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Old Man Riva

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Posts posted by Old Man Riva

  1. On 24/11/2017 at 22:11, Dutchie said:

    Hi all,

    I'm thinking of buying a precision bass, (preferably one thats well worn in) but I'm put off a little by the wide necks I keep seeing.
    I already have a 62' AVR Jazz Bass and love the really slim neck. I also thought about a 62' AVRI Precision but the necks look so fat on those.
    Where should I be looking and am I right in saying during the early seventies Fender started producing Precision basses with slimmer necks.

    Thanks Darren

    As referenced above, if you're looking at getting a P-bass with a slimmer (more Jazz-like) neck you should definitely try a Nate Mendel signature model.


  2. Whilst his playing wasn't/isn't to everyone's taste his legacy regarding the electric bass guitar should never be diminished and is almost beyond compare in terms of players generations later looking to emulate him and (some would say rip off) his sound - see also James Jamerson and Larry Graham.

    If we consider how many incredible musicians there have through time few leave a legacy whereby their sound/tone/style is emulated almost on a daily basis (you could argue that Hendrix would be a good example from a guitar perspective).

    In the 80s you couldn't move for bassists rolling off the neck p/up on a Jazz and playing right next to the bridge - it was everywhere. The 90s brought Acid Jazz and, again, those urgent and funky sixteenth note lines, and as Joe Dart is heavily referenced (quite rightly, in my opinion) as one of the leading lights of today's electric bass playing, for me, the sound he is closest to, is that of Jaco. 

    And without Jaco there wouldn't have been Rhythm Stick, and for that alone he deserves all the acclaim he gets! 

    • Like 1
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  3. Apologies if already posted but there's a more-than-slightly surreal Mr Finish Line album launch party here... It's lengthy, has a great band led by Cory Wong playing Vulf tracks/jamming, and comes across as an episode of the Larry Sanders Show directed by George Clinton. I love it! 




  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1509560781' post='3399947']
    I honestly thought that Noel Gallaghers son was a cover, it sounded so familiar. Really surprised that`s one of his own.
    Holy Mountain? I heard it on the radio and thought it was Underworld or something that Karl Hyde had done with Eno a while back.

  5. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1507491027' post='3385869']
    I have a few in mind that could go on this list.
    but the one that i think tops all of them and should be known more is......
    Jimmy Herring.
    Never come across him before.

    Now had a look at a few things on YouTube from your link - what a great player.


  6. John Martyn - his songs/voice get recognition but his guitar playing can often get overlooked (great dropped tunings and experimenting with tape echo in the mid-70s are two things that spring to mind).

    Phil Manzanera - mention of Bryan Ferry above immediately links him to Roxy Music along with Eno and Andy McKay. Manzanera added the ballsy r'n'r sound/feel to early Roxy albums to give them an added layer.

  7. Seen very few bands over the years take on and nail Stones songs. For me a large part of the Stones' (unique) sound is Keef's groove and Charlie's feel and not many bands I've seen over the years can replicate it.

    Similar with cover/bar bands taking on AC/DC. Guitarists can generally nail the Angus parts but never seen anyone who can nail Malcolm's rhythm playing which, allied with the great Rudd/Williams rhythm section, give the band its unique sound.

  8. [quote name='blisters on my fingers' timestamp='1499116078' post='3329378']
    The late great James Honeyman-Scott

    A great choice.

    Was going to go with his solo on Private Life which, whilst being fabulous on many levels, wouldn't really fall under the 'hit' category.

    Pete Farndon an overlooked bass player too...

  9. [quote name='Burns-bass' timestamp='1495969362' post='3307805']
    Interesting, we've had this discussion in my old band. Weren't they using quite a lot of recreational drugs at the time and did literally hundreds of takes of some tracks? I think Fagen said they sometime struggled to remember who was playing on what track. Not sure how much of that is true, of course...
    There was a good article in a recent edition of Classic Rock regarding the making of Pretzel Logic (the album that preceded The Royal Scam); a couple of quotes lifted are: "They strived for perfection, and both paid attention to every note and breath" (Timothy B Schmit), and "Working with Steely Dan could hardly be considered 'fun', but it was rewarding" (Michael Omartian).

    A friend of mine had the good fortune to work with Gary Katz many moons ago and he told a few stories that gave a good insight into how Becker and Fagen work - multiple takes, charts presented to every player, no deviation allowed etc.

    As I say, I struggle to believe that what Chuck Rainey and Bernard Perdie played on the take we heard was just them replicating what they'd been told to do!

    And if it was, then my admiration for Walter and Donald has increased, which I didn't think was possible!

  10. Fabulous stuff.

    A full three minutes more to hear than on the final/edited album version.

    As much as Becker and Fagen were/are sticklers for charts and the like I can't believe that a lot of what we hear is not coming from the players, esp. on the outro.

    Great guitar playing too...

  11. To the OP... I know Mark cares passionately about his business and his customers and spends a lot of time trying to get things right.

    Like any business, improvement can only be gained by customers offering feedback - whether positive or otherwise - in the correct/most helpful way, so as well as flagging challenges on here why not drop the shop a line and offer feedback regarding your experience?

  12. John Paul Jones - hugely talented on the bass and a great all-round musician.

    Always adds to whatever he plays on and always looks to serve the song. Tons of melody and bags of groove.

    No surprise he played on a load of the UK 60s pop tunes - arguably the most 'melodic' era for pop music(?) - which I think he then carried through to his playing with Zeppelin (for me Zeppelin could've been just another heavy rock band of the era if it weren't for John Bonham and John Paul Jones - they gave the band funk).

    It's impossible to really have just one (but that was the question!) - so mentions for Jim Lea, Trevor Bolder, Herbie Flowers, Fred Thomas, Bobby Vega, Max Bennet, Pino, Derek Forbes, Bootsy, Norman Watt-Roy, Wilton Felder, Macca et al - but if one it is to be...

    ... then it's JPP for me.

  13. Thanks, gents, for the kind words - it's a lovely bass and if I weren't under orders to free up some space then it may not be here (for the older viewers think Mr Barraclough's character in Porridge for a glimpse into the Riva home life!).

    Beedster, yes I'm confident it's 1.5" at the nut but will confirm when I get back later (I'll measure it myself) - if you fancied a trip to Essex there's a B15 Heritage here for you to try it through!

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