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Everything posted by simwells

  1. So something like the behringer MX400 for on effect board usage? Yeah I know this setup isn't ideal, but having my effects for both instruments makes it awkward as I can't afford to buy some of them a second time really.
  2. Is it possible to run two instrument channels through my pedal board to amp at once? I would like to be able to use a theremin at the same time as playing bass, but do not know if this is possible. Also if possible what would be the best way to combine the two channels into one.
  3. I also have very clicky wrists, though unlike every other joint that clicks in my body I can continue to click them unlimited times straight after each other. I've never understood why they do this as the gas can't be building up again that fast can it?
  4. Bought a DHA VT1 off of him, extremely helpful and understanding. Very fast delivery and a great item!
  5. Very interested in the DHA VT1 but won't know til wednesday (am a poor student and it depends on whether I get a job I'm being interviewed for or not!)
  6. Bought a Boss V-Wah off him, extremely fast service very helpful friendly guy!
  7. I'm very interested but could do with checking out a pedal that should be arriving in the next few days first.
  8. Other thing that I find extremely helpful but is rarely done for some reason is the sound with the effect off as well as on, it makes it much easier to guess what sort of tone I'd actually get.
  9. Yeah would be great to have one big sticky with lists of pedals by manufacturer etc. with links to the samples.
  10. [quote name='Oscar South' post='281726' date='Sep 11 2008, 12:01 PM']Dawsons may not be the best line of music shops in the country but the chester branch is an excellent store imo, the staff are very helpful and eager to let you try out whatever you want, I've jammed with staff members before now and they're pretty good at playing and know what they're talking about. The range of basses is sub par but they're not really a dedicated 'guitar shop' and they do carry a lot of stuff that most other music shops don't. Admittedly they're overpriced too so I don't buy all my stuff there, I get various midi accessories and an occasional bit of bass gear there though just so that I'm not that guy who always tries out all the stuff then goes and buys it on the internet.[/quote] Yeah gotta agree with that assessment of the Chester store, haven't really been into many to find out. Though Guitar Experience are much friendlier again! Though very little in the way of basses stocked again.
  11. [quote name='BigBadBass' post='262068' date='Aug 13 2008, 11:40 PM']i just noticed this thread! i got mine was just delivered today! had a few hours to play with it! to be fair its a graet sounding pedal for the money! £49! usually when you use a distortion pedal and ram it up to max you get a really muddy unusable mess but the hyperdrive gives you a really tight fuzz! a great pedal! cheers![/quote] Where's selling it for £49?
  12. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='278991' date='Sep 7 2008, 10:34 AM']Being the only woman in a hard rock/metal band is a pretty good gimmick.[/quote] Yeah, but you did what all women in hard rock/metal bands seem to do and play bass! So far no gimmicks for me, but there's still plenty of time!
  13. Any input on this yet guys? I'm not after hearing opinions on what people think would be the better choice. Just after hearing so many varied opinions would be good to hear the tone that you guys that love them can get out of one.
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' post='273781' date='Aug 31 2008, 04:04 PM']I don't get this 'relic' business either... If the bass is going to pick up dings and finish wear, I want them to be [b]MY[/b] dings and finish wear, not someone elses and certainly not fake ones. Lets face it, it's going to look pretty lame if the wear patterns generated by your actual playing are in completely different places and look different to the faux ones already there...[/quote] Yup, exactly the same as ripped jeans.
  15. [quote name='escholl' post='274130' date='Aug 31 2008, 11:23 PM']i know the audio is generally s**t, but have you tried youtube? sometimes, there are surprisingly good examples of pedals on there, and the ODB-3 is a pretty common pedal.[/quote] Yeah have tried youtube, and kept finding modified versions or videos of the pedal with totally non related audio tracks over the top. Surprised me considering how common it is.
  16. Fender Pointy Basses Basses with full size bodies but no headstock, why? The size benefits are marginal and it looks daft, just a big stick sticking out of a body. Wish basses (not overated) but why let a four year old design them and then make exactly that rather than trying to get someone that can actually do straight lines and flowing curves?
  17. [quote name='TheDarkReaver' post='274024' date='Aug 31 2008, 08:38 PM']Have you check the Boss site yet? [url="http://www.bossus.com/experience/interactive_demos/"]http://www.bossus.com/experience/interactive_demos/[/url] Go on to the Compact Pedal Demo link and the ODB-3 is on there.[/quote] I have done and it sounds very good, but I find general users examples of pedals paticularly with showing with and without the effect on to be much much more helpful and more accurate in showing what realistic tone I can expect.
  18. Hi I'm after examples of the sounds the ODB-3 is capable of making, looking around at different pedals the favourite is currently the EHX Bass Big Muff, but considering the price and it's seemingly love or hate status on here. I'd actually like to hear some proper examples of non modified versions. There's gotta be a fair few around I just don't seem to be able to find them, so anyway help would be great!
  19. How much would postage on the bypass loop? Guessing there's a fair weight to it.
  20. Great guy! Very understanding, extremely fast service. Bought a DOD Bass Chorus Pedal off him. Thanks Simeon
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