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Everything posted by Waddycall

  1. Treated myself to a hipshot GB7 de-tuner for my SR600. Fitting it was dead easy and it works a treat. it's not ended up at exactly the same angle as the original but is near enough. Made myself a cup of tea and had it fitted along with a new set of strings and was jamming along with my iPad before the tea went cold! Not cheap but very useful when you get a few seconds notice to play something in drop d!
  2. Just a quick update for anyone interested in these cabs. I've had mine for a few weeks now and I'm still getting good feedback on the tone from other band members. Paired with my hartke ha3500 and ibanez sr600 I can get any tone I want. I Intend to get a second one soon as we have an outdoor gig lined up. Very pleased with it.
  3. I find playing in front of a few people really intimidating but I really enjoy playing to a crowd. When there's a lot of people there I don't notice them so much for some reason. Good luck with the gig and enjoy it!
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1425725007' post='2710049'] Does it have a handle at all..? Never had a problem with GAK myself... but then Manson's have been good to me, too. [/quote] As sponge bob said there's a handle on each side but one on the top would be good. I've had no problems with GAK. I just don't really like trying something out in a shop and then buying on line.
  5. Thanks for all the advice guys. In the end I've decided to go with the rumble 115. As we had a practice lined up for this evening I'm ashamed to say I ordered it from GAK rather than buying from Mansons. I guess I'm a hypocrite! I've probably spent a fair bit there over the years anyway. The cab arrived today and I've just come back from our band practice. So far I'm really pleased with it. It's an easy one hand lift and has great tone. It looks pretty good too. It's a big improvement. There was no drummer tonight so it wasn't really pushed. I'll be interested to see what it's like with drums. If it's not loud enough they're cheap enough for me to justify having two anyway! The only negative is the lack of handle on the top but that's easily rectified. Cheers, Pete
  6. [quote name='GCYPbass' timestamp='1425336331' post='2706413'] I suggest you to check barefaced compact. They are one of the best 15s on the used market. In fact, I can sell mine for the price it cost me. Just pm me if you are interested in. I am very happy with it but thinking on changing my setup to 2 12s instead of 15s. [/quote] Thanks, PM sent.
  7. I have a marshall mbc115 which I currently use as a standalone cab. Im not to keen on it to be honest and I'm looking to replace it. I have a thread on this forum about it. once I've found a replacement I'll be looking to move it on. Perhaps you could PM me if you're interested. Cheers, Pete
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1425307430' post='2706035'] After 20 years of using 15's, these days I'd recommend well made 12's every time. The gen 2 Barefaced Compact is the only exception, IMO. [/quote] Anyone use a single 112? I'm quite tempted by the bareface compact but suspect I'd be needing another one pretty soon.
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1425303255' post='2705962'] Where are you based? [/quote] I'm in mid cornwall. It's not easy finding shops with cabs to try round here!
  10. These cabs use one of the best 15" drivers on the market. I have owned one from new since 2009 and still love it. Thanks Machinehead - do you use your as a standalone cab?
  11. Out of interest - why narrow your options by only looking at/for 1x15s? To be honest I'm open to suggestions other than 1x 15. I went to Mansons hoping to look at 2 x 10 and 2 x 12 cabs but there wasn't anything there in my price range other than a used Markbass 102 which was 4 ohm. It sounded ok but lacked depth/warmth compared to the ampeg and rumble 15s - a bit like the GK 115.
  12. You could have a point there about seeing what Mansons could do loan wise. The only trouble is it takes me two hours to get there! I'd rather buy from them as they've always been really helpful as you said. I don't agree with trying things in shop then buying them online. Id like the shops to still be there next time I want to try something out. The said they could post the cab. Id still like to hear from anyone who owns the rumble before going any further though.
  13. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1425239030' post='2705487'] I was in Mansons last week and lifted the Fender up just to see what it's weight was. It's a good job I didn't put too much effort in otherwise it would have hit the ceiling. Surprisingly light. EDIT: just checked the Fender website, those cabs are less than 18kg. [/quote] Yes, they're really light. My marshall is 32kg. Unless they're braced properly etc then I'd be worried about it shaking itself to bits or the tone going off when the volumes cranked up and it starts flexing.
  14. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1425237564' post='2705462'] Give Barefaced a look? They have a thirty day 'chuck it back' policy........... [/quote] Thanks, I've made some enquiries with Barefaced and I'm very tempted by the super compact but I've got to bear in mind I could get two rumbles for the same price!
  15. Hi, I'm looking for a cab to replace my marshall mbc 115. It's to big, heavy and doesn't sound great. I want a single cab for now that I can add to later. Yesterday I went to mansons in Exeter and tried a few 115s - Ampeg svt 15 e GK neo 115 Fender rumble 115 Hartke hydrive 115. The one that really surprised me was the fender rumble v3 115. The hartke seemed sort of wooden sounding and the GK was a bit too bright for my liking. I had been considering the ampeg but it's £200 more than the rumble, bigger and a bit heavier. I also thought the ampeg seemed a bit under rated with a maximum power handling of 200w rms versus the rumbles 300. Funnily enough the features that stopped me walking out with the rumble are the ones I'm looking for - small and light! It almost seems to good to be true that the smallest, cheapest and lightest cab (must admit I didn't try lifting the GK) there was also to me the best sounding. I'm a bit concerned that this cab might be a bit too lightly built. Has anyone used the v3 rumble 115 cabinet as a standalone for a loud band with drummer? If so how does it cope? Thanks, Pete
  16. Hi, I joined his forum a while ago and bought a hartke head from badass. Seems to be a great forum. I play in a newly forming covers band that seems to be gravitating towards classic rock. I play an ibanez sr600. Cheers, Pete
  17. Any comments go here please! Cheers, Pete
  18. Just picked up a hartke amp from Cliff. Very nice chap. Couldn't be more helpful! Thanks a lot, Pete
  19. Hi, could be interested in your amp. Where abouts in cornwall are you? Cheers, Pete
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