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About Jonesy

  • Birthday 28/02/1983

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  1. The people in Wunjo are brilliant - enjoy your new toy!!
  2. There's a bit, about 2 mins I to that vid, where Troy just shakes his right hand. I might need a support!
  3. Does anyone else play this game when they're bored and fill a shopping cart on somewhere like Andertons (other retailers are available), imagining what they'd buy after a lotto win? No? ..........yeah, I don't do it either. One of the first in the basket is always the Tony Franklin fretless
  4. I hate Elvis Costello, apart from the odd track here and there, so don't really listen to much of his stuff. I know Bruce Thomas is a monster player and this popped up in a playlist the other day...... Wish me luck!
  5. FYI.....not to derail......I only found out in the last year or so that G&L made a MIJ Tribute ASAT. One went on eBay for standard Tribute prices in the past year or so. I was umming and arring over it for too long and missed out. Been kicking myself ever since
  6. It's a tough choice as it kinda depends on the situation..... - If it was a special birthday purchase, I'd rather have a shiny new one (unless there was something vintage I couldn't get new) - If there was a specific finish/model that was out now that I didn't want to wait for 3-5 years for one to hit the 2nd hand market then you'd have to go new. - For pretty much everything else I'd go 2nd hand and get the best bass I could budget for
  7. Great call, I'd definitely look at lower tension flats if hand pain was an issue. I have a set of Labella 760fl's on a p bass and they're supposed to be a lighter tension than their standard set. I wouldn't exactly call them low tension though, just slightly lower than their usual cables 😂. TBF, I haven't tried Labella's specific low tension set. TI Jazz flats are very comfortable though and sound great too, so I'd also throw those into contention.
  8. Ah nice, that sounds like the same sort of thing we plan to use it for, but I'll be chucking the tracks up to our Google drive. The idea of splitting one track out to individual instruments sounds like a bit too much faff for my use, but more accurately, well beyond my skill set! Do you know what Logic's built in mastering does? Is it just limit/enhance/compress?
  9. Howdy folks, I've just got my grubby mitts on a Tascam DR40x to start recording rehearsals and was wondering if anyone then plays with their tracks to sort of 'master' them after recording? I have Reaper and, from a bit of reading around, it sounds like using a multiband compressor and limiter on the tracks will improve them, so I have some reading to do on that. We've previously just chucked a phone down in the room and the recordings have been good enough to share and listen to, so I'm assuming I won't have to do anything to the Tascam tracks for them to be listenable, but if anyone has any tips/tricks/a workflow to share then I'd love to hear what you do!
  10. I'd imagine Mike Bordin will do most of the drumming and Bill will do the odd tune here and there.
  11. 7 pages in and no mention of Freddie King yet - sacrilege! This ones a little funkier than the record and has a nice little bass break by Benny Turner, one of my favourite blues bassists
  12. The full line up looks insane. Take my money!
  13. Check this one out as well... I think you'll like the version of 'Yonder Wall' at about the 12 minute mark, but the whole show is great!
  14. Nice walk through of a lovely Duck Dunn bassline! Freddie had some great players with him. I really love Benny Turner's work with him (playing with your bro must be an advantage for feel and just knowing where the song is going!), especially on the live in Europe live stuff..
  15. Quite a unique mod! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156658530392?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m164380.l178264&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=c94bfe4ab8ac49f89a94f44800489968&bu=43119291937&ut=RU&exe=0&ext=0&osub=-1~1&crd=20250128012836&segname=11021&recoId=156658530392&recoPos=1 "Headstock: Good aesthetic condition." Is it?! 🤔
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