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Rik (ESA)

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Everything posted by Rik (ESA)

  1. Hi - please could I get some pics of the combo, and any idea on weight? Thanks Rick
  2. Hi is this still for sale? Thanks Rick
  3. We've got the 712's, and they're excellent for the money. We put full band through the PA and use the RCF subs crossovers, so you get some of the high end bass and kick drum through the tops. So, if you're after hearing the bass and kick, then it will work, but don't expect low end rumbles etc if you're just using the tops. Managed to pick an RCF 905 AS II up second hand for £500 recently with a cover, so would suggest saving for one of those if you can - light enough, and plenty powerful.
  4. Hi, are you looking for any trades at all? Thanks
  5. Is this still for sale?
  6. Just resurrecting this one again! Managed to avoid the "farting" by dropping the sub volume and increasing my amp volume. Had a thought though, and I've had a scour online for info, but is it possible I'm putting too much gain on the bass before it hits the sub? I'm running the sub on volume as 1 of 10 (8 o'clock), and anything above that presents issue. As you'll have gathered from this thread, I'm a real FOH sound novice, so never really considered I could be driving the sub too hard at source. That said, on the mixer (iPad) the sound isn't clipping. Could the volume nobs on the soundcraft itself influence things? I run those on full... Thanks again, Rick
  7. Thanks mate. I'm using an EBS patch lead from smooth hound to flyrig, and as far as I know a generic (but good quality) mic xlr cable from flyrig to desk. I'll try the different channel approach and perhaps a different xlr. Thanks again. Rick
  8. Thanks a lot both for the replies! I use a Sterling Ray 34, which has an active 3 band EQ. Battery v recently changed. Signal path is bass into a smooth hound wireless (or cable when I tested that) into a tech 21 bass fly rig (or a standard Di box when I was eating to ensure that wasn't the cause) and into the soundcraft desk. The gain isn't close to peaking so shouldn't be a problem with the desk hopefully. I took a look at the driver and there's no obvious rips or similar, but could always be something non visible I guess? I tried my bass through a bass amp and no issues there, but I will try another bass through the sub to see if that returns the same issue. Cheers Rick
  9. So, a quick update... all the tricks and tips above have been used in some form - the HPF and gate proving the best tips. I've since bought an audix d6 which is as great as everyone suggested. I am however experiencing issues with the sub (RCF 905 AS) farting when the bass guitar is played at volume. EQ is pretty much flat, I've used different DI boxes, and the bass sounds fine through a bass amp. The kick sounds great, as does recorded music, so wondering what it could be from the bass that's causing this? As always hints and suggestions welcomed, my initial thought was there is something wrong with the sub (amp or driver) at higher volumes (even then only at 3 or 4 out of 10 on the subs amp). Thanks in advance, Rick
  10. Ordered me one of these today, looking forward to A/B'ing against a g30!
  11. Hi does this include the appropriate power supply? Thanks Rick
  12. We use one for our function band, but I will be selling it soon to get the ui16 instead, purely for the extra channels. I can't recommend it enough though, so much contained in the tiny box and very easy to operate for a complete novice (me!).
  13. Haha that's novel, no way I'll be able to convince the drummer to try that though... we actually had the mic just at the port edge so inside my maybe 1cm-2cm. Not considered the Shure mic, I'll take a look, thanks!
  14. Well, last night we had the best drum sound we've ever had, and I'd like to say it's entirely down to the HPF and eq tips shared above... however the drummer has "misplaced" his cheapo drum mics, and we had to borrow another cheapo set, but managed to get hold of an AKG D112 for the night, so it's impossible to know if it's just because of the better mic! In truth I suspect it's a mixture of the two, however, in the absence of being able to quite afford the Audix D6, how much worse is the D112, as they seem to go for around £70 second hand...? Thanks!
  15. I LOVE THIS FORUM! Thanks all for the tips, plenty to have a play about with here. I've been looking at an audix d6 for a while as it happens, but want to give the mic we have a shot before discarding it too hastily because of my lack of knowledge. That said though, it's one of those all in one cheapy drum mic sets, and tha gets what tha pays for more often than not! Thanks again. Rick
  16. Might as well give the full tail here and see if you guys have anymore quick fixes! So, 4 piece function band (singer, guitar, bass (me) and drums, and me and the guitarist also do backing vocals). We play about a 50/50 split of weddings / parties and pub gigs, and play everything from Bruno mars to Kinks to rage against the machine (by request!), the idea being we offer something for everyone. We've been going for 2 years and slowly funded our PA and other gear "organically", so started with some really quite awful old desk, amps and passive peavey cabs. There was never any complaints about the sound but it always felt like something could break at a moments notice, and the system itself was on the cusp of maxing on many occasions, so we splashed some money on the gear referenced in my earlier posts (Soundcraft desk and rcf speakers), and are in the main absolutely delighted. The issue we have really is that I do the sound... and I'm not a sound man! Thankfully there are many built in presets to the mixer so I can largely set those and button mash (not quite) to get a sound we like, however I do feel we could get a punchier drum sound and a more rounded bass tone (which was primarily why we introduced the 905 sub). The HPF technique sounds a life saver so I'm looking forward to giving this a go, but are there any "basic" tips and tricks to look at / avoid? I've had a scan over the readily available YouTube videos but they all tend to get into detail that would only really be understood by a sound techie! Just to clarify, I'm generally really pleased with what the new equipment has done for our sound, and that I am now amp free makes me smile, but just looking to tap into the basschat wealth of knowledge for anything I can look to incorporate, or indeed research further. Many thanks Rick
  17. Bought a gruv gear fretwrap. PM to receipt of product took 2 days, great service with great comms, deal in confidence. Thanks Rick
  18. That's very helpful both thank you. Good to know there isn't anything drastically wrong with the volume settings! It's interesting as I've recently done away with my bass amp live (using in ears following a lot of studying of your posts ebs, thanks!), and even without my amp there is still low end by the bucket load. HPF seems to be the order of the day, I'll see how it goes! Thanks again. Rick
  19. That's really helpful, many thanks. It's a Soundcraft ui12 "desk", so has the option for HPF, but I'll need to play about with it... Thanks again, will give it a go. Rick
  20. Sadly I have found this thread too late, and purchased some myself last week. Not having used elixers before I didn't know what to expect, but these clearly aren't the genuine product; the build quality is dreadful. What is the best way to progress this with the seller please? Thanks Rick
  21. Hi - if you decide you can courier this I'll take it off your hands. Thanks Rick
  22. I'll take the switchblade please - PM'd
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