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Rik (ESA)

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Everything posted by Rik (ESA)

  1. I reckon this is the 1st second hand one of these on here... Whoever buys will not be disappointed - absolutely love mine! GLWTS, but I reckon this will be gone in no time. Rick
  2. Hi - don't suppose you're interested in trading to a smaller combo (Markbass)? Thanks Rick
  3. Hi all, looking for suggestions... We've just finished the upgrade to our PA (for now) to using 2 X RCF 712a tops and a 905as sub. We run the left and right channels into the sub, and deploy the built in crossover to send the signal to the tops. My question is, with only a 80 or 120hz choice for the crossover point, which is likely to be most suitable and why...? We did the first gig with it set at 120, and it was ok if a tad muddy (even with sub set on 10% volume and tops on about 70%)... But I suspect with more tweaking the lows could be tightened, though I've no idea where to start. For reference we use a soundcraft ui12 desk. All help appreciated! Thanks Rick
  4. Post honeymoon bump!
  5. Sold a zoom ms60-B to Pete recently (sure I'll regret moving the pedal on...), perfect transaction and a pleasure to deal with, trade in confidence with this top gent.
  6. Are either of the nano boards still available please..? Cheers
  7. Bump, tuner now sold.
  8. Yes to both! That particular section is so flexible, I wish they had a couple of slots for it as I'd set one as a clean octaver and one as a fuzzy filter, and not have to change the settings live. The tracking on the octaver is terrific. Cheers Rick
  9. I'd echo that Iain, really pleased with the build quality and size. Not quite fathomed the sansamp settings yet but such a vast array of tones. Chorus is nice and subtle, and the tuner is bob on. Pricey, but has meant I can sell the rest of my board :-)
  10. Zoom gone, polytune going, bump for the loop pedal and Behringer gig saver!
  11. Hi all, Just taken delivery of a lurvly Tech 21 bass fly rig so it has rendered many previous pedals redundant. Will knock a few quid off if you collect from Haworth, West Yorkshire... Vein Tap Noose (soft touch version) - £30 posted Behringer BDI21 (original box) - £20 posted Thanks for looking, and any q's ask away. Cheers Rick
  12. Brilliant, many thanks again everyone
  13. Many thanks Phil, just the answer I was hoping for! So a power amp with 2 X 4 ohm putput would power the whole rig? Cheers
  14. That's a good question - they have a daisy chain output which id assumed sends the higher range stuff to the tops... That said its more likely a filter just for the sub. The subs are peavey messenger 15's if that helps! Thanks Rick
  15. Cheers Dood - sorry this is where I get a bit lost in terms of crossovers etc. - we actually have two amps already but very amateurly put the subs through the right hand channel of the desk and tops through the left. We then pan bass heavy instruments to the right and vice versa. Not ideal. The subs we have do contain built in crossovers hence I thought it may be best to run one amp and utilise the crossovers? Thanks again.
  16. First up, I'm sorry if this is the wrong section of the forum - mods, do please move as necessary. I usually consider myself quite knowledgable on the ohms front, but not today for some reason... Problem - what tech specs amp do I need for our PA to power 2 X 4ohm subs, and 2 X 8ohm tops? By my reckoning, each side needs an output of 2ohms from the amp, thus a 2 X 2ohm amp to power the whole lot - is this correct? If it is, not sure on the feasibility on running it from one amp... Suggestions and guidance most welcome! Thanks Rick
  17. [quote name='pitchard' timestamp='1459211044' post='3014518'] Hi all, Here's the latest version of my bass pedalboard as of the beginning of 2016. It works as a two channel setup, with one channel controlling bass/sub/distortion effects, and the other featuring synths and royal blood tones. I've also done a walkthrough video of the board below. Check it out! [media]http://youtu.be/uOa-PPy34KQ[/media] P.S. My next project is to rack mount the whole board! [/quote] Awesome tones on that guitar sound! What would you intend controlling the rig with if rack mounted?
  18. Rik (ESA)

    MS60b buzz

    Might have got the wrong end of the stick here, but I believe I had the same issue, with an almost "hiss" present? Mine turned out to be the daisy chain power supply I was using - turns out it sups quite a bit of power, so I switched to one of those cheap Thomann 5 way power supplies, and problem solved. On the other hand you may be on about something completely different!
  19. I used to use a 210 for rehearsals, worked a joy for what I asked of it, which was a dirty signal in a loudish 4 piece...
  20. This might help? http://www.gruvgear.com/fretwraps Pricey for what it is, but you could probably make a DIY job!
  21. Current board... I use about 5 effects for a total of around 30 seconds throughout a 2 hour set so got the zoom and noose to cover that. MXR is next to get replaced, suggestions for a preamp with built in dirt as a second channel that doesn't scoop your mids as standard? If anyone is on the lookout for a cheap and cheerful power supply, I highly recommend the power plant from Thomann, total bargain at under £30.
  22. Oh for goodness sake. GAS!!!
  23. WANT! Where is there further info...?
  24. Bought a zoom ms-60b from Lyle, an absolute gent to deal with, continually bettering the standards that would be expected on such a transaction: packaging, timescales etc. Deal with in confidence, awesome guy! Thanks!
  25. 2 weeks too soon for me on the MXR comp - if it's here on the 25th it's mine! Some excellent prices here though, so my free bump probably isn't needed, but GLWTS!
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