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Everything posted by rhysyjob

  1. 100% agree, I’m glad I got mine while I could. Whilst sad that there will be no “new” ones it’s great that the brand won’t be diluted by cr4p.
  2. I can’t see that demand has dropped off tbh. They seem to attract devotees, a few of which have popped up on here! 😁
  3. A bit of an update following a conversation with Mark at Bass Direct last week. The rumours are true, Vigier will wind up production at the end of 2023. Patrice is 68 and wants to retire, however the distribution side of the business High Tech Distribution will continue with Patrice’s daughter heading up that side of the business. Bass Direct have one more Passion 5 on order but that’s all folks! Thinking of Pedulla etc, it really brings home the fact that some of the major high end manufacturers are not getting any younger.
  4. This…… I can still remember the lack of tone no matter what you pressed. And it weighed about as much as a nuclear reactor!
  5. Ain’t that the truth! 😂👍
  6. I’ve never found Class D to be particularly unreliable. My class A/B Eden was a complete stinky poo show that I ended up selling on after 3 repairs! Loved the sound though. Class D don’t appear to be particularly easy to repair from some stories, but that’s not my own personal experience.
  7. If you take the time to read the post I back up my “personal” claim. Everyone’s different and have different tastes. I have found some of the comments in the post quite educational though! 👍
  8. Stonking Amp! I loved mine. 😊
  9. Can someone clarify if that is Class AB heresy or Class D Heresy? If it’s Class D heresy the fire will be cooler. 😂
  10. As originator of the post I have to say it is quite presumptuous to label that all are listening with their eyes. Sure there maybe AB tests that are non conclusive for specific applications. There are also people for and against on the forum. I would guess that most of these opinions are based upon personal experience, listening and specific applications. They are also free of political agenda.
  11. And that may be true for Genz Benz. However like everyone else on this forum (I suspect, but don’t know because I am not them) I trust my ears. It’s not always the signal at fault, it’s the way it gets delivered. 😊✌️
  12. I have been at pains to comment a number of times that it is my opinion and that everyone has different tastes and requirements. However, you have no factual foundation to base your observation that my comments on Class D are “based upon your predetermined ideas than reality in my experience”. So your comments are based upon your predetermined bias of what you think I’m hearing… and that in the best light is presumptuous.
  13. Who better to assess what makes me happy?
  14. I have considered it, but by the time you add vibrating boards, good headphones, transmitters etc, id rather just go DI rig, monitor and -15db plugs to cut out the cymbals.
  15. It’s not just Class D, I had an Eden WT550 that plopped itself mid gig, nightmare! It then got worse as the uk tech couldn’t repair it had to send a new preamp board over from the US. Then a few months later the fan went and it overheated and cut out mid gig. I got it repaired and solid it, but I was an inch away from a Basil Fawlty Moment in the Car Park. I loved the Eden sound, but the build quality of my particular unit was Friday pm at Longbridge in the 1970’s.
  16. Personally, I’ve found Ashdown very helpful. TC Electronic, Line 6 we’re appealing (went in the bin) and Eden (about 9years ago) cost me a fair bit in petrol, phone calls and parts.
  17. Absolutely the case 95% of the time. I’m not opposed to letting the PA do the heavy lifting but I prefer mic/di. Agree that in that instance the FRFR class D argument is a bit redundant.
  18. 🤦‍♂️
  19. Apparently TC Electronics test department has been bought by VAG Group…… 😁
  20. Yes but in a different way! 😉
  21. Absolutely. The power amps are Full Frequency Flat Response (FRFR) which means all the tone colouration comes from the preamp. Depending on whether this has been lifted from a pedal or worked as bespoke for the amp may make all the difference……
  22. Clever. 👍 But it was down the pub that I finally fell out of love with digital switching Coke. 😊
  23. Dammit is this the BV1001T? I may have to try one.
  24. I think it’s perfect for front of house where you want to have a completely uncoloured representation of the band (FRFR). However for an instrument amp, the preamp and power amp have historically added colour and character to the tone. FRFR lacks that colouration hence why Darkglass, Aguilar etc put pedal type preamps in front of them. I did have a Aguilar TH500 which wasn’t bad, but ultimately not for me. It’s all down to personal taste. 😊
  25. As I said it’s personal choice, I can tell the difference for sure and for ages I tried to tell myself I couldn’t. Ultimately it’s personal choice, but if work done or power is a function of area under the the output graph it feels like class D are steeper spikes and A/B are more sine waves with greater work done. This may explain the need to lose heat. I’m no expert but I trust my ears. No right or wrong just personal preference! 😉
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