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Everything posted by steve

  1. Stew bought my powered monitors, nice bloke to deal with, good comms and did what he said he was going to do when he said he would do it. Highly recommended. Cheers Stew
  2. [quote name='vax2002' timestamp='1335472511' post='1631902'] Try one standing first and play moving around, they are a bit like ricks, in that that the body contour resembles a kitchen worktop, if your a real skinny guy, they are great, but if you get fed properly, you will miss the smooth cut outs of the precision and jazz basses [/quote] +1, I've had two, loved them both but couldn't get on with the lack of forearm contour and had to move them both on.
  3. I've got a K&K golden Trinity with the bullet mic and single piezo pickup if that's of any interest?
  4. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1335097134' post='1625633'] and PMd once more [/quote] and replied...
  5. [quote name='stewblack' timestamp='1335021550' post='1624851'] Bugger that's a long way away. Postage would be quite high I'm guessing. [/quote] Stew, pm me your postcode if you like and I'll have a look on interparcel. I have all the original packaging for a change
  6. [quote name='stewblack' timestamp='1334995330' post='1624422'] Where are you based mate? [/quote] I'm in Radcliffe, N Manchester Stew
  7. [quote name='Bungie' timestamp='1334994076' post='1624407'] [size=5][size=3]Would help if I included the link![/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/173607-fsft-yamaha-bex4-semi-acoustic-bass-worth-a-look/"]http://basschat.co.u...s-worth-a-look/[/url][/size][/size] [/quote] That's very nice, let me have a think about it
  8. [quote name='S9_S12_Bass' timestamp='1334965439' post='1624300'] Lovely bass, how long did it take for that wear to start coming through? [/quote] It was on it when I got the bass, but the chap I got it from said it happened fairly quickly.
  9. Thanks CB Considering a sale now, offers in the region of £400. I'd much prefer pickup or meet.
  10. bump, open to trade or sensible cash offers
  11. Bought a condenser mic from David. Great transaction without a hitch, kept in touch all the way through and the mic was well packed and posted quickly. I'd be happy to deal with him again cheers David
  12. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1333886073' post='1607709'] Good to know, dont get the headphone amp though,how does that come into it? [/quote] I'm using the LS-2 as a signal splitter, one channel of which feeds the headphone amp, which is hooked onto my pocket, and then I use one side of a pair of earbuds to give me a bass signal in one ear. Worked really well last night
  13. After almost tearing my hair out (not that I have any) at my previous DB gig because of feedback when i set my amp volume above that of the level of a gnats fart, i thought I'd share my positive amplification experience of tonights gig. My signal chain is DB -> J-tone Big DB pickup - LR Baggs GigPro -> TC Electronic Polytune -> Artec Parametric EQ -> Boss LS-2 Channel A ->Ampeg PF500 Boss LS-2 Channel B ->EHX Headphone Amp Where :- the para EQ is there for emergencies (and wasn't needed) I use the EHX headphone amp for monitoring to help with my intonation. The pickup is a simple piezo one (similar to a BassMax) that was around £30 of ebay. Lows rolled of on the amp. The bass sounded pretty faithful to the acoustic tone when played without other band members, I had some really positive feedback from the audience saying how nice the bass sounded (so they could definately hear it) and the other band members said they could hear me OK. I can't enthuse enough about the Gigpro, but I'm impressed with the pickup also
  14. I'd love to try these, but I've spent far too much recently
  15. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1333385399' post='1600988'] Let me know the Oldham date, I may pop along [/quote] 10th of May - I think it's a thursday
  16. It's a ticket do at the Lowes Arms in Denton which has apparantly sold out. We're playing Whittles in Oldham next month too
  17. Hi Pudie, I think they're 10's tbh mate. I'll check when I get a chance (they're boxed up at the moment)
  18. Up as just a trade feeler at the moment, I'll get some pics up when I get a chance, but it's a 3TSB with aftermarket tort guard, and a nice bit of wear on the forearm contour. It's got the badass bridge and sounds epic, but it's been relegated to the position of back up and it's far too good a bass for that. I can chuck in the correct model of Hipshot Extender (BT-3 IIRC) for the right deal too (otherwise I'll look to trade the BT-3 for a BT-10) Things I'm thinking of for trade fodder are Ampeg P115 cab Some kind of hollowbody bass (I'd love to replace the deArmond Starfire with Dark Stars I foolishly sold a couple of years ago) Possibly a Jazz bass Possibly an EUB not in any desparate rush to move it on, and I can probably ship for the right deal.... so, there we go
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