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Everything posted by steve

  1. [quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1333317162' post='1600096'] I take it that your keeping hold of it then Steve [/quote] Definately Andy, made a big difference to feedback control. It gets its first gig trial next weekend, but that scenario can't be worse than the two practice rooms I tried it in (with great success). I'm on the lookout for another one for backup.
  2. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1333300768' post='1599737'] hi, did this sell? PM'd [/quote] yes Clarky, i bought it. Highly recommended if you come across another one
  3. I think I'll give this a try, can you pm me your preferred payment method? Ta
  4. great stuff, it's nice to see a tale with a happy ending
  5. Scone
  6. side handles the only thing missing from the original reissue ones
  7. if you like Get The Blessing, check out Led Bib too, also, the Shaolin Afronauts link after the GTB track was pretty cool
  8. We'd have been up for this (indie rock covers band not blues band) except a guitarist is awol somewhere and the rest of us are out on the lash. Good luck finding someone
  9. pre-ebay bump, happy to listen to cash or trade/px offers
  10. steve

    MB1 Feedback

    sold Martin my Boschma Rack unit, which I was able to drop off. Treated to a brew, govt mule dvd and a chat about all things bass as you've probably already realised trawling through the MB1 feedback Mega-thread, he's a top bloke and great to do business with. Deal with confidence nice seeing you again Martin cheers Steve
  11. could well be interested in this, and I'm in Manc too, where abouts are you, and would collection be possible?
  12. deal pending.......
  13. another bump, could be interested in a trade for something or other......
  14. get thee back up to the top of page 1
  15. Here's one of my lovely ACG and here it is in action
  16. [quote name='Fuzzbass2000' timestamp='1330107854' post='1552967'] Hey! It fits! [/quote] Hi Zig, yeah, it's a really snug fit in the pocket, the bass sounds killer too
  17. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1330039715' post='1552015'] ... Like my Antigua and maple Alleva? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_12_2011/post-2944-0-14188300-1322863681.jpg"]http://basschat.co.u...-1322863681.jpg[/url] [/quote] very nice
  18. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1330038661' post='1551999'] Love the Antigua P, Steve. Great job assembling that [/quote] Thanks Clarky, I'm really pleased with it, definately a keeper, altho' I can't help wondering how it would be with a maple neck........
  19. here's some pics here's an ebay link with some tech details [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-QTX-Sound-PAJ10A-Active-Powered-10-Moulded-PA-Speaker-PAJ-10A-SINGLE-/380410875867?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5892414fdb"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5892414fdb[/url] bit more info as I recall it, the stands are of smaller diameter than the top hats in the speakers shells, so I used some cardboard to wedge them on a bit better, I think you can get some adapters tho' Additionally, thinking back, I didn't pay as much as I initially thought, so I'll sell the monitors at the glorious price of £60 ea. + shipping. Payment by paypal gift, bank transfer, or good ole fashioned cash on collection - where you would get to try them out obviously
  20. [quote name='captain black' timestamp='1330015819' post='1551506'] V. interested. Would love to see pics. [/quote] I'll do my best to get some done this eve
  21. she used to get her kit off? completely missed out on that one
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