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Everything posted by JAC

  1. Thanks. I really really want one of these, but now is not the time Good luck with the sale!
  2. Does this have the Domanski pickups and the Delano pre, or a different combination?
  3. My favourite HB, just wish they could do them in more flavours!
  4. That is absolutely stunning! It is a little over my budget, but... What is the scale and string spacing on this?
  5. Could you tell me the string spacing on this please? (I tried searching online but came up blank). Thanks.
  6. Are you interested in posting to Spain?
  7. If you look at the fact that the deko price is close to unit cost for an HB, it is also not far off unit price for many other brands that sell for much more, so the HB's are still great value for money
  8. Thanks JTUK for your input. Just to clarify, I am not interested in a combo, just a cab, to use with one of my current amplfiers. As for ditching the PA rig... I only use that kind of power when I need it. I also have plenty of PA to use for the FOH, and when we use FOH, I obviously set up my rig to not interfere. What I am looking for is a 210 (or 212) cab, around the 250 to 400W mark, which I can use for smaller gigs, loud practices (when I don't need my full rig) and loudish Jams. I am interested in the mids and highs of the cab because, when I need the power, I will use it with my current rig instead of the EAWs, so it would be covering the 250Hz mark upwards. Thanks again. (BTW, no the GK can't take an external cab).
  9. Firstly I would like to say hi! Apart from one post I made in the classifieds, this is my first post on here, although I have read a lot. I was wondering if you guys could help me out, as I can't decide, and I have nowhere to test any of the cabs I am contemplating, so my purchase will be made online. I will try to explain my situation in detail, so please forgive me if this turns into a long post. Currently I have a GK M112 (1st generation) that I use for home practice and quiet jams, rehearsals etc. My large rig is a Zoom B3 running into a Crest CA6 or QSC CX302 (or larger). For cabs I use an EAW 15" sub plus an EAW 6.5" mids with 1.5" tweeter. I use a BSS soundweb as a crossover, and with this setup I get 450W into the sub (which can cover 27Hz to 300Hz) and 200W into the mids and highs (which can cover 80Hz up to 20kHz). I usually crossover around 100Hz, but lately have been playing around with different xover points, and the sub runs fine up to 300Hz. I have a second identical rig (EAW sub + mids/highs), and when I really need a lot of power, I can sum all of this up, using a couple of power amps, and get 2000W for lows and 700W for highs/mids. My issue is the spot in between! My GK combo is not loud enough for some of the rehearsals we do (mainy outdoor rehearsals as I am in Spain), and the EAW rig is overkill for this (especially in weight >100kg!). I am looking for a cab that would give me more than the GK combo for rehearsals, and I could also use with my 15" sub when needed, biamping and crossing over between 100Hz to 300Hz depending on what sounds best. Which means I place more importance on clear mids and highs than ultra low bass. Ok, thats the background, now the cabs I am contemplating are the following: Gallien Krueger CX210 Fender Rumble V3 210 Ashdown Rootmaster 210 Ashdown Rootmaster 212 Let me also add that my aim is to replace my "oversized" rig with Barefaced sometime in the future, but I have a ton of PA stuff I need to sell first, so it will not be in the near future, but I don't wnat to spend a fortune on a cab now that I will be using for a year max (I hope). I play al kinds of music, depending on the band, but mainly I play blues, reggae, hip hop, some dub etc. although I am starting a new venture that is kind of rock/metal/rap (think "From Ashes to New"). Can anyone give me any suggestions on the cabs I mentioned, or any other thing you may think fits the bill. Thank you all kindly!
  10. Are you interested in shipping abroad?
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