds of the same gauge by the same manufacturer are pretty similar tension wise. It's the construction of the flatwound which gives it less flexibility hence this idea about flats having more tension.
  22. Sunbeams are as close you're going to get for a roundwound... unless they've been played in for a year or so! Fender 7150s are pure nickel strings which are the next natural step after Sunbeams. You could also try D'Addario Chromes - when brand new they sound very roundwound like but still have that flat character.
  23. Neither. Sell them and buy a P.
  24. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1471981288' post='3117475'] Is it just me or has the page been taken down? [/quote] Nah just you pal
  25. He's a good bass player but could he write a #1 single?
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