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Old Man Riva

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Posts posted by Old Man Riva

  1. During the first lockdown I ended up having a listen to a few bands I’d heard the name of (and people I knew rated/recommended) but had never gotten around to hearing anything by them. STP was one of those bands.


    Not all to my taste, but ended up liking a few bits and bobs, but I ended up really liking the bass parts.


    Even more so after I watched this. To me, he comes across as a really nice and humble guy, who is hugely talented.


    Well worth a watch… 



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  2. Been watching this a lot over the weekend.


    I’m a fan of the track in any event but this version blows me away for a number of reasons, not least Rachel Flowers contribution (worth mentioning that she lost her eyesight at a very young age and has gone on to master the guitar and piano/keys - even if you’re not a fan of ELP fan it’s certainly worth checking out her take on Keith Emerson’s parts/playing).


    Her guitar back and forth with Dweezil is excellent, but the real standout is her take on the mid-song vocal part (originally done by the Ikettes, and went right over the head of a perplexed Ike Turner when he first heard it!).


    Anyways, if songs about dental floss are your thing then this may be for you… 



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  3. 11 minutes ago, Marky L said:

    Hmm.. now I recall reading somewhere (and I need to try and find it again) that a certain Mr Watt-Roy laid down a few of the more tasty recorded bass lines for The Clash on maybe their first and second albums.

    He played on The Magnificent Seven off Sandinista…



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  4. The Pretenders debut album. I was (still am) a big fan of Pete Farndon’s playing on this record - nothing too fussy, but drove the tracks along perfectly. He also looked cool as…

    James Honeyman-Scott was such an underrated guitarist.


    Anyway, here’s the opening track (over 40yrs old and still sounds great!)…



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  5. 32 minutes ago, wateroftyne said:


    Blocks, though..?


    *sharp intake of breath*

    Was just pointing out the similarities between the headstocks (esp. decal and lollipops); the blocks I genuinely have no idea about! 


    I must admit I’ve never seen that combination on a Fender before, other than Bobby Vega putting a discarded ‘60s Jazz neck on a Precision body, and some of the latest CS range that feature a P bass with a Jazz (blocks) neck.


    That said, with 60s Fenders nothing would surprise me! 

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, WishICouldWalk said:

    Great looking bass. Interesting it has a P decal on the jazz neck.

    I’ve got a ‘71 Precision with a Jazz neck and it has the Precision decal rather than a Jazz one.

    I’m fairly certain that was how it was done for factory/special orders…

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  7. 4 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    I've never heard of a bi-flex before. Presumably it can push against the plug to bow the neck, like a double acting truss rod.


    Begs the question, has anyone, anywhere, ever had to use a truss rod to  increase the bow on a neck?

    Similar topic discussed in this video around the 9min mark. I’d never heard of it before.


    As someone who has never gone near adjusting a truss rod watching this made me feel ill! 



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  8. David Live by David Bowie - Herbie Flowers not just supporting the songs but, in many cases, adding to them. He’s solid, groovy, funky, and makes a few wonderful excursions up the dusty end, whilst also adding chords and double-stops to boot. A wonderfully inspiring record on many levels and one that I’d point any aspiring bassist towards to get a handle on playing a number of different styles on one gig.


    Aladdin Sane by David Bowie - Trevor Bolder’s bass lines on the album are wonderful. The album contains an array of different styles (pop/rock stomp of The Jean Genie, groovy R’n’B of Watch That Man, torch song style of Lady Grinning Soul, and the avant-garde leanings of the title track et al) and Trevor nails them all, as per. As above, a wonderfully inspiring LP, and one for any bassist to listen to and hear standout lines across a myriad of different styles. Great production too!

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

    I've seen various iteration of this opening song from this tour, but this one is still my favourite.


    Rockpalast '96. The guy was so damned cool. Sitting on a chair at a desk with his back to the crowd enjoying his band doing their thing. Great opening tune.



    One of the (many) things I loved about Bowie was his open approach to his own music, where he often chose to reinterpret his songs depending on his mood, the situation and/or the musicians he had with him at the time.


    The above LBIA is a great case in point. A much ‘harder’ version than, say, the more ‘polished’ opener to the Serious Moonlight gigs. I think it was his approach to the musicians that allowed for this - putting together the right musicians for a specific project by allowing them to play with their own personality - a band with Reeves Gabrels and Mike Garson in would never sound the same as one with Carlos Alomar and Dave Lebolt.  

    He was brilliant at choosing the right musicians… 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Japhet said:

    I guess I'm a bit 'old school', but nothing really tops Trevor Bolder for me. He was a huge driver for me to start playing bass and the line he plays on Lady Grinning Soul is, in my humble opinion, utterly sublime.

    His playing on the whole album is right up there, for me.


    It’s an album that I absolutely love and part of the reason for that is the diversity of the material. His playing on each track, whatever style, adds so much to what are already wonderful pieces of music.


    It’s an album I’d point any aspiring bass player towards as a piece of work that one could learn so much from, in terms of bass playing (choice of notes, phrasing etc). Ditto Herbie Flowers on David Live… 

    • Like 2
  11. 23 hours ago, Old Horse Murphy said:

    I love Carmine Rojas' playing on the Let's Dance album. To me that's ultimate Bowie Bass playing. 

    My first proper case of GAS was after seeing Carmine Rojas play an ESP P/J bass on the Serious Moonlight tour. Up to that point I’d not seen a P/J configuration before. It was an amazing looking/sounding bass - with body, neck and headstock all finished in the same colour (black, I think). I think Earl Slick had the six string equivalent.


    Carmine Rojas also appeared with Nona Hendryx on Channel 4’s The Tube using the same bass a few years later. He also played with a pick, which I thought was pretty cool.



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  12. Help required!

    I bought a bass recently which was a bit of an impulse buy and I’ve since found it’s not quite me - when will I ever learn?! Anyhow, rather than looking to sell/trade it I think I’d like to donate it to a charity that gives young people a chance to try/play an instrument, who may not be in a position at the moment to do so - I’ve heard of this type of charity previously.


    I’ve scoured the internet and can’t find anything that suits - a small/local charity rather than, say, larger recognised charities is what I’m after.


    Anyone from the BC Collective know of anything that might fit the bill? Conversely if anyone knows of someone who could do with a bit of help starting up at the moment where the bass would be helpful to them then feel free to drop me a line.


    I’m now banning myself from music shops for the immediate future!! 

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