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Everything posted by Nicko

  1. I'm not complaining but question whether this is an original that simply uses a vocal sample. It's pretty well done though.
  2. I tend top leave what I have alone. The only exceptions are that I had the stock p/u on my mid 90s Mex Telecaster upgraded to some Seymour Duncans a few years back. It made a massive difference and it went from being a guitar I rarely played to one that is my first choice. I'm also toying with the idea of upgrading the machine heads on my Squier CV Precicion because one of them has started rattling - I'll try a cheap fix first and if that's unsuccessful new tuners will be a necessary upgrade.
  3. I've been in bands where I have veto'd on the basis that I just can't stand the song and therefore when playing it I rarely play it well or because it's musically inappropriate for the set list. (Notable examples Purple Rain - dull, All Right Now - in an Indie set?????). Take Me Out never got boring to play even though it's not a challenge.
  4. I'd have loved to get Motorcycle Emptyness into my old band's (mostly indie) set list. Singer just didn't get it.
  5. Mine is already started and it's coming along nicely. It will be a lockdown appropriate post punk piece with a classic bassline.
  6. Windows 8 - I couldn't work out of its a free upgrade or not but would try that route first.
  7. I have recently been looking at either replacing my PC or upgrading to Win 10. MS site offers this for £120 and other sites offer a download key for as little £9. I wasn't sure whether they were all trustworthy TBH.
  8. Here it is. Not quite as I expected. We've all been there. A night out, moon shining, date looking great, and you spoil the romance by doing exactly the wrong thing. I don't know how you'd describe the genre - maybe indie pop. Unusually for me this is a proper song, with a verse, chorus and middle eight, although it's pretty simple musically. Recorded in Cubase, Fender Telecaster and Fender Precision via Amplitube. Drums are MT Power drum loops with a little additional programming. Vox are, unfortunately by me.
  9. I think that's the way to go. I'm not confident about building one myself but could have one built with a minimum of software installed. I think I'll need internet for on line updates of Amplitube, and query whether Cubase needs the net for license verification when you start the program? I also upload via Soundcloud although I could work around that using a memory stick and my chromebook.
  10. I'm some way off deciding, but almost certainly a desktop as I don't need portability and you get a better spec for less money with a PC. Current PC is an i5 so I'll probably go with something better than that and 8GB min.
  11. I think the solution is to have the PC looked at. If they can't solve it I'll ditch it and get something new, higher spec and with less bloatware.
  12. GRRRRRRRR!!! I have something written and mostly recorded but I'm experiencing a major tech glitch. Cubase is falling over when I try to load the project and when it does open trying to add anything to a channel strip is making it crash again. I'm away for the weekend and hope to be able to either finish it off or at worst submit what I have so far. The problem is memory, but it's other processes that are overloading and leaving nothing for Cubase to work with (Mcafee is the main culprit taking more than a quarter of the memory for some reason).
  13. Not sure where you are but I have a small practice amp available free to anyone who can collect it from West London. It has phones socket and an aux in so you can jam along. PM me if you are interested.
  14. My 90s mex tele has quite a thin neck profile (ie front of fingerboard to back of neck). It's comfortable but is a longer scale than my Epiphone Es339. That has a slightly chunkier neck but it's more comfortable to play in the lower fret area. My best of both worlds is a Patrick Eggle NY which has a similar neck profile to the telecaster but with a Gibsonesque scale length. Obviously this is no longer available but I you may find a PRS trype guitar with similar dimensions. I don't find nut width makes a huge difference to the comfort, but it does to the ability to get clean notes from every string which as a beginner is a bonus. Might be worth a special trip to try some neck profiles - something like a Fender Duosonic (short scale narrow nut modern C neck) vs an Epiphone SG (medium scale medium nut width, flat, and a bit chunky)vs a Jackson DKNY (longer scale, very flat fretboard, quite thin profile) would tell you what profile and scale length suits.
  15. I don't deserve any thanks yet. I'm really sorry for the delay in getting the bits I promised to you. I've been a bit tied up with a house purchase and have yet to pack them up but they will get to you eventually. I tried boxing them last week and the box I had was too small.
  16. Pre covid London outskirts, £250 to £300 for a pub gig, £400 for a specialist music venue. We did a couple of private functions for not much more but agreed that the set would be similar to a pub i.e. 2 x 45 mins. NYE was whatever you could agree.
  17. Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik would have been better if they'd included Soul to Squeeze on it as originally planned.
  18. The exception that proves the rule. I also have a guitard friend who I would trust to do this, given that he builds his own guitars as a hobby.
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