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Everything posted by buff

  1. Bit of a way, im five miles from penzance!!! Have a good courier service i use though, that could deliver to weymouth.
  2. Very little use, has a tiny paint chip near input socket easily touched in and a small mark on the back of the neck. Fitted with wizard thumper P and a 84J pick ups. Comes with hard case £220 or £150 if fitted with original pick up's plus delivery. Not interested in trades other than for a white CV jazz
  3. Bump, suprised this hasnt gone yet.
  4. I loved mine till it packed up, traded up to a MB500. Never lack's output like my PF did, use it with a sansamp. And it gives me reliability with that ampeg sound.
  5. How about a alloy or steel pick up ring in a similar fashion to the normal rickenbacker item, other being a tight fit around the pick up.
  6. now sold
  7. They need a rosewood board and block inlays to look the part really or at least a tinted neck, liked the green one though
  8. Bought off this forum a couple of months ago and not used, due to being happy with the sound from my svt without it. Made last year, comes with its own power supply £100 + postage
  9. Ive got a pair of bart's in my 51 squier precision, no pre amp and they sound great.
  10. double checked it, still looks like a jag, but made by this guy http://www.dubreuille-guitar.com/bass.html
  11. Squier humbuckered jaguar with extra pick up ?
  12. I carry a MB 500 in my pedal/lead case, just in case my SVT lets me down.
  13. i'd recommend the MB500 as well, compared to the PF500 it replaced its easily a third louder. Carry it to every gig being only 4lb's in my lead/pedal box, weigh's less than my DHA vt1 pedal
  14. Put wizards on mine, its a great bass. Toying with a re-finish in vintage white.
  15. The cooper clarke footage was on last week also, looked to be a Rickenbacker. Certainly sounds like one, hooky's was a copy and JJB playing a jazz
  16. I found double length ones on ebay a while, but for year's just used a normal size one that i cut the seam on so it was longer.
  17. also this guy between heston and penzance http://www.kifguitars.com/index.html
  18. Indeed, could be seeing him at beautiful day's this year
  19. I also had a go, but didnt get as far as an audition. I thought from day one it was out of my league, but the info service kept coming back to me saying was i still interested. And that they werent looking for a carbon copy of Nelson, it kind of inspired me to have a go. It was a real long shot, and even if they howled at my attemp's of playing the track's. I still really appreciate the info service/nma giving me the time of day and being so polite
  20. Had a 410tx for year's great sounding cab, only downside is they weigh 86lb's.
  21. Ive been using a company called APC over the past year, for anything on here or ebay item's. Cant recommend them enough, always next day delivery. Basses normally 18-20, amp head's about the same, cab's anything from 15-25 depending on weight size, maybe not the cheapest but complete piece of mind.
  22. I'd pee myself if it's really Adam Clayton
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