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Everything posted by steve

  1. steve

    Bongo 5

    I (still) have a soft spot for Bongos, that colours is fab
  2. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='192659' date='May 6 2008, 08:45 AM']I cant tell from the pic, but does the black SP go under the chrome pot cover?[/quote] no, the pickguard doesn't go under the cover, i've cut it to sit alongside [quote name='Jobiebass' post='192659' date='May 6 2008, 08:45 AM']The grain is lovely! you should be well pleased with it![/quote] cheers, and yeah, i am really pleased.
  3. [quote name='ebay nutter' post='190743' date='May 2 2008, 05:39 PM']all it needs to be finnished is the electrics[/quote] it also appears to need a custom scandinavian wiring job
  4. hey, your scratchplate matches the carpet! lovely bass and a fantastic price, have a bump
  5. nice, I have an unrequieted thing about headless basses
  6. i use thumb and four fingers if I'm playing solo stuff in a classical guitar stylee, but for rock, I tend to only need two for the majority of stuff, some of the stabs in 'all my life' by the foos being the only example that springs to mind
  7. oh well, hopefully something else will come along....
  8. [quote name='neepheid' post='192156' date='May 5 2008, 11:48 AM']I like the custom pickguard, coupled with the chrome control cavity cover. Seems like a modern take on the original P-bass [/quote] cheers, it sort of evolved really - i'm glad it did tho'. I was sitting there scratching my head thinking should I/ shouldn't I take a hacksaw to the pickguard for quite a while. I think it's remeniscent of a jazz bass too [quote name='Sibob' post='192294' date='May 5 2008, 04:09 PM']How are you finding the DiMarzio steve? I have the same p'up in my white Precision project! I really like it, growly but a lot hotter![/quote] I like it, it's a big improvement on the stock one I was using. I'll get to try it at the rehearsal rooms tomorrow through the ampeg [quote name='Sibob' post='192294' date='May 5 2008, 04:09 PM']I love the grain in that body, and the custom pickguard is growing on me! Si[/quote] Yeah it's lovely isn't it, I was amazed that someone had painted over it
  9. Been busy on other things for a while, and after yet another small rethink, here's where I'm at..... [attachment=8411:PIC_0607.JPG] [attachment=8409:PIC_0603.JPG] [attachment=8410:PIC_0604.JPG] since I last posted on the thread, I managed to acquire a diMarzio model p pickup, which is now installed, and I decided to add a modified pickguard, since it didn't sit right with the lower horn without the modification. I rehashed the piezo preamp, and fitted a gotoh battery box to the back. The diMarzio is wired passively for now. Sounds nice through my Fender practice combo, not tried it through my Ampeg yet tho..... So all that's left to do is drill the holes for the pickguard screws, tidy up the cut edge of the pickguard a little more and then maybe experiment with the tone cap values a bit since the tone knob affects the volume level of the P more than I'd like
  10. you have a pm
  11. got a p pup now, so i'd part ex for a j + cash
  12. bump, ..or trade for a decent 4 string PJ set
  13. [quote name='Motocross_nick' post='149483' date='Mar 1 2008, 04:34 PM']Got some old stagg p bass pickups that im not using, creamy white colour. free to a good home, if you just give a couple quid for postage. cheers[/quote] I'll take these please nick, can you pm me your paypal details? cheers steve
  14. [quote name='steve' post='183451' date='Apr 23 2008, 07:35 AM']midweek bump [/quote] .......
  15. [quote name='BassManKev' post='185838' date='Apr 26 2008, 11:30 AM']il buy the jazz neck cover off you if you didnt find a trade[/quote] you can have it for £5 + shipping kev
  16. [quote name='steve-soar' post='184267' date='Apr 24 2008, 07:43 AM']Kit agreed to sell them to me for £45 and at 22.00pm he gave me his paypal details. My wife then put the money into his account. I only hope that Kit stays true to his end of the deal and posts the pickups to me as he already has the money.[/quote] ouch!
  17. [quote name='Higgie' post='181024' date='Apr 20 2008, 02:12 PM']Hi, yup I believe you bought it for £120. Great fuzz pedal - well worth the cash!! Steve is also a great guy to deal with, so don't hesitate to snap this up if you're looking for an awesome fuzz.[/quote] cheers mate
  18. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='181109' date='Apr 20 2008, 04:16 PM']Sorely tempted but I'm supposed to be waiting for their new synth pedal. MUST RESIST!!![/quote] NO YOU MUSN'T !
  19. [quote name='steve-norris' post='181181' date='Apr 20 2008, 05:54 PM']Does it work ok with active basses?[/quote] yeah, I was using it with my Bongo for a while IIRC, hopefully someone else on the forum will confirm this
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