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2 left thumbs

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  1. knights of cydonia The galloping bit makes more sense if you break it down into groups of 3 notes Play the pattern in bars 1 to 6 then repeat starting 8 frets higher [Major 6th] C Repeat the same pattern then a move a Major 6th again. this time go down [4 frets] to Ab and repeat the same pattern Those are the notes, not necessarily where you play them, some of them are an octave lower That’s the pattern, hopefully that makes sense, and will help to get your head around it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 G||------|-------------|-------------|-----------|----------|----------| D||------|-------------|-------------|-----------|----------|----------| A||------|----—3-------|---2--3--6---|--------3---------|----6-----|-------6-----| E||--0---|-—3-----3---|---------------|-—3-----3——|--4---—3--|--4----3--| 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 G||------|-------------|-------------|------------|------------|------------| D||------|-------------|-------------|------------|------------|------------| A||------|----—11------------|---10–11—14-—|----------11——------|---------14——-|--------14-—-—| E||--8---|-—11-----11——|------------------------|-—11——--11——|--12——--11--|--12——--11--| 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 G||------|-------------|-------------|-----------|----------|----------| D||------|-------------|-------------|-----------|----------|----------| A||------|------—7-------|---6–-7-—10-—|--------7--------|-----10——|------10——| E||--4---|-—7-----7----|----------------------|-—-7----7——|--8---—7-—|--8-——-7--|
  2. here's a bunch of cheaters for you Rolling Stones. https://www.iorr.org/talk/read.php?1,2047434,2047512 Queen. https://queenvinyls.com/pictures/queen-paul-rodgers-concert-milan-28-9-2008/#jp-carousel-3380 Axel rose. http://dreamchimney.com/oftheday/detail/TelePrompTer Aerosmith. https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-examples-of-well-known-solo-artists-or-lead-singers-who-were-unable-to-learn-their-own-lyrics I wonder who's pedal board this is is this the ultimate in twonkishness I always got spare strings in my gig bag. I always take a spare bass just in case If singer wants a music stand, just in case I've got no problem with that If you have a guitarist who plays to loud is it the amps fault if you have a drummer who can't play in time is it the kits fault if you have a singer who stands staring at lyrics. keep the music stand and recommend they stick to karaoke
  3. nice diversionary tactics, It's in the photo at the bottom right see no one notices a music stand on stage our singer always takes a music stand, keeps set list on it, quickly flips the page between songs other than that I've never seen him look at it we have about 75 songs to choose from, plus he's got 3 album's worth of songs in his originals band if a singer should be expected to remember all those words would it not be fair for the rest of the band to remember the set list and not have one printed
  4. 590mm wide, feet are 500mm apart (outside to outside) 250mm deep, 260mm high (not including handles)
  5. for anyone thinking of doing a first build i can't recommend fuzz dogs pedal parts strongly enough yes you have to do a bit of thinking but with the instructions and the pcb's don't rush it even a total novice like me can end up with fully functioning pedals 1 blueberry boutique version and 1 exotic bb no pictures yet, the blueberry got left naked and the bb well i experimented, could have been better but it will do
  6. well i certainly wouldn't call myself experienced, and i'm not sure if this is wisdom or total nonsense. loop a input jack to "on side" of switch 1 loop b input jack to "off side" of switch 1 connect both output sides of switch 1 to "on side" of switch 2 connect loop a + b jacks to "off side" of switch 2 connect switch 2 outputs to output jack hope that makes sense
  7. next one under way another fuzz dog kit. its juicy and blue and all being well berrylicious. to be honest for a complete novice i think the kits are ideal. a bit like painting by numbers with solder.
  8. [quote name='El_JimBob' timestamp='1496662411' post='3313011'] That looks just fine to me. And resistors don't care which way round you solder them... [/quote] thanks El jimbob I had done some reading up on resistors, version 2 values changed from 27k to 26k and 4k7 to 4k6 i'm sure there's a logical explanation for having 4 and 5 band codes, just completely befuddled me for anyone in a similar situation this would be useful [url="https://www.digikey.co.uk/en/resources/conversion-calculators/conversion-calculator-resistor-color-code-4-band"]https://www.digikey....lor-code-4-band[/url] ultra tester complete [attachment=246841:2017-06-07_02-44-48_34983246192_o.jpg] just need to work out how to use it
  9. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ok so I've made a start on the ultra tester,[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]If someone who understands this stuff could advise me, would be gert lush.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The instructions were written for version 1,[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I've got version 2, some of the resistor values have changed.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Just want to make sure I've got them right,[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]And the right way around before soldering.[/font][/color] [attachment=246587:screenshot_2017-06-03-16-53-21_35034073326_o.png] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]R 2+3 = 27k[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]R 4+5 = 4k7[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Image from Version 1 instructions[/font][/color] [attachment=246588:screenshot_2017-06-03-12-11-01_34943326691_o.png] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I've looked online to try to get my head around the colour codes.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Have I got this right.[/font][/color] [attachment=246589:screenshot_2017-06-03-12-03-42_34263426403_o.png] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Instructions are here[/font][/color] [url="http://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/Ultra_Tester/p847124_15700704.aspx"]http://shop.pedalpar...4_15700704.aspx[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thanks tony[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]hopefully pictures attached[/font][/color]
  10. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1496257730' post='3310041'] Firstly do you need a hard case? There's some awesome reinforced gig bags around these days. [/quote] a gig bag would be fine for for gigs where i take my car. some gigs we all travel in the drummers van, on those occasions would much rather have a hard case. i have it in a hard case at the minute but i don't particularly trust it. if its stood at anywhere near upright when it's opened,it wants to slide out. i know the spector cases are a snug fit so i think that's probably the safest bet. and back in stock at thomann, sorted
  11. thank you sir. package arrived got one of his tester thingy's will do that first i would class myself as ok with a soldering iron, but have never soldered components to circuit board before. some of the holes are really close together, can see some sweary moments coming
  12. This amp goes really really loud. Great definition and pressure, these old skool amplifiers rock so much harder than the modern class D amps. I've still got one of these, mine is in a flight case which was possibly made for transporting black box flight recorders. probably weighs about the same as the amp. was going to go small and light, tried out a tone hammer 500. amazing they can make an amp so small and light, but against the T max it just sounded anaemic. so i ended up buying something with output valves as well. these are indeed great amps. I have no intention of selling mine for bigger gigs with no pa support I think the T max would be coming out at 2 ohms don't think you could need louder
  13. got a couple of kits on the way from fuzz dog. couple of questions before they get here. I've read through most of this thread, but couldn't find the answers. the enclosures. do any of you use an etching primer before spraying ? the vinyl decal / t shirt transfer method, just checked my printer don't suppose anyone knows if this method would work with a bubble jet printer ? cheers tony
  14. does anyone know where i can get a hard case for a euro 4 lx. thomann did have them, website now saying not part of our current product range
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