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  1. Mini corona chorus pedal light use, as new, in box
  2. Thanks AndyTravis 🙂I used this bass loads when I first got it, but less so now due to the character of the gigs I am on. It needs to be out there getting played
  3. Considering selling my beautiful made in Japan Marcus Miller Signature Jazz Bass finished in the rare Olympic white. Excellent condition, great sounding bass.
  4. As new with cover, PJB cab 27, 8ohm 250 watt, 2x7 drivers with tweeter. Great sounding potable little cab, light rehearsal use only.
  5. Hi do you mean the sansamp bddi, yes still have it Stu
  6. £4 mate
  7. Ebs multi comp £80 sold Ebs octabass £90 sold Ebs Multidrive £60 Oc2 clone £50 sold TC corona £45 Ditto £45 sold sansamp bddi V2 in tin box £195 behringer bddi with scoop defeat mid mod £15 sold will post a buyers expense, more items to follow thanks for looking
  8. D’addario nickels, not keen personally, best sound I had with the bass was with DRs multi coloured silks not sure of the specific type. It sings with Roto Swings too
  9. Yes a bit fussy about my action had shims in all my pbass, it’s fine with it taken out
  10. Some photos of the relic finish, added
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