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Everything posted by buff

  1. It does to me, but I'm half going on what im hearing using a new bass and also how much more I'm turning up the dials compared to my previous amp a peavey tour 450. From what Ive read on talkbass they recon ampeg are normally spot on with they're watt ratings. So I've not made my mind up just yet. If it does end up that I've not got enough headroom without it peaking/clipping or cutting out. I guess I'd try a hartke lh500, as no one has commented on those lacking volume and go back to using my sansamp for that ampeg sound.
  2. I guess if you buy new you've got a two year warranty, i know the orange bass terror's have also had problem's. I went through all the posts on talkbass the other week, and it was shocking reading until you got about 3/4 of the way through. By that time people had got used to them and started rating them. Like i say at the moment im still working out the volume setting's, but did read that the svt3 volume contols worked best if the master was turned all the way up. And the gain was used as the volume button, cant say i did it that way on mine when i had it. Maybe the pf500 needs to be used the same way.
  3. Im still getting to grip's with my pf500, settings wise. My only concern is how loud it will go, but from what ive read you can turn everything up all the way. Had a svt3 a couple of years back, and to me the 500 certainly has that same kind of sound etc. Just less button's to play with.
  4. Got any pic's to post up
  5. Probably doesnt help im still getting to grip's with the settings on the pf500 either.
  6. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1317549507' post='1391639']Wizard would have not been my choice of replacement pickup, also... I need to ask this: last year I asked Wizard if they did do a replacement pickup for the single coil old style tele bass and they got all arsey on me saying "NO! there's not a big demand for those, so we are not doing them" I thought... well f*** you very much! and thanks for nothing. I'll look elsewhere. So I did. Are you sure it's a wizard? Anyways, I've had 2 of those Squier 51 and I have tried them with a Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound which was the most powerful (perhaps a tad too much) and with great presence on all frequencies and then a Lollar which was very nice and vintagey but not so powerful and finally on my last 51 Squier I fitted a split coil (hum cancelling) Lindy Fralin which was the best of both worlds, seriously present, loud enough and really woke up every single ounce of resonant wood in that body. It was xpensive but worth it.[/quote] Yes its definately a wizard pick up, phoned them last week to see if maybe the could do a rewind. And was informed they had a prototype one in the making, if i sent mine up they'd compare it size wise against what they had. And either rewind mine or send me one of the prototype ones. They had done me a thumper for my squier jag, and i was really pleased with that pick up. Plus i knew if i explained what i wanted, they'd advise me on it. Im not saying its Not sounding clear, but it does disapear a little in the mix. Its probably my ears a little also, as i used a jazz for so long. I guess im used to the two pick up sound. Having said that i bet it would sound great with two single coil's in it.
  7. Recently bought myself a butterscotch 51, such a fantastic bass for the money. The problem I'm finding is that even though it's got a prototype wizard in it, which sounds fantastic. It just gets lost in the mix at gig time. So as i now realize I'm only happy with a normal P pick up or jazz arrangement, find a humbucker to fit or stick another single coil in the bridge position. Which should give me a jazz set up. But something like a pair of g&l mfd pick ups would look cool.
  8. Price drop to £175
  9. [i]SOLD please remove[/i]
  10. Pm'ed
  11. Friday afternoon Bump
  12. Ok hereas a few more pic's, still have the black pick guard so it'll be with that rather the the tort its wearing now. Serial number pic hasnt come out well but its O049578 which dates it as a 94/95 year of manufacture.
  13. Will put some recent pic's up in the morning, yes still in the same condition.
  14. It's the white bass in the link, cash or possible trades for 51 precision or fender jaguar.
  15. Heres a link to the original advert on here. Looking for £450 or possible trades for 51 precision or fender jaguar bass http://basschat.co.uk/topic/88825-sold-cij-fender-precision-70ri-whiteblackrosewood/page__hl__sid
  16. I put wizard's in mine, a thumper and a hotter J pick up. Really transformed the sound of it.
  17. More fiddling, have noticed that once the gain goes past 5 it really effects the amount of distortion through the speakers. But by bringing up the bass, mid and treble at the same levels it boost's the volume along with the volume button but still retains the same tone as lower setting's. Probably common sense maybe. One thing i did notice was that with even the gain up all the way the peak light didnt come on. I know there have been issues with these not working on some peoples amp's.
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