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Everything posted by ben4343

  1. We're doing a small acoustic set as some light entertainment for the Falmouth Oyster Festival, Prince of Wales Pier this Saturday from 7pm. The main event is of course Rosie and the Goldbug, but we're excited to play too! Our drummer will be sorely missed, but we've got him covered by strapping a tambourine to the guitarist's leg. I'm bricking it as I have only played bass for 2 days so far this year...
  2. I have done exactly the same! Can't wait to try it out at the weekend, and I am even more excited after hearing how pleased you are. I had taken a punt on it as a cheap bass to learn how to do set ups, fret adjustment, circuit re-wiring etc., but it sounds like the need won't be so great; don't know if that is good news or bad really! You seem to be happy with the sound you are getting from the pups - are you running them through anything clever, or do they simply have a good honest noise to them? Congrats on your NBD!
  3. I'm GASing like frack for a Sandberg P bass, even though I have absolutely zero use for it. It's just as well I can't find a UK-based Cali VS to try, otherwise I fear I'd be a lot poorer... And when on earth is the Nano POG going to be released?!? I waited patiently (well, not [i]that [/i]patiently) until April 14th (Anderton's predicted shipping date) only to see it slide to mid-May... I'm not sure I can take it...
  4. Man, I really want (but have zero actual need for; is this the dreaded GAS...?) a P bass that I can drag around with me and not stress about. The super cheap price and excellent noises people are making are tempting... I also want a 'project' guitar that I can learn about setting up actions, bridge and neck positions, electronic fiddling etc... It seems like this could be it. Anyone have any experience with the P version? I'm glad you are so pleased Mattmit!
  5. I'm a fan. I admit the album doesn't grab me in the same way some others do, but I find it very listenable, for the technical side if not exclusively the music. I enjoy hearing what he does, and figuring out the way he does it (I was familiar with octaving a guitar down, but POGing your bass up?! Witchcraft!). If nothing else, I wouldn't have discovered BassChat if it wasn't for googling 'Royal Blood effects', and now I'm completely hooked on learning about bass effects, new rigs, the best way to hook up to sound desks, trawling the basses which come up for sale... So I guess I have Royal Blood to 'thank' for that...
  6. PMd! Great looking thing...
  7. Thanks for the welcome guys! I'm made up to see some Kernow folk about; do either of you play in local bands? I'm a little out of the loop, but know of some. Pleased to say I'll be visiting next weekend; I'm like a pasty camel, got to get my quota for the spring in... [b]Myke[/b]: PM on it's way...
  8. Hi team. I'm Ben, and though I consider Cornwall as home, I am currently based in Trondheim, Norway. I've messed around with bass (and acoustic guitar) for about 10 years, but I have only taken it seriously for the last 4. I started to play because my Dad does, and he's pretty cool. 2 years ago I bought myself a Sandberg Cali Umbo 4 instead of the Fender J I thought I wanted. I am currently upgrading the Kustom combi I mooch off the old man (turns out we are never too old for this kind of behaviour) to my first mini stack; Ashdown Rootmaster 420 head, with a 210 and 115 cab. I decided to sign up as I have got heaps of great info from the boards about effects (my word pedals are a slippery and expensive slope...! The first has been a ZVex Mastotron) which I was extremely grateful for, and hope to be able to return the favour one day... Looking forward to soaking up more knowledge! See you around, happy playing.
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