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Everything posted by escholl

  1. [quote name='MananaMan' post='407915' date='Feb 12 2009, 07:11 PM']Hey dude, Was this a home recording, or at a studio? Criticisms - in terms of the music, not really my cup o't but songs sounded pretty cool, niice balance between all-out blast and melody without drifting into emo cliche too mcuh (sadly, so often lacking in really heavy bands). In terms of the sound of the recording - I'd say your git-arseists need a lesson in less gain = more tone, as its really pretty difficult to pick out a lot of the notes they're playing. Drums sound a little thin too, with not a lot of top end on the kick, so all the blast beats turn into low-end sludge. I am, however, a notorious pedant so I wouldn't worry about my criticisms![/quote] it was sort of a home/studio recording, done by the band members at the time in the uni studios, but never mixed or processed properly. no, i appreciate the criticisms! we've changed our sound a lot in the past 8 months since that was recorded, and shed a guitarist as well (and gained me). i keep telling the guitarist who's left that he's playing so loud and so distorted that you can't actually hear what he's playing, and it sounds sh*te, but of course they never believe you. the drum mics we used were a bit cr*p as well, although they were supposed to be good. Would love to know what you think of our new stuff when it's up in a few weeks! lushuk, the link is in my sig, just click the banner. ironically of course, the aeterna tracks are not the ones i'd wanted feedback on originally, i'd uploaded some demos on here but took them down when it seemed no one could be bothered. but i appreciate the feedback none the less.
  2. seems a bit steep as you can get a new mag 300 head for about 220-230ish. are the older ones made in the UK, does anyone know?
  3. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='407202' date='Feb 12 2009, 12:57 AM']I've got one of [url="http://www.johnnyshredfreak.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8&products_id=12&zenid=240abf60e7861096f4161bdc982e658f"]these[/url] and it's brilliant, from what i've heard it's essentially the same as the diago. It'll power 1.5amps with no hum, which is at least a dozen regular pedals, but the daisy chain lead is only boss type 9v, so they won't power eveything[/quote] +1 both me and my guitarist have one of these, brilliant. and yes, it is effectively identical to the diago.
  4. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='405773' date='Feb 10 2009, 09:42 PM']My perfect ten mini rig's VU wont move even if I turn the gain up to full on any of my basses but starts moving when I put the output past 50% :S[/quote] on the minirig, the VU is linked to the output -- on all other ashdowns, it's linked to the input. i don't know why they did this, but i found it much more useful, as it let me know how far i could push it.
  5. metal. loveitloveitloveit.
  6. i had the perfect ten minirig, which is very similar, and it was brilliant, i loved it. if it had been a bit louder, i'd probably still have it today. in fact, based off of how good it was i'm considering getting an after 8.
  7. [quote name='pal1972' post='404952' date='Feb 10 2009, 12:07 AM']I'm interested ingetting the little giant 350 to replace my mag300. Ive got a 4ohm Marshall 4x10 cab, so am I right in thinking that if i ran just one output from the little giant into my cab i'd get the full 350 watts???[/quote] yes.
  8. [quote name='High score' post='404317' date='Feb 9 2009, 02:14 PM']did I get it wrong? thought I'd followed the correct link. Anyway, would be interested in hearing newer tracks when you get them down......... Just one last comment, I am more versed in live than studio sound but for what it was worth, the drums were almost slightly too prominent in the mix ie at the same level or fractionally higher than the vocal. Hope this helps but remember you won't please everyone!!!! Good luck with the next tracks you lay down........[/quote] ah, really? i'd thought they might be a bit too high but thanks, that's actually really useful, we'll be sure not to make the same mistake twice haha. will let you know when we've got new stuff up!
  9. [quote name='High score' post='403553' date='Feb 8 2009, 05:17 PM']Surprise you don't have feedback - I like listening to what other people are putting down. Anyway, listened to your tracks. Slightly reminiscent of Cradle of Filth with the intro to Glory - which I liked. Liked the tracks but thought the drums slightly repetetive. That aside, felt tracks were tight and well put together. Would be a high energy live gig thet would be well worth seeing. Would I buy it? Probably........... [/quote] Haha thanks, I appreciate it. I actually prefer hearing what people don't like about our music, as it give me (us) a better idea of what to do right and what to change -- our myspace is out of date, and we've recorded some new stuff recently which hopefully will be up soon. Our drummer has come a long way in the last 8 months or so (when those tracks were done) but I'll be sure to pay a bit closer attention to what he's playing -- he's generally pretty good but thanks for pointing that out, I'd not noticed it before The tracks i was actually referring to however were one's I'd put up as attachments on here, but despite a fair number of downloads seemingly no one could be bothered to post anything. oh well.
  10. [quote name='beastie' post='403950' date='Feb 9 2009, 12:09 AM']Amp fixed by Russell at ashdown It was the circuit board for the send and return on the effects loop on the back off the amp new one fitted and amp tested for £28[/quote] ashdown win, again nothing but good things posted about their customer service lately. glad to hear it's worked out for you!
  11. You won't need a 4-pole speakon plug, just a 2-pole, which is generally cheaper.
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='401567' date='Feb 5 2009, 10:12 PM']Size matters. [attachment=19832:BigAmplifier.jpg][/quote] Avantgarde make some amazing stuff. Too bad I'll never be that rich Any ideas where that is? It looks like a demo room in Japan or China.
  13. [quote name='Shire' post='400709' date='Feb 5 2009, 09:49 AM']Because its new, will the amp need a while to break in, I mean will it loosen up and get a bit louder? Or is this wishful thinking?[/quote] Sorry to go against the grain here, but that really [i]is[/i] wishful thinking. If you don't like the way the amp/cab sounds, the waiting for it to "break in" is not the answer. Not that there isn't any sort of difference after running it for a while, but these differences are often less than the tolerances that you would find from one driver to another of the same kind. Very small. Amps are the same way, the sound can change a bit sometimes but hardly in any measurable way, and only audiophiles and their compulsive OCD are the ones who (think) they notice. Unfortunately, the effect is mostly psychoacoustic, and has a lot more to do with what people expect (wrongly, i might add) than with actual fact. BUT before you return it -- try backing off the bass on the EQ (as perception of this will naturally boost with volume - psychoacoustics working in your favor this time) and boost the 300-500 Hz range (don't worry about exactness, just boost the EQ knob that's in that area of the spectrum -- and a little goes a long way). While at low volumes, and even high ones, the bass might sound a bit "hollow" now on it own, trust me, it will integrate well into the mix, which is what you want. EDIT: ah, someone beat me to the EQ bit...
  14. [quote name='hookys6stringbass' post='399386' date='Feb 3 2009, 08:35 PM']I asked them to build me a combo cab to my design and they did no problems. So another +1 from me....[/quote] what did you have done?
  15. [quote name='alexclaber' post='397191' date='Feb 1 2009, 08:18 PM']Well he's wrong! It could have blown the tweeter but it categorically could not have blown either woofer. No way José![/quote] +1 A driver with a defect may well have worked fine for a bit, only to fail rather quickly in it's lifespan.
  16. ashdown ftw! (again)
  17. Started with an Ibanez SW10. After about a month, realized that wouldn't be enough for rehearsals, so went on to an Ibanez SW35. Really great amp, still have it but it's in the US. Wish I could find a way to get it over here though . Anyways had that for years. Lived in the UK without a bass amp for a while, then after about a year got an Ashdown Perfect 10 Mini-rig. This did me for about a year and a half, until I sold that and got my current setup... ...a HH Bass Machine with two 15" cabs. Love it so much I can't really see myself getting rid of it ever, although the drivers are very old and I'd like to try replacing them with 3015's, as I think it might give a bit better sound/sensitivity. Whoo HH!!
  18. C, definitely. Really like it, even as is, very original. B just doesn't do it for me, and A, well, just no.
  19. All new material [url="http://www.myspace.com/aeternaofficial"]here[/url]!!
  20. any ideas about the reliability on these? I suppose they haven't been out that long, but have a friend who is looking to buy so thought I would ask.
  21. I love the Bas Extravaganza stuff. It's not supposed to have a practical purpose, if it did it wouldn't be art. And as someone else mentioned, the point of a lot of art is to start debate. Surprising how many people completely miss those points.
  22. [quote name='katri' post='389838' date='Jan 23 2009, 05:38 PM']ATM I'm torn between the johnnyshredfreak and the diago. Is one much better than the other.[/quote] I'm sure someone will try to argue that the Diago is better because it's 5 times the price, but for all practical purposes they're the same. Get the cheap one and save yourself the money, a lot of people on here have them and I've heard no complaints.
  23. [url="http://www.johnnyshredfreak.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8&products_id=12&zenid=895c88d24b853212484b8d89fd27e85b"]This one[/url] ftw.
  24. I use my HH rig. One cab usually, two if i can get away with it...usually depends how much room there is in the drummer's car One is more than enough, but two is more fun Can't really see ever needing anything else, tbh.
  25. [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Ashdown-Perfect-10---Practice-Amp~ID~2091.asp"]Ashdown Perfect 10[/url] Seems pretty much just a smaller version of the bass mini-rig I had, which was brilliant. Based off that, would definitely recommend this one. [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Guitar_Amplifiers_&_Speakers/Bass_Amps_Combos_&_Cabinets/Bass_Combos/p140.aspx"]The Ibanez SW35[/url] is also really good, I've got one back in the US that I used for some years. Excellent amp.
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