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Everything posted by simwells

  1. Many of them have options, one to consider is that there's a government scheme for those 18-25 or buying for someone under 18 that gives you 10 months interest free.
  2. No idea on Chesterfield but Sheffield is only local, if so you could check out Soyo on the Monday night.
  3. You wouldn't be anywhere near the rating for any power supply I know of's max mA output so I wouldn't worry about daisy chaining them at all.
  4. I'm finally getting round to replacing my Ashdown Hypderive as I desperately need the space. I'm happy with the sound though would like something that goes from the slight distortion to heavier more and I love the selective frequency control of it. I've decided to go with either the VFE Triumvirate or the Fuzzrocious Rat Tail I know the second doesn't have the same frequency control but the filter covers similarish ground! Anyone played both that can compare the sounds of them both?
  5. Also are you sure the SB-7 is 220 not 22?
  6. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1340793009' post='1709585'] I use a Godlyke Powerall to power my 2 Boss pedals, the Distortion & the Bass Murf with no probs. The Moog LPF won't share power without squealing like a biatch, even after doing the copper shield mod! [/quote] It's a bit of a faff but get a Diago Isolator or Gigrig Virtual Battery and a polarity reverser and they're completely silent.
  7. For the pedals you use I'd just stick with the Diago powerstation and a daisy chain then power the Mesa seperately.
  8. That sound wouldn't be a problem at all.
  9. Yeah it's probably the most flexible reverb pedal I've found. Can't say I have, haven't actually really had chance to experiment with the Tone Print's at all yet what's on it as standard more than fulfills my need but I'm sure I could find more usable sounds if I looked through them.
  10. Yes and I love it. Really impressed with the range and quality of sounds it can create as well as flexibility of the unit. Anything specific you want to know?
  11. [quote name='TomWIC' timestamp='1340399522' post='1704168'] Don't the PRO-IV's have the strap button on the neck of the heel anyway? [/quote] Depends on the age of them they switched part way through production. So in answer wait and see what turns up and if you get noticable dive or not!
  12. Can anyone remember where on the computer these save?!
  13. I found a set I was pretty impressed with, will try and find where on my computer they are on take them off my pedal when I pick up my board tomorrow.
  14. Haha was going to add my interest but I appear to be way too late anyway!
  15. Did you ever get chance to review the Triumvirate out of interest? If not have you by any chance compared to a Rat Tail as far as available sounds? Know they're quite different pedals but I'd be interested to hear what you think if you've heard both.
  16. [quote name='Onox' timestamp='1340299020' post='1702565'] Thanks for the input Guys! Yeah, a Deep Impact would have been cool but its so hard to find and very expensive (and you can´t save any sounds). But maybe someday I got a chance to try one. Had anyone the chance to compare the Markbass Super Synth to the G5? [/quote] When I asked this question I was sent the following link; http://www.cgraham.com/chris/music/ Though he much prefered the G5 I liked the sounds I heard of the MBSS and the form factor ended in me choosing that.
  17. RANE DC24 or the DBX 166 or 160 models I'd go with.
  18. I'd be interested in the power side of things if you decide to split it.
  19. Is it a specific reverb style/sound you're after or just as much variety as you can get? Personally I use the Hall Of Fame which is very popular and I love, personally I don't feel it can be beaten for the price. No presets but a huge range of sounds can be made with it.
  20. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1339588942' post='1690963'] Same boat here, but I'm going to see if I can rehouse mine in a smaller enclosure - although the PCB is probably too big to go in the one I'm thinking of, but there isn't an alternative pedal that I can think of that does the same job - some reverse engineering to reproduce the same circuit may be in order... [/quote] I considered this but the PCB was pretty well the full footprint of the pedal and everything including pots was surface mount so it's far from the easiest to rehouse. Personally I plan on buying the Triumvirate or possibly a Rat Tail, neither are quite the same but should be capable of similar results to what I use mine for.
  21. Yeah my Hyperdrive will be going soon for a pedal that isn't ridiculously big, would definitely be keeping it if it was smaller. The VU meter gets used mainly cause the LEDs crap and it's often the easiest way to tell if it's on. Also overall enclosure is built really solidly but the footswitches they use are pretty poor. Plenty of us have had to replace them.
  22. Looks identical to the columbus I had which was a ply body so I would expect that it was though obviously can't say for definite.
  23. Just did a quick scan of the effects unit manual and it appears it will process a mono signal into stereo so no need for a switching box.
  24. If I've read it right then you'd just need something to split the signal I personally wouldn't use both preamps though and would tend towards; Bass > Amp you prefer the preamp on > Effects Loop Send into either a signal splitter or if the effects unit will split it internally from a mono signal straight in > One output into one effects loop return on one amp, other output into the other amp's effects loop return. If that makes sense!
  25. Apparently; "“Everything on this guitar is exactly as Zakk wanted it,” said Michael McGuire, Operations Manager of Gibson Custom, “including the pickup selector switch on the upper-rear point of the body.” A detail that might look a little odd at first glance, the selector switch is positioned for easy access in playing position — just one of the many little touches demanded by Wylde" Not sure how it could possibly not be in the way though.
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