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Everything posted by steve

  1. [quote name='BassManKev' post='91916' date='Nov 20 2007, 11:37 PM']uv put the price up???? i swear you put it on ebay, guessing it didnt sell?[/quote] I never got round to ebaying it - I decided to hang on to it but tbh I'm using effects less and less so it might as well go to a good home. It's a lot easier to list it here, ebay is a PITA, but I will list it this time. As for putting the price up, I misread the original post, £125 it is.......
  2. This is still for sale, I'll try it on Basschat again for a couple of weeks before I try to maximise my return on ebay. I'm selling this to help fund an amp and cab upgrade - I'm looking for a hartke 410xl or 4.5xl and an SVT3 PRO, so those are the only px's I'd be interested in. Cash price is £135 shipped, paypal fees on top, but if you have any of the above and are interested in some form of trade, send me a pm cheers
  3. I could be interested in this in a few weeks Did you run it with your 210XL, how did it sound? cos that's what I'd want it for
  4. [quote name='dood' post='91680' date='Nov 20 2007, 06:32 PM']It certainly is his number! True story, Larry Hartke left a message on my MySpace to call him! He is a very busy man, but yeah.. definitely him. (On that number)[/quote] I'm starting to follow this now [quote name='dood' post='91680' date='Nov 20 2007, 06:32 PM']Oh.. and instead of going to Thomann, you maybe able to get a new driver replacement straight from Hartke's UK distributor. Could possibly be Samson.. but It may even be Headline Distribution. Sound Control used to handle Hartke gear, so a nice chat with them may get the results you need. Dan[/quote] thanks for that Dan, I've emailed Hartke and Sound Technology PLC - their UK distributors
  5. So I managed to try the cab today, and it still farts the cone looks pristine but it definately farts, especially when I play f on d string at 3rd fret, on two different basses has anyone any other suggestions before I buy a new driver?
  6. [quote name='The Burpster' post='91065' date='Nov 19 2007, 08:12 PM']Well, Larry alledgedely has his telephone number in the comics.. ring him and ask ! I'd love to know if it actually is his number![/quote] ? [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='91503' date='Nov 20 2007, 02:37 PM']A nice lady on another bass forum called the number on the ad, she didn't get through, left a message and forgot all about it and went gardening. A bit later her kid came out the house saying 'Larry is on the phone for you'. She didn't know who he was till he said , and chatted about the new amp they had coming out. I heard it first hand so I think its pretty darn cool.[/quote] ?
  7. I've had a further look at the nick after I'd taken the cone out of the cabinet and after scratching it a bit it came off! I think it was a bit of something stuck onto the cone. There's certainly no damage on the rear of the cone i can see. When I was unscrewing the cone, some of the screws were not as tight as I was expecting, so I'm hoping the farting noise was the driver vibrating. I going to try it in my garage tomorrow but there's plenty of other things which vibrate at loud volume in there so it might not be conclusive. Fingers crossed, thanks for the responses fellas
  8. I was at rehearsal last night and my hartke 115 was farting at higher volumes. On inspection today there is a 7-8 mm nick in the aluminium cone. Is this repairable or should I just go ahead and get a replacement speaker from Thomann? thanks
  9. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='90658' date='Nov 19 2007, 08:36 AM']I bet if it didn't have that headstock it would easily sell for much more then you want at the moment.[/quote] I think you have a point, although it doesn't bother me. I don't think this is a good time to sell anything at the moment tho.
  10. it did'nt sell, and now I have ampeg gas
  11. ends on ebay this evening, if someone buys this, I can get archtypes SVT3 PRO in the amps section......
  12. steve

    Cubase question

    It's a while since I've been on cubase, but IIRC you could use a stereo track and assign each channel to the appropriate mono input on your interface, or just use two mono tracks. I think your application is more dependant on the abilities of your audio interface than those of cubase. or have I got the wrong end of the stick? or the wrong stick????
  13. [quote name='andyonbass' post='89889' date='Nov 17 2007, 02:28 PM']Can you drag songs from your i-tunes library onto one of these? (apologies for a probable dumb question from a technophobe [/quote] isn't itunes an odd filetype and not mp3?
  14. [quote name='Archetype' post='89814' date='Nov 17 2007, 11:30 AM']*cowars in the corner* sorry... reminded me of what my mother would say to me before a good beating [/quote] just wait til your father gets home!
  15. If my Roscoe sells on ebay, I'll be having a chat with you about this......
  16. That's really nice, sadly I have nothing to offer for trade
  17. Just bought a bass case from Pete, he's a brilliant chap to deal with, - friendly and helpful, I can't recommend him enough, cheers mate
  18. maple, like everyone ('cept JLP) above said.
  19. so is this the real deal then? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1965-Fender-Precision-bass-Lake-Placid-Blue-All-Orig_W0QQitemZ320181775766QQihZ011QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]ebay link[/url] not that i'm buying it, just curious
  20. [quote name='Shockwave' post='87410' date='Nov 12 2007, 05:19 PM']Man if only my loan would come a month or so early i would definatly have this![/quote] if it doesn't go on ebay, I can hold it for you, I'm not in a hurry for the cash and I'd prefer it went to somebody on the forum
  21. during ebay bump
  22. blimey
  23. [quote name='elom' post='36592' date='Jul 24 2007, 09:14 PM']Should be fine, me and my drummer are rarely that close...[/quote]
  24. steve

    new-to-me P

    [quote name='paul, the' post='85740' date='Nov 8 2007, 11:55 PM']Lovely. Simplicity is the secret to life.[/quote] that was the one of the motivating factors to trade it for my bongo
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