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Everything posted by steve

  1. [b]Boss DD3 delay[/b] £[color="#FF0000"]SOLD[/color] shipped, bought broken off ebay, repaired, and blue LED fitted. It's got the funky hold loop thing going on (which I never got the hang of). Good condition with box (and manual I think) [b]Marshall Regenerator[/b] £[color="#FF0000"]SOLD[/color] shipped, phaser/flanger/step phaser/. no box or manual, good condition [b]electroharmonix HolyGrail[/b] £45 shipped, with wooden box and psu, used condition, some scratches to paintwork, but good working order you can pay me by cheque, or I'll accept paypal if you cover the fees. These will probably go on ebay if there's no takers, but I thought I'd give you guys the option first I am open to offers, maybe trades, but theres not much I'm particularly after (except some covers for my Hartkes) *edited with price drop*
  2. I've not heard the track, but the phattest bass synth i've ever hoid is the korg g5
  3. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='42708' date='Aug 8 2007, 01:14 AM']Done with a Bongo as well, hopefully that tempts you [/quote] a cunning ploy! sounds good actually, but I do have something on the way which has some flanging capabilities so I'll have to see how they compare.
  4. thats a beauty, I love the fretboard - not that the body isn't gorgeous.
  5. it's a fabulous little combo, and ben is a great bloke to deal with.
  6. steve

    cheap fx loop

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/True-Bypass-Loop-Switch-AB-Switch_W0QQitemZ120146558010QQihZ002QQcategoryZ22669QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdViewItem"]try here[/url] or you build your own
  7. steve


    the rc20xl has 11 separate tracks, and you can overdub each one in real time, but there are some limitations - the jamman I think is the same. The jamman is probably a better choice than the rc20xl because it uses memory cards, but it's more expensive
  8. The holy grail is quite a nice simple reverb. I agree the psu issue is a pain in the 4rse, but they are very easy to use
  9. steve


    boss rc20xl
  10. [quote name='P-T-P' post='41758' date='Aug 6 2007, 12:56 AM']a self-confessed musical luddite[/quote] i'm using that one at our next practice
  11. ste, did you record any FL-5 clips?
  12. my list (in no particular order) westone thunder 2 squier precision 5 dealmond pilot deluxe 4 artisan eub fender aerodyne jazz yamaha trb6 II vintage fretless steinberger spirit my current three ebmm bongo 4hh roscoe lg3000 cort b4fl I think that's all of them
  13. this thread and the marcus miller you tube stuff has inspired me to give it a go, it's tricky, but I get a really nice aggressive growly kind of thing going on (albeit slow with loads of mistakes). I think it'll be worth persevering with to increase my tonal variety
  14. i've got super slinkys on the bongo, fender flats on the cort fretless, currently d'addario xl's on the roscoe, going to try some black beauties tho the fender flats are nice and thumpy, gives the fretless has a nice (nearly) uprighty sound
  15. [quote name='rohan' post='40834' date='Aug 3 2007, 11:37 AM']Sorry, Yes it is solid, will post pics if anyone wants to see it?[/quote] I may be interested, can you post pics of both the neck and the body? cheers
  16. steve

    drum software

    [quote name='dood' post='39264' date='Jul 30 2007, 10:13 PM']Not cheap, but 'BFD' gets my thumbs up.[/quote] +1
  17. Hi, thanks for all the replies. I think, weighing up all the answers, I'm leave the bass buying while over thee, unless I stumble across something. It was just a thought since I was taking my family (and my in-laws ), who hail from hong kong. (they wouldn't have a clue about guitars tho'). I'll just continue with my gas for a cij 75 reissue jazz in white with maple neck and white block inlays
  18. i'm going to hong kong in november and was wondering if basses are relatively cheap to buy there, would it be worth reigning in my gas until then?
  19. I love mine, the body shape is comfortable, it's nice and light, and it's very easy to play. And it sounds killer (obviously). pretty much like all the owners above have said
  20. steve


    omg, that's fabulous, if only i had that kind of cash
  21. [quote name='wildman' post='40057' date='Aug 1 2007, 04:00 PM']How much do you think its worth ?, Would you consider a trade for my Warwick Streamer Std ?[/quote] hi mate, thanks for the offer, but i'm not after a warwick, and I'm looking to get more than £275 for the Roscoe. As to it's worth, I don't think it's up there with the more modern Roscoes advertised on here at the £800-£900 mark, but it's still luthier built, possibly a one off with the pointy headstock, and a bloody good bass. I'd be hoping for around £500 which is the equivalent in what I traded it for.
  22. do ishibashi still send the CIJ jazzes abroad. I notice they say "- Sales of the fender Japan commodity I will limit it only to Japan." on some of the pages? i like the look of [url="http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Fishibashi.co.jp%2Fwebshop%2Fguitar%2Ffender-j%2Fjb7590us.htm&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2"]this beast[/url] in white
  23. pre-ebay bump, my gas is getting worse :wacko:
  24. [quote name='kaiser' post='39778' date='Jul 31 2007, 11:17 PM']what price would you give me for it?[/quote] from the way your selling it to me, about £5. - I'll leave it thanks, I'm not after a sunburst. Some pics would help you sell it though mate
  25. [quote name='kaiser' post='38914' date='Jul 30 2007, 12:41 PM']i also have a mim jazz bass for sale, complete, in mint condition - but i don't want to ship that, so it'd only be subject to meeting up in manchester or something[/quote] got any pics of the jazz?
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