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Everything posted by simwells

  1. Wish you were more local and I'd definitely have it!
  2. Doesn't look like mud to me, looks like a loose knot that was held in place by resin before the wood was dried.
  3. I know this is a late reply but I've known people refuse to pay for the handling fee straight away but paid for just the tax as then they can't legally withhold post from you. Stating that they wanted to be invoiced for their fee afterwards, this invoice has a tendency to never arrive if you do it this way too. Whether it's worth the argument is another thing entirely.
  4. simwells


    I just use the EBS chorus for both, it only really does a fairly subtle flange effect but I rarely use it and it does me.
  5. Did a swap with Ian for a few bits, he was absolutely fantastic to deal with. Very friendly and helpful, definitely would recommend.
  6. Still very much in progress right now but here's mine as it currently stands not quite fitting onto my Pedaltrain any more! The wiring is a mess but the board keeps changing, will get some better cabling and sort it all out once it gets more stable.
  7. Bought a Voodoo Labs Tremolo pedal off Gaz. Very helpful and friendly, great to deal with all round. Thanks
  8. Bought John's Octabass from him. Very straight forward to deal with, friendly quick and great communications. Definitely don't hesitate to deal with him.
  9. Gareth came round and picked up my DHA VT1 that I just sold him. Very friendly and helpful guy all round!
  10. I have the Rocktron Cyborg Reverb pedal which for the sound I want from it is ideal as if I can max the decay and create a lot of post rockish noises from it where the attack of the note is completely lost. I am very happy with what I can do with the pedal sound wise but it's just massive so was wondering if anyone could suggest good pedals that could do this in a more typical pedal enclosure size? Have tried looking at videos and soundclips but as it's not exactly normal usage of the pedal I can't find much.
  11. And it's gone, if only it wasn't so far away!
  12. Emailing now! Is anyone by any chance local and can collect if he won't ship? Can keep the guitars and I'll cover the rest of the costs?
  13. Also to add postage is expensive but I spoke to the seller and he's happy for the buyer to arrange their own courier.
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120787184281?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Ends very soon.
  15. I have a bass that's bridge is missing a couple of the springs from (it's a standard Fender style bridge) any idea where I could get replacements or other springs that would suit? Thanks
  16. Would they be that much of an upgrade? Can't help but notice how out of place and bodged they look.
  17. Decided to temporarily withdraw this, going to sort out the issues myself.
  18. Will definitely go up from where it is now but I may have to bid
  19. Bump, also currently interested in these as trades (with cash adjustment as necessary) OC2, EBS Octabass, Markbass SuperSynth, Analog Delay (or a good modelling delay) EHX Freeze (or pedal with hold function) SFX thumpinator
  20. Looking at pictures of the pedal it's definitely centre negative, can't see an analog distortion having much draw at all really either.
  21. If you download the manual from the website it should state it. Pretty sure all the Akai's are centre negative.
  22. Those Warwick ones are very solid and good quality yes, won't take quite the level of abuse of some of the higher end racks but for what most people use them for they're more than adequate.
  23. Pretty sure Paypal gift has a small charge if changing currency, likely to be the cheapest way though.
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