I'm looking for a cab to replace my marshall mbc 115. It's to big, heavy and doesn't sound great. I want a single cab for now that I can add to later.
Yesterday I went to mansons in Exeter and tried a few 115s -
Ampeg svt 15 e
GK neo 115
Fender rumble 115
Hartke hydrive 115.
The one that really surprised me was the fender rumble v3 115. The hartke seemed sort of wooden sounding and the GK was a bit too bright for my liking. I had been considering the ampeg but it's £200 more than the rumble, bigger and a bit heavier. I also thought the ampeg seemed a bit under rated with a maximum power handling of 200w rms versus the rumbles 300.
Funnily enough the features that stopped me walking out with the rumble are the ones I'm looking for - small and light! It almost seems to good to be true that the smallest, cheapest and lightest cab (must admit I didn't try lifting the GK) there was also to me the best sounding. I'm a bit concerned that this cab might be a bit too lightly built.
Has anyone used the v3 rumble 115 cabinet as a standalone for a loud band with drummer? If so how does it cope?