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Everything posted by steve

  1. stand the unlined fretless on the floor, neck pointing upwards, and then grasp it between your knees
  2. Bought a hipshot detuner from Jon, he's a nice bloke to deal with, good coms, the unit was as described and he was quick to ship it off to me. Couldn't ask for a sweeter deal, cheers mate
  3. Hi Jon, I'll take this please, how would you like paying?
  4. just spotted this and was going to flag it up on here. I'd have gone for it if it had been local
  5. really enjoyed that one Pete
  6. pic of the headstock [attachment=89030:IMAG0370.jpg]
  7. bit of sunshine in manchester, so I had a go at a pic in the natural light [attachment=89014:IMAG0363.jpg] It still doesn't do it justice tho - must be my pesky phone camera or something. Anyway, I have a couple of offers I'm mulling over, so one last bump for any latecomers
  8. a wise choice John, I'm quite relieved to hear it tbh because I was starting to try to work out how I could get the cash together to buy it back (and failing)
  9. I'm in the fortunate position of being in a band with two guitarists who are focussed on the band sound rather than their own fretboard gymnastics. THey're both really good players too. I think to some extent it might be the genre of music a band is playng too, we play mainly indie rock, so some songs don't have much in the way of solos, altho' we do have a couple of more staright up rock so the guitarists can stretch out a bit
  10. I'll take the SYB-3 please, can you pm payment details? ta
  11. [quote name='Clarky' post='1365311' date='Sep 7 2011, 02:27 PM']I will add the bass is a LOT more surf greeny than it appears in Steve's pics - sadly I have deleted my old pics so I cannot chip in here. Edit: here is a g**tar in a similar colour to how I remember the Bacchus [attachment=88899:surf1ewrbtrebt.jpg][/quote] Thanks for that Clarky, that's fairly close I think (I'm not in front of the bass now)
  12. bump for pics added to the first post
  13. [quote name='karlfer' post='1364875' date='Sep 7 2011, 05:58 AM']Any chance of pictures please?[/quote] I'll be doing some pics first chance I get
  14. [quote name='Clarky' post='1363190' date='Sep 5 2011, 06:13 PM']This is a cracking Jazz with a beautiful nitro finish ( originally sonic blue but faded to a sort of sea foam green) and a really fast neck. As good as a Fender custom shop Jazz IMHO (new prices for Bacchus 62Js are similar to Fender CS too so £499 was a bargain! )[/quote] [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1363520' date='Sep 5 2011, 10:09 PM']that bass seriously temped me when it was up, if it wasn't for the fact I am funding my masters it possibly would have been mine..... wish I had a fretless to trade. I don't [/quote] bit remiss of me for not mentioning this earlier, but thanks for the positive comments fellas
  15. [quote name='2x18' post='1363782' date='Sep 6 2011, 09:08 AM']No worries Steve, although I would include a large wad of cash so you could " De-bling " it!! Will.[/quote] good point Will, can you give me some more info? - by pm if you prefer what's the action and playability like? how's the trussrod, any dings? and how bigs yer wad? (if you pardon the expression )
  16. [quote name='2x18' post='1363224' date='Sep 5 2011, 06:36 PM']How about my Unlined fretless? Photos on this thread! --Page 3 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=150742&hl=mighty"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...2&hl=mighty[/url] mite&st=40 Will.[/quote] Hi Will, thanks for the offer, it's a bit too bling for me with all that gold hardware
  17. I quite fancy having another crack at fretless, so I'm offering up my Bachhus jazz as potential trades fodder. Not entirely sure I want to move it on yet but we'll see what happens. I bought the bass from Clarky recently for £499, so that's the value I'm pitching at, and I'm definately not desparate to shift it so I won't be entertaining any low ball offers. I'll consider px's with cash my way, but don't want to put any cash into the deal. I'll get some pics up if there's any interest, but as I say i'm still mulling this over [attachment=88894:IMAG0356.jpg] more pics are available [url="http://flic.kr/s/aHsjw9aQh5"]on my flickr page here[/url] I added the tort pickguard, I still have the original mint coloured one, which I'm happy to include. The bass is a bit more surf greeny than these pics show
  18. [quote name='bassace' post='1362740' date='Sep 5 2011, 12:01 PM']The Jazz Bass Book by John Goldsby is great. It's not wall to wall theory/technique, although there is plenty for a beginner/improver here. It also has short biogs of all the great bassists and rhythm sections and their place in jazz history. It also includes a CD. Well worth the $24.99.[/quote] +1, I've got this too, it's very good
  19. I'll take the under saddle piezo, just what I'm looking for, I'll pm you later
  20. [quote name='Legion' post='1358888' date='Sep 1 2011, 03:30 PM']Steve, I think its already sold (just waiting for confirmation). I'll let you know if it falls through.[/quote] thanks, I'd appreciate it
  21. I played this bass at a Moffat Bass Bash before mine was completed - its an absolute joy to play and that's a ridiculously low price to pay for it
  22. I'll take the tort precision pickguard pls
  23. if you're using the bow, I've grown to like Simandl
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