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Everything posted by ben4343

  1. I might be slightly late to the party, but Sheehans in Leicester is awesome. Tons of stuff there. I've got a talented friend who went shopping there, and ended up with a wonderful Lowden. Service is great, and they are very happy for you to play your way through all their stock.
  2. P basses anyone? https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_pb_20_bk_standard_seri_deko.htm?o=6&ref=mal_a_6&search=1449051221 Missed out on the vintage Tele that I really really want... Dagnabbit.
  3. Oh, I almost certainly will at some point! Just thought it might be nice to nerd out over the vagaries of different pick ups is all. What else are we going to do on a slow Monday afternoon?
  4. I'm having to work very hard to not email Adrian to spec out a fairly straight forward active Jake, with a bridge humbucker in addition to the split coil (it's either this, or a Sandberg VM4, which I think would be quite a lot more expensive.). I've wondered for quite a while now about the differences between PUP brands; as far as I can tell from the website I can choose Maruszczyk own-brand, Delano or Haeussel. My J-bass has Haeussels and they are very smooth, which is not what I want for this (though, that might be more of a function of their single coil-ness). Anybody able to comment on any differences between the Maruszczyk own-brand and the Delanos? Who got what, and why? It's hard to AB them between different youtube videos (and potentially different rigs), but my current feeling is that the Delanos have slightly more wallop...?
  5. Fretted 4-string RH acoustic...? https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_30_nt_acoustic_bassdeko.htm?o=3&ref=mal_a_3&search=1446130714 There were heaps and heaps of guitars up that I missed out on; I quite fancy the vintage Tele one...
  6. I'm not super keen on these new ones either... Don't like the scoop on the lower horn (mine doesn't look quite like that), and I'm not the biggest fan of reversed headstocks truth be told. Interesting that all of the 'Gibsons' got a make over, good spot.
  7. I don't love my RAT clone. As mentioned above, it's a bit thin for my tastes. Still a pretty crazy distortion pedal though. If you'll allow me to run with a hunch: if you want really want a pedal purely to "add some grit" to your tone, I would maybe first have a squizz at overdrives rather than pure fuzzes. When I started to get excited (addicted, some might say) about effects, I began with a Zvex Mastotron. It makes a bunch of great fuzzy/fizzy/sizzling noises, but it is definitely not what I was expecting, particularly in terms of where it sits in the mix. Rather, it was overdrive pedals that gave the warmer/crunchier/grittier/edgier tone that I actually wanted. The EHX Bass Soul Food has had solid reviews on here recently for doing just that. But if you want super low budget, then the Joyo/Harley Benton pedals are great bang for your buck, and there are a bunch of threads on here/videos online that demonstrate them. I have the Ultimate Overdrive (allegedly an OCD clone I think?), and it's lovely and warm and edgy. The Vintage Overdrive is well regarded (Tubescreamer clone?), as is the American Sound (a Fender amp sim?). Build quality is ok, considering what you pay. These are quite large though (bigger than a Boss, especially the American Sound) if that matters. If I'm wrong about OD vs. fuzz however, then I'm sure others can also advise! The marmite ODB3 can make some pretty crazy noises (I used a friend's for a while), is inexpensive second hand, and has some even cheaper clones (I have a Chord one, as recommended by this forum, possibly even by [b]dudewheresmybass[/b]!).
  8. I've got an Ashdown tourbus combo, I think the 10 watt. It's got a simple eq, as well as both headphone out and aux in. It doesn't sound bowel liquefying obviously, but it's perfectly fine and can make itself heard with an acoustic guitar and cajon. Critically, for the purposes of this thread, is that the headphone output is decent quality for silent practicing, and is easily volume matched to your aux input if you want to jam to tunes. It's also small enough to fit in a decent sized backpack; I've taken it as part of my carry on plane luggage several times!. It was pretty cheap too. i like that it can function as several things, and a cheap tone shaper pedal (like a BDI21) is an easy improvement. Also, finally, I am now GASing hard for a HoTone Nano amp. Thanks a bunch [b]synthaside[/b]!!
  9. I have 7: Sandberg jazz (main), deko HB thunderbird (cheap and way cool), deko HB fretless acoustic, deko HB jazz (to defret), HB PB-50, a Shine 'modern' 4 string (my first bass) and a HB shorty precision (sofa bass). I want to move on the PB-50 (I need a slightly slimmer neck), the Shine (sad as it makes me, I simply never play it) and probably the shorty, to make room for a P/MM, and call it quits at a nice round 5, as that is more than enough for me. I also have a nice acoustic guitar, a 3/4 classical (which I might donate to a friend who wants to learn), and a uke. And I want a banjo... ...I have a problem.
  10. My name is Ben and I have a problem... Just ordered the 75 jazzer. Let's see if it gets processed. I think that is deco number 3 for me. TBird, fretless acoustic, and this jazz, which I will defret. Need to start shifting some other basses, I can't keep this up. It's my 5th Harley Benton bass... By the way, if any one is thinking about the shorty P I can definitely recommend it. I bought one full price (50 odd quid) and think it's brilliant; the £18 these are currently at is eye watering. Good sound, slightly wonky but fun to play, easy to lug about. Do it!! Edit: Oh balls, Order Confirmed...
  11. Man, this is such bad news... I'm in real 6s and 7s about whether or not to get the vintage jazz; it look awesome, and I want to try to defret it having played and loved a Squier fretless recently... Anyone know anything about fretless maple boards?! Will I have to epoxy it?
  12. (Context: I am right handed) I have to admit that, although people should of course be able to play whatever they choose to play, I personally find it a little peculiar that instruments are 'directional'. Learning a completely new instrument (I'm talking guitar to tuba, rather than guitar to banjo) or indeed a completely new sport (perhaps tennis to golf, rather than tennis to badminton), or indeed your very first instrument/sport, in my experience often requires development of a completely new skill set that doesn't pull too hard from previous skills. For example, were I to learn the piano now, even though I know traditionally bass is left and treble is right, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if my piano was reversed. Indeed, because my fretting hand is my left, perhaps my relatively increased (perception, rather than fact...) dexterity from fretting could be an advantage...? If you handed me a tuba, I couldn't even tell you if it was a right or left handed version, and I am confident that I would be equally uncomfortable with either possibility initially, so what would it matter? Or, is my ignorance showing here, and actually I would learn to play a right handed tuba faster than a left handed one, due to how my brain is wired? Long story short, if we have to learn a completely new skill set, then I think we can train our other hand just as well as our favoured hand? Or is this simply not true? (I'm happy to be corrected). Rafa Nadal is right handed but tactically plays left handed...
  13. So we have a mix; some side dots mark the fret line, some mark the traditional middle dot... Guess I'll just have to wait and see... ...but at least there are dots!! Thanks team!
  14. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1438073016' post='2831300'] ben4343 I hope I'm wrong but I think any side dots will be centre of the fret like normal [/quote] Yes, this is what I meant, but not what I said, ha! I think I'll be OK without line markers for the frets (part of the charm!) but think I'll struggle a bit without anything at all...
  15. Received an 'order confirmed' for the acoustic fretless, which is pretty exciting! Anyone else snag anything? Twit; do you have fret markers on the side, or will I be flying totally blind?
  16. I've only seen one episode of this, and thought it was cracking. Different styles as said (and plenty of different substyles amongst those), low key, little pomp, serious talent. Definitely worth a watch.
  17. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1437123136' post='2823716'] I do not need another acoustic, I do not need another acoustic, I do not need another acoustic, I do not need another acoustic, I do not need another acoustic, I do not need another acoustic... [/quote] So, which one did you get?
  18. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1436452428' post='2818267'] Never had a T-Bird. That's a [s]good enough excuse[/s], right? [/quote] I think that's the [i]best reason[/i], no...? [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1436477780' post='2818575'] While it's one of the regular dekos that turns up and not all that newsworthy, it's one that a number of people have bought. So, anyone going for one? [/quote] Ummed and ahhed about it, but really I want my deko acoustic to be natural and probably fretless... I'd have no idea how to play it, but I crave it...
  19. [quote name='buelljack' timestamp='1436370152' post='2817607'] im awaiting a B stock order from them, the TB70 Thunderbird. tracking looks ok, looks like confirmation that it has been handed over to parcel force here in the UK, but their online tracking has it still in Germany, hmmm [/quote] I got a deko TB70 a couple of months ago, and it is a [i]stonking [/i]guitar. I think you'll be very pleased with yours when it arrives. The only thing that I found initially problematic was that the balance was wonky (surprise surprise, it's a Thunderbird). As mine was a deko and had a small ding in the lacquer on the back, I had no problems with screwing in another strap button at the base of the neck (like on an SG, for example), which improved things enormously.
  20. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1436312757' post='2817063'] Here you go... one in London: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dean-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Custom-Zone-Florescent-Pink-NEW-/281651474626?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4193bc70c2"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4193bc70c2[/url] and its nearly-as-horrible sister: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dean-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Custom-Zone-Yellow-NEW-/271827679160?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f4a3137b8"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f4a3137b8[/url] [/quote] See, I'm actually ok with the pink! The yellow made me physically wince however... I'm really not a fan of the Antigua colourway either. At one point there was a matching Antigua bass [i]and [/i]strat in the window of my local music shop; I have no idea if they sold, or if they were simply removed and hidden in a dark place...
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxslAzZsJS8 I thought the MXR (at about 4 mins) sounded pretty natural? Particularly in the first few settings. Not 'boingy' and synthy like the OC-2.
  22. Nate Mendel P bass?? As a 5er?! And a J pup! For 40 quid??! Bargain
  23. HNGD... Sounds like a particular type of sound made in conjunction with a particular type of face at the culmination of a particular type of activity... Guitar looks and sounds darn good. I really fancy one of their telecasters (because of many very important reasons) and this is only serving to fan my GAS.
  24. I've made a couple of two hundred and a little bit euro transactions over the last half a year (to trigger free postage; spend money to save money... ...?). The estimated cost has only ever been a few pence (like, sub 10p) away from the actual cost. Maybe I have just been lucky? I use Nationwide, and just the 'normal transaction'.
  25. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1435601385' post='2810480'] I'm planning on buying in the US next month. TBH, I can't see why I can't just take the neck off, wrap body and neck separately with bubble wrap and stick them in my suitcases... [/quote] I have also done this (albeit with a cheapy play bass). It was dismantled for about 24 hours, and upon reassembly played absolutely the same, as far as I could tell. But, perhaps, more... quality... instruments might be a bit more sensitive.
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