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Everything posted by steve

  1. No pics, no sitar
  2. might be interested in this if you'd consider postage Gaf, what weight is it?
  3. [quote name='steve' post='409263' date='Feb 14 2009, 09:58 AM']bump, prolly off to ebay with this next week if no-one makes me an offer[/quote] not got round to ebay yet, will do soon tho but open to offers
  4. Nice thread Peter, I'm sure I'll be referring to it in a several months time
  5. fascinating, I'll be interested to see how this works out
  6. Looks interesting, did you design it yourself or buy some plans? What's the dimensions?
  7. This thread has inspired me to have another go with these
  8. I used to have one of these, they are fabulous amps. Good luck with your sale
  9. steve


    [quote name='wotnwhy' post='411100' date='Feb 16 2009, 02:08 PM']A very special something else, that has no pictures (yet), and can't be explained.[/quote] I have one of these up in the for sale forums
  10. pics of the pod xt pro and power amp please, whereabouts in cheshire are you? any interest in trades?
  11. [quote name='TK4108' post='410282' date='Feb 15 2009, 06:49 PM']Sorry for the delay. Here is a link to the photos. Thank again Keith and Phil! What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/kithdotus/YorkshireBassBash2009?feat=directlink"]Yorkshire Bass Bash 2009 Photos[/url][/quote] excellent pics
  12. brilliant afternoon, thanks to BtbM and Y5S for thier organisation etc
  13. I'll prolly have space in my car to give someone a lift if needed - the route I'm taking is [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Radcliffe,+Manchester,+Bury,+UK&daddr=Beech+Ave,+Harrogate,+North+Yorkshire+HG2,+UK&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=15.006879,45.878906&ie=UTF8&z=10"]here[/url] send me a pm if you need one
  14. bump, prolly off to ebay with this next week if no-one makes me an offer
  15. I have one of these, and they're fantastic basses, better than the TRB6 II IMHO
  16. thanks for all these, they'll keep me busy for a bit
  17. [quote name='obi 2 kenobi' post='407437' date='Feb 12 2009, 11:19 AM']Steve is a top bloke. Sold him the Status neck last year. Great bass btw, the early finishes from late 80s rays stand out, esp teal and blueburst[/quote] Thanks Ken, and ta to everyone else for all the comments. It is a luvverly bass.
  18. Interesting comparison, I've toyed with the idea of a O15TB, but I've no time. I've gigged my 10.5's a couple of times and they're great in terms of sound, volume, and being able to carry one in each hand instead of one with two hands like my old Hartkes. nice builds by the way
  19. Hiya mate, welcome to the forum, where abouts in the NW are you? If you were gassing for basses before you joined basschat, you'd better sell your house and your internal organs to fund now - there's too much nice stuff on here!
  20. [b]update 20/02/09 - definately for sale now, I have some interest but a deal hasn't been struck yet. If the graphite neck doesn't go with the bass, I have some definate interest for that.[/b] Dipping my toe in the water atm, but that means it'll prolly turn into a ful blown sale before too long [attachment=20099:ray.jpg] Currently got the status neck fitted. Apparently it's quite a rare finish, got the mutes on the bridge (one rubber missing), a few dings here and there and some buckle rash on the back I'd be looking for around £800 ONO + shipping with the original rosewood boarded neck, or £950 ONO + shipping with both necks. The status neck will be up for £200 + shipping if it doesn't go with the bass I'm only really guaging interest at the moment - not desperate to sell. It'll be at the Harrogate BB this weekend if anyone wants to try it out, and I'll get some more pics up soon
  21. I'd like to be added to the list too - I can copy it and forward it on quite sharpish too
  22. I also say go for it, the worst thing they can say is that you're not suitable. The best way to improve IMHO is to push yourself and stay out of your comfort zone - here's an opportunity to do both. What songs are they doing? Oh, and good luck for sunday.
  23. [quote name='budget bassist' post='404540' date='Feb 9 2009, 05:30 PM']oooo pretty[/quote] [quote name='josh3184' post='404555' date='Feb 9 2009, 05:47 PM']oh god I'm in love![/quote] [quote name='Rowbee' post='404640' date='Feb 9 2009, 06:53 PM']Wow, that's stunning![/quote] cheers
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