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Everything posted by ben4343

  1. Acoustic 5er is still up there... I'm gutted I missed the fretless 4; I hadn't even considered such a weirdly wonderful thing might exist, and GASed hard when I saw the 'sold out' label... Did anyone on here snag it?
  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1435332313' post='2807834'] There's actually one for sale in this forum, for £250 I believe. The black one. I'm struggling to stay away from it, so I'd love it if somebody else took the temptation away, because that black and maple combination looks very classy [/quote] Yes, unfortunately I had noticed that: it has peaked my interest. I'm a bit of a sucker for white basses though, so I fear my heart would always lust for the VW colourway. I discovered today that there is a black one in the guitar shop 10 minutes walk away, so I suppose I have no excuse for wandering around there tomorrow and checking it out. The even more annoying thing is that it's the same price there as on Thomann, so if I like it I'm going to have to work quite hard not to impulse buy it. I'd rather give BassChat matey the dosh, but shipping to Norway might be a fair wallop, and I might want it now... Bass out before bass in... Bass OUT before bass in...
  3. I'm GASing pretty hard for a not-too-expensive P bass at the moment, and these are really pressing my buttons, thanks for posting. The body looks slightly smaller than the 50s, or is that an illusion as you mentioned it's actually heavier? Or is the weight in the neck/headstock, as you said the balance isn't quite as good?
  4. A likely reason for including the ps-6 is to add an 'extra' note to your already POG-altered signal. You can choose which note this is, but I'm mostly going to be using the 5th up, to create the effect of a chord (root note + 5th = first two notes of a power chord). The POG is most useful in my opinion in that you can take an untouched (dry) bass signal from it in addition to the octave up/down/whatever (wet), and then add in further effects to each half of the chain. The two chains can then go to an amp each, and with a killswitch/tuner you can play either/both the dry and wet signal. Alternatively, you could bring the chains back together with an ABY box, and run them through the same (bass) stack/combo, using the ABY box to select either/both your dry and wet. It's also possible to use loop pedals (like the LS-2) to create the same effect, but the internet can explain that better than me. Having checked your post again though, it seems you are the guitarist, so don't really need the dry POG signal. The ABY method I've described is probably unnecessary for now, but adding in a cheap pitchshifter (the Behringer something600 is pretty ok) could thicken your sound up if you're fed up with just a high bass sound. In terms of what dirt options to use; welcome to the addictive world of pedals!! Trial and error seems to be the way forward, just try borrowing and testing as many as you can. The Joyo/Harley Benton overdrives are well regarded and super cheap, but there are heaps of threads on fuzz/overdrive/distortion pedals on here... Play around with what you have first though, you can probably get close enough to the sound you are after...
  5. I bought the Zvex Mastotron on the basis of some good reviews, and that Royal Blood use it... I'm not experienced enough to compare it to many others, but you can get a pretty good range of noises from it (I bet I haven't found half of them yet), and it seems to go pretty cheap second hand. It is slightly larger than a Boss pedal (longer) and is landscape. No clue if it plays with active basses. Just to add another log to the pile...
  6. There seem to be some lefties up at the mo? And a resonator... This looks nice http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_75lh_na_vintage_ser_deko.htm
  7. I'm having to wipe away tears too. Then, right at the end... "Make my ring tone your ringtone"?!?! Floored me.
  8. That sounds flupping radical...
  9. Interesting. I listened through completely and thought the first 4 sounded identical!! If you jump around by clicking on peaks however, I was able to start to detect the differences, with brightness, smoothness and bark changing slightly. That said, I have no chance of identifying what's what, and the changes are subtle enough that it required multiple listenings and hopping between the peaks quickly. My ear 'reset' itself in the breaks whilst listening normally, so I really struggled to identify the changes. As an aside, I've been meaning to say for a while that I like the website and enjoy the various reviews and shootouts. Thanks!
  10. I'm with [b]mike257 [/b]on this... The Sandberg will be with me 'til the day I die. We've not been through anything particularly remarkable together, but I don't think I have a more precious inanimate object. All the other stuff is thoroughly enjoyable, but in a happy state of gassy flux.
  11. I suggest soundmagic too. I think mine are the e30s having had a quick look on the website, but I've had them so long I have no idea. 3 years maybe, and as far as I can tell there has been no degradation in sound quality. I'm still pretty happy with them. Huh. I definitely don't remember paying £40 for them. Doesn't sound like me at all!! But at the time I read that soundmagic punch well above their weight, so if you can find a cheaper set they could be a goer.
  12. Of course; I will be fastidious in my testing. Ruthless in fact. Perhaps a multi-loop pedal and another pitch shifter would be more appropriate and flexible after all. Or maybe after I've walloped an additional 5th on the Nano's octave up and overdriven or distorted it, the latency between clean bass and mangled 'guitar' won't be noticeable, and might actually add a cool reverby feel. Who knows... Unfortunately this won't be for several weeks yet as I'm working away, which gives me plenty of time to wallow in all of the worst case scenarios.
  13. Uh oh... This worries me. I have the US600 to add a 5th to my wet octave up from the Nano (which I chose as it's a single pedal which allows you to keep a separate dry). The Nano hasn't arrived yet, but has been ordered through my local store. I'll be pretty gutted if there is latency between dry and wet signal, as that kinda defeats the point of it in my opinion. This wasn't at all apparent in the videos I slathered over, and will be a real shame if it is a feature. The Pitchfork is apparently another very good pitch shifter.
  14. On my Umbo I run the switch in Ultraclean mode, have tone slightly rolled off from full, a slight bias to the bridge pup, and volume at about half [u]+[/u] a bit. I prefer the sensitivity in my bass knob (ooh err) to the amp, and haven't found that I lose the voice I want from my instrument with the lower input volume (this is usually through a head/cab, rather than a PA). I knock the switch to Dirty Mid mode (not my terms...) if I want some grunt. These criteria have been developed purely by what sound I think I like, rather than any robust theory. Perhaps I should start experimenting with a bit more volume than half [u]+[/u] a bit, to 'improve' my signal...
  15. I actually said "Wow" aloud to myself. Incredible.
  16. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1430915232' post='2765853'] In a worrying development twice this week I've had a Deko in my Thomann basket and twice I've not bought it. Once for a PJ and then for that T-bird last night. Maybe this means I'm finally developing a healthier relationship with GAS? [/quote] Your hesitation is for my benefit: I thank you! I placed my order at about 06:30 GMT (contrary to the time my post states); I'm in Norway so am an hour ahead of the rest of you I guess... I've had order received and order confirmed emails, so I suppose that means I snagged it. I will report back next month when I find out what it's like. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1430898023' post='2765596'] Bloody he'll, I'm missing these and it's depressing. Although tbh I didn't know about HB products before and they have an OK rep and are cheap anyway. I might just get a non deko as knowing my like I'll be the guy who gets a mule and doesn't know how to correct it. Nice one guys. [/quote] A HB PB-50 might have also snuck into the order I made... Over Easter I took a punt on the mini P-bass HB do, and love it to bits! Slightly unbalanced due to the size of the body and as such a bit of a pain for fingerstyle, but extremely playable with a pick (which in my opinion accentuates the classic P tone anyway) and pretty decent sounding. I used it in a 3 hour jam (through an Ashdown stack) and it held its own alongside a Les Paul Standard (through a Marshall stack) and a Hamer studio job (through a lush Engle combo); I was blown away. I heartily recommend them (well, the mini at least!), and can't wait to try the 2 new ones... I fear the TB might be a bit big for me (I'm not a particularly big guy), but for 40 sheets I had to try!!
  17. I have just checked and a bunch of stuff is still up, which is unusual as typically when I look after the announcements here everything has gone. So I bought the T-bird, naturally.
  18. I agree, just be patient. I've had a couple of issues with no shows on ebay (one I suspect got lost in the system, one I think was more fraudulent) and both got resolved pretty quickly and entirely satisfactorily. The paypal/ebay system is really well set up to protect the buyer. Still, it's pretty irritating to wait for the resolution eh! Also, the guy might be having a really tough week, they happen. Fingers crossed it all turns out for the best.
  19. I read today that matey from The Mars Volta froths about the Boss CS-2 for the very reason that it has a mega top end. I'm afraid I can't offer any personal suggestions, but thought this was worth a mention as I hadn't seen it come up yet.
  20. ben4343

    Eno pedals

    I also think their Rat sounds pretty cool. I have both it and the analogue delay and am pretty happy with both, especially as neither was more than £20, decent soft case/pouch thing included. I haven't noticed that either generated much noise really. Maybe some effect types are more prone to system noise that others? Or maybe quality control is flakey, so duff ones make it through. I also thought the build quality was acceptable too! As stompable as a BOSS? No way! But certainly not nasty knock off stuff. Though maybe time will tell...
  21. [quote name='NoirBass' timestamp='1429081966' post='2747686'] Oooh look, Andertons have them on pre order: [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/compact-pedals/pid37844/cid692/electro-harmonix-nano-pog-pedal.asp?LGWCODE=37844;56375;2717&utm_source=googlebase&utm_term=NANO%20POG&utm_medium=pricecomp&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping&gclid=Cj0KEQjwmLipBRC59O_EqJ_E0asBEiQATYdNh6_TLJDIdWdO2RMywilZRDvND98YqPYCw0c_sDMyVowaAlG_8P8HAQ"]http://www.andertons...yVowaAlG_8P8HAQ[/url] [/quote] This has been the case since (at least) late February, where they were purported to be shipping mid-March. I emailed them to ask about a release date, and they responded quickly but vaguely. Subsequently, the shipping date got bumped back to mid-May. I'm so GASsy about this pedal...
  22. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1428572258' post='2742477'] If you need an ABY pedal anyway, why are separate wet/dry outputs necessary when you can use a 2loop blend pedal instead and just set the octave to 100% wet? Unless you have an aby already. [/quote] I guess because I'm not very familiar with 2loop blend pedals (the COG which has been discussed, or something like the Boss LS2? See, clueless ), and was exposed to ABY pedals first, so currently favour them? I'm pretty new to effects, so am not familiar with every permutation. At the risk of derailing the thread (apologies OP!) it sounds like that needs a pretty specific kind of octave pedal, which is perhaps more expensive than a 'standard' octave pedal with a cheap ABY box which can actually be used for a couple of other applications? Genuine interest by the way, I'm here to learn!
  23. Ah yes, good point re. the wet+dry OC3. I didn't mean to imply that exclusively the POG does this dual split, just that as far as I know, it is only the POG that does the split with an octave up. Nope, tell a lie, it looks like the COG T65 might do that as well!! But it is analogue, vs. the digital POG... I am simultaneously exasperated and chuffed that there are so many similarly themed pedals that do slightly different things! EDIT: And good luck with snagging the Mooer!
  24. I'm eyeing up POGs because you can take two lines out of them, keeping one as your bass and boosting/dropping an octave on the other one. You can then have different subsequent effects on both, before going in to 2 amps or an ABY pedal (which I will do, as I can't afford 2 amps...). I want to act as dual rhythm guitarist + bassist in some of our bigger choruses/bridges, so this is valuable to me. Additionally, the Nano POG is supposed to be released soon, with (aside from a smaller footprint) 'improved circuitry', whatever that means... Perhaps it will make the digital sound of the Micro a bit more natural? However, if you simply want to change octaves up or down, then they are probably unnecessarily expensive. Hope that's some more food for thought!
  25. It's awesome! Probably going to start a new thread to make some comments as I don't want to take over yours, but just wanted to follow up. I'm loving it! Hope you're still having fun with yours!
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