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Everything posted by steve

  1. aaargh, I'd probably have had this off you a couple of weeks ago
  2. [quote name='Buzz' post='390655' date='Jan 24 2009, 08:50 PM']Yes you can. Once you've attached it and it's uploaded to BC Central, just right click on the image and get it's location (or from IE, grab the url from the address bar). Then just copy and paste the url between
  3. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='389480' date='Jan 23 2009, 12:09 PM']Or an anti-tab campaign![/quote] didn't talkbass have something like that? was it TABEVIL?
  4. [quote name='Prosebass' post='389422' date='Jan 23 2009, 11:15 AM']I was recently bought a Bach for bass Tab book and have found it very beneficial, probably because over the years I lost the ability to read music and lost most of the theory I had learned (large break from playing) Yes you do have to listen to the original music for the rhythmic aspects but I think for a beginner (which is how I feel again) Tab is fine and will encourage most people to move onto reading and theory. 20 - 25 years ago I had no problem but now find I have slipped into "trained monkey" mode regarding playing but then all my time and effort goes into designing and building rather than playing.[/quote] Fair point, perhaps completely deficient is a bit strong but it is certainly flawed in comparison to notation. The Bach for bass book that I have has both notation and tab, and I find it held my reading back because I was being lazy relying on the tab to find the notes instead of working on improving my reading and finding the notes on the fretboard. I tried sticking some paper over the tab, but it took bloody ages and it occurred to me that the book could have contained twice as many pieces of music if the tab was not included I left that book, bought another book with reading exercises in and downloaded a copy of the bach cello suite prelude without tab. After working through some of the exercises for a couple of hours (the same time it took to cover the tab in my Bach book) I could see a fair bit of improvement in both my recognition of notes on the fretboard and the stave, and I was starting to think in terms of musical intervals a lot more as I played. Also, I can't stare at the fretboard as much while i'm trying to read. I wish I'd started it doing it years ago (like so many other things)
  5. I'm working on my reading and theory at the moment now. I'm partial to a bit of solo Bach, and whilst some is available in tab form, it seems somehow perverse (in a bad way ) to use it, not withstanding the fact that tab is a completely deficient notation system IMHO since it doesn't record the rhythmical aspects accurately and relies on listening to the music or having notation with it to resolve that problem. Other than that, I enjoy the experience of learning in general, so natually I want to learn about music since it is one of my passions. I find it rewarding to improve my reading skills as this means I can start playing more music to a higher standard more quickly. As far as theory goes, I'm interested in how it all works. That's reason enough for me. I still noodle around, play along to backing tracks, jam and gig (only occassionally atm ) with the band, write new bass lines etc, I don't think any of it is mutually exclusive, it all contributes to making me a better bassist.
  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='388933' date='Jan 22 2009, 07:37 PM']Yes but you just reminded me to send it, f*ck!!!![/quote]
  7. Bought a speaker cable from Gareth, quick and easy deal and a nice chap cheers mate
  8. did this go?
  9. [quote name='steve' post='388185' date='Jan 22 2009, 08:28 AM']what cartridge number is it mate?[/quote] doh, just seen it in the sub-heading. I don't think it's the one my printer needs. made a fool of myself for nothing now
  10. what cartridge number is it mate?
  11. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='388133' date='Jan 22 2009, 12:36 AM']Dont think you can. You are better off using a hosting site like [url="http://photobucket.com/"]photobucket[/url][/quote] oh well, thanks for the heads up anyway
  12. looks stunning, when do we get to see some more pics?
  13. Hi, is it possible to include an image attachment in more than one thread? If it is, how do you do it? cheers
  14. I have my FrankenP in the build diaries section [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13159&st=0"]here[/url] if I could work out how to include an attachment from another thread in this one, I'd have just put up a pic
  15. Jas bought my Line 6 Bass Pod XTLive, top bloke to deal with, friendly and helpful, everything went very smoothly cheers mate
  16. wow, that's fabulous
  17. gorgeous - I wish I had a grand to drop on it but the wife would have what was left of my balls after the bank had spat them out
  18. I was the previous owner of this bass, and I can confirm everything CJ put in his post - it's a belter with a fantastic preamp. I'm looking forward to seeing some pics
  19. very nice, is it a slab body or contoured for the forearm?
  20. [quote name='walplayer' post='385309' date='Jan 19 2009, 07:50 PM']Got this with the Aguilar and dont need it now..is a good solid case excellent condition,prefer collection £20 ,will get a pic or two up[/quote] pm'd
  21. have a look at www.bluearan.co.uk - I got a lot of parts for my omni10.5's from there
  22. I'll just take one one of them - 20" isn't long enough to reach the bottom cab. Can you PM the payment details and I'll send payment this morning? cheers
  23. I'll probably have those two remaining speaker cables from you, I just need to check they're long enough for my rig, I'll hopefully get back to you tomorrow to confirm
  24. I'll take it, name your price only joking
  25. So the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th note of the scale or mode define the chord(s) you would play the it over, and the other notes add colour or mood to the line your playing? is that right?
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