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King of Loss

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Everything posted by King of Loss

  1. [quote name='dood' post='37452' date='Jul 26 2007, 05:51 PM']Can I just clarify. With a stereo power amp you can go dual mono, Bi amp or stereo using the 2 channels. (Bi-amp and Stereo being 2 different setups) The last meaning that you can run 2 full range channels using stereo FX like ping pong delays, reverbs, panning effects and choruses. Once you go stereo, you'll never wanna go back! ;o) (especially if you are an ERBer!)[/quote] Why would the stereo thing matter, at all, if your cabs will be on top of each other? Surely if this is the case, stereo effects etc will be cancelled out? Or are there seperate line outs to the PA for each channel, meaning that the mixing board has two bass channels? Thanks for the help guys.
  2. Alright, that's basically all I wanted to know. Why would someone want to have two channels, though? IF they had two different preamps I guess? You're right, I kinda did answer it myself, I was just making sure. Now this thread can probably sink into the depths of the forum
  3. Right, I udnerstand that you need a preamp with some sort of EQ section, a gain, and a master volume/output to plug your bass into. This then goes into the poweramp, which goes to speaker cabinets. Now, what does it mean when you look at a poweramp description and it says it is a "2x50 watt poweramp" or "2x 150 watt" etc? Does this mean 100 watts/300 watts total output, or does it mean two channels that each run 50/150 watts at any one time? Here is an example: [url="http://www.basscentre.com/cat/product_info.php?cPath=39&products_id=1405"]http://www.basscentre.com/cat/product_info...roducts_id=1405[/url] As you can see, it says it runs 2 x 425W @ 4 ohms. 2 x 500W @ 2 ohms. OR 1000W mono bridged @ 4 ohms. Does this mean it can have two channels at 425 watts at 4 ohms, or ONE channel at 1000W at 4 ohms? Sorry if I am not being very clear. Basically I want to know how poweramps work, and how the whole "mono/stereo" thing works with poweramps. It seems like quite a simple question, but I am used to an "all in one" head/combo. Thanks, Daniel
  4. That top looks absolutely completely chocolateleleley unbelievably delicious.
  5. If possible, I think the tuner recess is the coolest place.
  6. Go to the local Chapel
  7. Can I ask how much he has quoted you for it? I am going to be visiting Alan next month, just wondering as that looks like a rather tasty (and expensive!) combination of woods.
  8. I'm never selling any of mine, ever.
  9. Let's have it in Northern Ireland?
  10. Yeah.....I am a firm believer in the idea that the best inspiration for music comes from things that are not musical.
  11. I vote........ignore all the other bassists and do your own thing!
  12. I have a friend who studies at the guitar institute there. I am going over to stay with him in London next week. Hopefully I'll get a day to go in and check the place out, I'll let you know what I thought of the facilities and stuff there, and I'll talk to my friend about how he has found the past few months. Ask Dave Marks (forum member) - He teaches, or has taught there, I believe.
  13. [quote name='Oxblood' post='14602' date='Jun 9 2007, 01:27 PM']If you're doing Denmark St., by all means pop your head into the Bass Cellar, but don't expect to get a welcome or anything approaching actual service. They're a bunch of idiots, and everything in there is vastly overpriced.[/quote] I know what you mean. I've been before, not exactly the most caring/helpful staff in the world....
  14. Alright, I'm going to London on Wednesday for a week and I want to get around a few of the bass stores while I am there. I am thinking about visiting The Bass Centre The Gallery Denmark Street Is there anywhere else I should think about checking out? Also, anyone know of any decent events going on from this Wednesday to the next Wed? I'm already going to a masterclass with the Jamiroquai band, and to a couple of other things.........but I'll have some spare time so if there's anything worth checking out, it'd be cool to know. Cheers.......I think there was a thread about this on the old bassworld forums but I couldn't find one here
  15. Personally, I hate working, but I'm only 18. I have done kind of what you are thinking of doing though, only not SO MUCH work. That's how I bought my small MarkBass rig and Ibanez BTB1206e, but to be honest, now what I do for money is play jazz. It's great, playing at parties, weddings, that kinda thing, for like £50 for an hour an a half's work, it is fun, not difficult at all, and doesn't require alot of commitment. I hated regular jobs where I had to work like 8 hours a day, I just can't hack it. There are so many other things that are more worthwhile than making money. Although, the decision is up to you.
  16. Octavarium is probably my favourite DT track, and I love Scenes from a Memory, but those first 3 albums are definitely still the best. Kevin Moore is great.
  17. I like the PT too, but I was just saying that hte production shows a bit of that commercial influence on both the records I think. For example, the new PT sounds alot different to say, In Absentia.
  18. Well, I think it is the worst album they have ever done. Mostly because of the following: I can't take the lyrics seriously. I also disagree with Petrucci's opinions on how the US and the rest of the world handled/ruined Iraq. The mix/production shows wayyy too much Roadrunner influence. I think Porcupine Tree's most recent album also shows this. Everything sounds "the same", there doesn't seem to be alot of variation in sounds, dynamically. It is all just one big "sound", I found. I'm starting to get bored of really fast distorted keyboard+guitar unisons. The so sound awesome, but sometimes I think DT does it a little bit too much, especially on the new album. Not that this is a valid point, but I think the fact that Kerrang! gave it 5 stars, and it does sound alot like regular metal, really takes away from the magic of DT. I think after Octavarium (the track, not the album) this is a big letdown. That's not to say that I think it sucks, but I definitely think I have heard more inspirational, expressive, and more focused music come from Dream Theater. I am sure it will grow a bit.
  19. Yeah that'd be awesome, but it will probably be done and in your hands before I get there haha. Wood wise I am not sure - I am going to check all that out when I get there. I'm just unsure as to exactly what I want.....I will see what Alan says, what woods he has at the time, that kind of thing. We shall see.......but it will probably be a "warmer" core wood with a brighter top wood, and then the neck I am thinking either 5 piece maple/sycamore + ebony or 7 piece with Maple/Syc, Ebony, and walnut? We'll see.
  20. Awesome, that is going to be one stunning bass when it is finished. By the way, I have also decided to have a bass built by Alan. I am going to visit him in August or sometime around then I think. Should be great.
  21. Well......my first inspiration was probably Steve Harris........but top 5 all time would have to be something like..... 1. [url="http://www.livingstonemusic.net"]Ian Livingstone[/url] (he isn't a "bassist" but he started giving me bass lessons when I was 12, and by 13 they ended up being life lessons. He makes some very interesting music, if you check out his site.....most of you probably won't be bothered with it, though. He is my biggest inspiration. 2. Kristoffer Gildenlow (Pain of Salvation) 3. Dirk Lance (AKA Alex Katunich....ex-Incubus guy) 4. Chris Squire 5. No idea I don't know about everyone else, but I guess most of my musical influences are composers/musicians........as opposed to bassists specifically. I think I have learned more about playing bass by listening to music in general than studying certain players per se........I don't know, that's just how it's worked out. Still, everyone loves a bit of Victa
  22. I don't mind buying from the Bass centre. I've bought my whole rig from them too, and while it hasn't been the quickest delivery, it doesn't take THAT long. I think people should be more patient sometimes......although it can be annoying if you REALLY need the stuff straight away.
  23. Pain of Salvation - Kristoffer Gildenlow - One of the most underrated bassists that I know of, probably. YES - Never get tired of Chris Squire.....awesome player. Radiohead......Colin Green? I can't remember - Simple but effective basslines.
  24. Cool tunes, I love your fretless sound! Great playing too.
  25. I haven't treid the Nemesis head, but I have a 2x10 nemesis cab, with a LittleMark II as the head, and I love the sound. I will, when my pockets allow it, be adding another cab to this.....probably a 1x12 or 1x15.......but the LMK is definitely the best head I have ever played through (although, admittedly, that isn't a large number). Sorry I can't help in any other way.
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