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Everything posted by simwells

  1. When I had a VT1 I always found it needed an isolated supply to keep noise free so either some form of isolator or it's own power supply.
  2. I also would love one of the Carvin's but I've currently got a 70s Arbiter SG copy that's pretty nice but not half heavy and I find it hard to get on with short scales.
  3. simwells

    PSU Help?

    Cheapest way to solve it would be with an isolator cable for the ODB so something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DIAGO-ISOLATOR-ADAPTOR-FOR-GUITAR-EFFECT-PEDAL-DAISY-CHAIN-POWER-SUPPLY-PS09-/300829472559?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item460ad5772f#shId Then with whatever you've already got you'd be sorted, that eBay PSU wouldn't help.
  4. Can't say I really get how anyone can be offended by it either unless of course they'd built it or something along those lines where a lowball could be taken as an insult to their abilities.
  5. Ebony will have a visible grain and pores which ebanol won't as it's a synthetic material.
  6. I'm not a fan of the new section and to be honest if it wasn't for people complaining about it would have never been aware it existed and I still forget to look on it as it's not listed with everything else but that's just habit really. As far as charges I'd be happy to pay a yearly member to get free access to listing items as well as maybe a private subforum? I've known other forums to do this with offers and things like group buys being offered to subscribers only. Then a per listing charge or percentage for general members, percentage would have to be an honesty box basically as far as I can see it though.
  7. One of the pedals I just could not live without, someone should grab this quick at this price!
  8. I own one of these and it is reasonable but even after modifying I do find the taper to be a bit steep for me but it is useable for swells just quite difficult to say choose a useable lower volume level. As for whether it fits in the soft case I can't say as I've never handled one it fitted in my PT-Pro though and I'm not sure what the difference is in depth.
  9. http://looperpedalreviews.com/ is probably the best resource for comparing the pedals.
  10. I'm a big fan of the EBS Unichorus for most non extreme purposes.
  11. Yeah he usually has about three RC-20s the Boss Trem a Blues Driver (though I can't imagine that being this tone) and a couple of Digitech Whammy's. Found a list from around the time of the recording of his board; 1977 DB630 Double Neck bass / guitar 1976 (?) DB620 Double Neck bass / guitar 2000 Wal fretless bass guitar Late 90's Fender Jazz bass guitar Eden WT800 bass amp Eden 4×10 ported cabinet Digitech Whammy Pedal Digitech XP 100 Whammy-Wah Boss RC20XL Loop Station Boss RC20 Loop Station Line 6 Delay Modeler Boss DM-3 Delay Boss TR-2 Tremelo Boss BD-2 Blues Driver Boss OC-2 Octave Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner VHT Valvulator German bass bow Knucklehead Super Mullet Guitar Strings Knucklehead Fatty Bass Guitar Strings Listening to the Blues Driver on a bass it could actually just be OC-2 into that!
  12. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFCRMonf7lI[/media] Any idea what he's using to get this tone? Octaver, fuzz multiple split signals? Can't see any relevant pedals on shots of his boards that I've seen.
  13. You had a track that immediately came to mind that you're confident with and fits within the bands style, stick with it. Confidence and ability to relax while playing the track will come across far better than choosing something that you feel might show off certain technical abilities better.
  14. I tend to go straight to my Darkglass B3K for all things distorted, have you any examples of distorted sounds you like?
  15. simwells

    Tuner - Amp

    Why don't you want to use the front instrument input? Only way to use the rear line level would be if you have some form of preamp pedal to bring the signal up to being line level.
  16. Chunk Systems Octavius Squeezer, Markbass Super Synth or the Korg G5
  17. Yeah I couldn't see it fitting into an enclosure this small, those pedals are pretty packed in; Unless you used a stacked knob for the two channels?
  18. I don't really notice the difference between a 34 and a 35 other than the better low B but I also have a 30 short scale that I absolutely hate playing as it's such a big difference to the others that my hands are always in the wrong place!
  19. Considering the finishes possible with current 3D printers I don't really understand what you would use it for positively above hand making items. I'm a big believer in the future of 3D printing for certain objects and do own one it just doesn't really suit this particular area as far as I can see.
  20. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1350665103' post='1842069'] Yep I just spotted then on FB. Winkle Pickers seem to be required for the Fuzz and Envelope How would you use these and what effect do they give ? I've got compression and octave on my Ashdown Amp. [/quote] It's probably easiest just to listen to other pedal sounds on youtube but fuzz is a form of distortion essentially just fuzzier! An envelope filter is auto wah type effect, think 70s funk. Shep did a few articles on the various types of effects if you're interested in reading more too.
  21. Oh well that's disappointing all I wanted was a smaller Hyperdrive and yes some do look like they'd be fiddly to hit the pedal accurately without altering settings.
  22. I've got a BTB 6 which I love but rarely gets played mainly due to it not fitting with any of the music I play with anyone else. I'd class the 17mm spacing on it as pretty narrow the neck width I find very comfortably to play. As far as spacing for someone new to 6ers it's all personal preference really I'd just go to a shop and try a few 6ers and see what works for you. Out of those pedals the B3k definitely stands out for distortion sound quality but the others are probably more flexible if you're after more general tone shaping options.
  23. Do you ever play up here Shep? Know it's not exactly far but thought I'd ask anyway!
  24. Purchased a couple of acoustic guitars from Kieran, one of the nicest and most helpful guys I've ever dealt with. As well as probably the most well packaged pair of guitars I've ever seen!
  25. HotRox are fantastic don't worry about dealing with them I know plenty of people on here use and like them.
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