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Everything posted by Sarlscharisma

  1. Does this have the Alnico or ceramic pickup?
  2. that’s a beauty. I was looking for any Gibbo, but this looks amazing. I take it 2500 euros is still then price? Also where are you based?
  3. Can't comment on Warwicks or Ibbys but the Jazz growl is often cited - the 4003 Ric growl is so different to that and I have not heard anything to compare it too. I also have a Ric 3000 which doesn't have that growl at all.
  4. Nothing sounds like a Ric growl and along with it the iconic 50s design is the reason why it’s lasted so long and will continue to do so. Here’s my little friend...
  5. Nice bass. What year is it?
  6. I would guess less than 50%. I still have one, but it's my 6th in as many years. Sound great recorded but hard work to play and the live sound normally loses some bottom end. Even those famous for playing them either moved them on or modded them to the point of them barely have the classic ric sound. IMHO.
  7. Certainly a resemblance to Grandpa Walton
  8. I won't be selling my Ric 3000 too soon. That was over £1500 earlier this year, but an amazing bass to play and hear.
  9. You don't see Rics flying off the shelves these days. GuitarGuitar have had some in for months and months. I have seen 2 4003S basses go at stupid prices on eBay this year...one of them was mine! Anyone selling a Ric, be careful when selling auction-style - My opinion is their value has diminished in recent times. And it is absolute madness to buy new if you end up flipping it a few months later when it stands in the corner gathering dust.
  10. Slow mover in the UK it seems? In the US they were getting snapped up. Price no doubt a bit factor I would guess. Actually, they're all out of stock so my last statement is redacted 😉
  11. I think the Strat knobs look great. But I like 70s era basses - the good ones that is
  12. Always had good service from him. Bought a few bit off him recentlyb
  13. I have had mainly positive experiences of buying and selling on this forum, but today I had a nightmare with a very rude seller on this forum that's left me very disappointed and frustrated.
  14. There’s a nice bb750 on reverb as well complete with head case and foot switch at a very competitive price too 😉
  15. I’d be as frustrated absolutely. But I was trying to put things into perspective. It seems well known that there was some design flaws earlier in the product development that maybe they are over now. They are are one of the rare Brit offerings in cabs that are respected home and abroad so I just don’t think the are that bad. Players like Messrs Wobble, Watt, Commerford are happy to take them out on the road. But, publicly airing customer service disputes is a risky business and risks brand damage. Maybe there a more suitable ways to handle this kind of situation. Anyway like I said earlier my personal experience has been very good. But perhaps it is time to review the customer service business model and take it to the next level to do their excellent product - imho 🙂 - justice.
  16. I think when brands are publicly shredded on these forums the least someone should do is caveat it with is IMHO. Whether it's the usual naughty list of brands like Rickenbacker, Gibson, Fender (sometimes) that get a slaughtering it is an opinion - and we all have em! I have had quite a few cabs in my time and using BF since 2017 and I think they live up to similar-priced brands. IMHO. On the other forum they have a sound fanbase and it is a credit to the brand - and there are not too many other British-owned brands we can celebrate across the pond.
  17. Nevermind the Tolex I trawl BC to get the scoop at some point on one of these long winter nights.
  18. In defence of BF I have nothing but a positive experience of their customer service. What other company’s owner give you time and responds to questions within a few days. None I can think of. I find the products I have to be very good quality albeit they don’t get a hammering on the gig circuit. It sounds like there is a design issue with the Tolex which is a bit alarming to us owners, it would good good to understand that a bit more
  19. I like the idea of the modular approach of the Barefaced Two10s at 4/12ohms. I have 2 of these, but could make it up to a 610, but I don't need that much fire power. The portability gives max versatility and they are so well designed that it's a breeze to carry each one. The colouration is very pronounced to a particular vintage sound and doesn't change massively between my two amps, Ampeg V4B and Mesa BB750 running flat imho. But its a sound I like a lot
  20. The 212 is certainly more in your face and I would say hits you in the gut. But the tone of BF is magical
  21. Got to echo that. I tried so many leading d class amps which I wanted to love but couldn’t. Every time it was back to hybrids and now all-tube - Ampeg and Mesa. There are so many deals out there for rigs that once cost a small fortune. That is if your happy with a bit of weight!
  22. Received it yesterday on a trial basis. It’s more shape the weight that the makes it tricky to shift around. It will be fine for gigs but lugging to rehearsals every week is probably not a goer. on a separate note, this thing is loud. I was very surprised that it is more powerful than my Two10. I’m sure that if I put both my Two10s together that will change. Tone wise the Two10 has is better in a solo setting, but maybe a different story in the mix?
  23. 66lbs sounds a reasonable amount of weight, so I think shape of it will be a factor. I think it’ll fit in my Golf ok with seats down, its more humphing it in and out. Any one experience with this particular amp and moving it about?
  24. I’ve got an Ampeg v4b RI and considering partnering it with a 212 SVT cab. I’m fairly used to moving a Barfaced two10 to and from rehearsals, so my main concern is how portable and easy it is to move given that it is bigger and heavier. Question is, is it a one man job to move or is it doable to shift in an out of a hatchback?
  25. Indeed, changing due to tonal preferences in my current band. We play mainly punk music and the Ampeg fits the bit perfectly. But powerwise I’ve never found the WA lacking. Gain at 12 o’clock and up to 11 o’clock on master. I’d like to keep em all but not enough space sadly. There is a little bit more trouser flapping going on with the V4b for sure. Yet many say it lacks on the power side too?
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