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Everything posted by SS73

  1. Just noticed this on evil bay 260421698161 ''Trace Elliot Custom Shop V6'', looks like the a one off forunner to the V8. Interesting cab colour. Rather high starting price perhaps, but it is unique and a piece of Trace history.
  2. Soooooo want to play this stuff, so rewarding too. A long time ago I learn't ''The Return of the Giant Hogweed'' and ''The Musical box'', couldn't get anyone else interested, here in Herefordshire R n B is a new thing...... Best of luck.
  3. Most if not all basses have pretty good bridges, so the change is less noticable, but, If I had asked my local Baker to make me up a nice tasty bridge for the Rickenbacker, it would sound better than the original Ric one, they are just the most B.....ks design you could think of and are sonically worse than pastry, but putting a Badass on just completely sorted the whole bass, it rings, sustains and just plain sounds awesome......no question.
  4. SS73


    Normally playing a 4001, I'm just getting used to giging with a 70 EB3, its early days and a really different beast, but I really am loving it, so like that depth of the Gibsons.
  5. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='459795' date='Apr 11 2009, 08:22 AM']I wouldn't judge every valve amp on your initial experiences, if I was you. If the Ampeg hasn't been looked after, there could be all sorts of reasons why it didn't sound good. Also, there might be ways in which you could set the amp up to give you a sound closer to what you were looking for. The Shuttle is quite an aggressive and modern sounding amp too, not better or worse, just different. I have one at home in addition to about 3 valve heads, a stereo valve power amp and a valve guitar combo and the two types of technology are very much horses for courses.[/quote] +1.....also a room can make an incredible difference, and although you can tweak your own amp to suit, its more diff with someone elses. I have found with the V8 it sounds so far just perfect in all gigs, griding grunt with grit oooooohaaaar, except in our practice room, feeling really disapointed I put it down to the room and use another amp.
  6. [quote name='umph' post='454728' date='Apr 5 2009, 03:36 PM']matched sets have a similar current draw, thus bias the same since most amps don't have seperate bias pots for each valve. getting unmatched valves can lead to some very nasty crossover distortion and the amp not putting out as much wattage as it could be doing[/quote] Getting the most from the amp as you say, matching and biasing will get the whole thing running smoothly and in harmony, giving it a longer life, but this matching and biasing plus the newest craze of cryo freezing is all quite 'hifi' and new to rock n roll, some of the best music was recorded on miss matched un biased valves which were probably on thier last legs. Saying that I religiously adj the bias on my V8 every month, but only cos I can.
  7. [quote name='Sean.Robinson' post='448305' date='Mar 28 2009, 07:56 PM']Hi thanks for the replys, i did a bit of ringing round and found a few places and people to heavily recommended a chap called Chris Lloyd so ive decided to give him a try. Seemed a really nice guy when i spoke to him Thanks again[/quote] Sean, do you have a problem with the V8 or just a check over, most amp tech's just love to see these amps though. Things like bias adjustment etc is very simple and can easily be done at home, but you need to follow the instructions in the service manual and not the owners manual as these are incorrect, if you're fitting new power valves, bias will need adjusting again anyway after a few weeks. Sean.
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='417540' date='Feb 23 2009, 03:47 PM']Good point, well presented. I shall have a look at it tonight. Thornybank, whats the serial on the amp? I can only see one for the cab there?[/quote] The internal fuses which sit on the output valve board, were a problem with the amp, they were only fitted due to some EU safety laws, so I was told. They were modded through the production, but the last evolution was to remove them and hard wire the connection, mine has this mod and I think the man himself did the work.
  9. [quote name='Hamster' post='418656' date='Feb 24 2009, 07:13 PM'][attachment=21015:V8_FRONT.jpg] ....... and the 3 substantial handles on the top mean what exactly!? Does the optometrist also do hernia repairs? [/quote] ''showing off'' or ''just careful'' I suppose. Our drummer can carry my V8 on his own, he uses the middle handle before the gig and outers after, when he's pre'occupied the guitarist and I use the outer handles. Chassis number ''79'' like finding an old race car that you'd not heard about. Its got the oval name plate which was intro'd in later chassis. Exciting stuff......
  10. Ok, SOLD at £444 ???? with 1200 views, was he just lucky or does this seller really have the knack. Interesting to see the bidder history though. Should those of us who already have a Twin valve start to think of selling?, I can't remember the last Twin sale on ebay, but I think it was near the £200 mark. Ahh, the wonders of ebay....
  11. [quote name='MB1' post='392859' date='Jan 27 2009, 04:06 PM']MB1. .......Think Coffin but wider! [/quote] Its almost identical to my Trace Elliot V8 810 cab 1150 650 400, If only ............. I could use the two 810's and get down to 2 ohms wonder what the watts would be at 2 ohms? If its the same caster design its not really much of a pig to move, only when it needs lifting.
  12. [quote name='sixshooter' post='392664' date='Jan 27 2009, 12:53 PM']What didn't it go for last time and the time before? Maybe we can get it there quicker? :brow:[/quote] I think first off I bid £180 and it went for 220/240, second time around I bid the same and it went for 311!!! Just thinking may be the guy just had real bad luck with his winning buyers?, does that sound like I'm backing down
  13. Up for sale again is a Twin Valve Amp Head in Germany. Item number 170297583345 I first saw and bid on this about 6 months ago, I was eventually out bid, then a couple of weeks later its up again on ebay, so I ask what happened and how come its up for sale again? to which he replies, ''oh the buyer didn't pay'', ok fair enough, so I bid again and eventually am out bid buy a bidder who has only ever bid on this guy's items ''mmm somethin fishy'', so I mail him to ask if this time its gone and it wasen't one of his mates bidding the item up, '' sorry its sold mate''. Surprise Surprise its back on with the same seller, bid away guys, but chances are you'll be runner up. Part of the description reads '' Ever seen one on ebay before?, me neither'', funny I've seen this one 3 times now!!!!. Cheers, Sean.
  14. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='376610' date='Jan 11 2009, 09:34 AM']+1 for the humbucker. It's not the only reason, but it boosts your chances with all the other elements.[/quote] plus perhaps a straight thru neck for an uninterupted vibration path, Badass bridge to get the tone into the body and good tuners too, add a nice lead, some valves.............
  15. [quote name='Phyrexian' post='355030' date='Dec 15 2008, 02:05 PM']Great amp. Even more rare than the V8, I think. I'd want want next to my V8. Or trace my V8 for it even...[/quote] Bart, I did think that the V4 was the one to go for, only having small gigs and not needing the full 400 watts of the V8 etc, but after chasing V4's, or their non commital owners that is, not having any luck and having to settle for a V8 instead, I am very pleased to have the change of direction. The V8 has a half power switch too, what more could one want, small gigs etc?, well I tried the switch only once and to find it halves that pure valve grunt, I stuck with full power, small gig or not Its on full power for good. Sean.
  16. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='334599' date='Nov 22 2008, 08:32 PM']Hmmm, which country was it in? Belgium perchance?[/quote] No not Belgium, was in the UK, but I have been in touch with Bart, shame his site is down, apparently its coming back though.
  17. [quote name='Hamster' post='334305' date='Nov 22 2008, 11:28 AM']Welcome to the forums! To add a sig, go to [b]My Controls[/b] and then [b]Edit Signature[/b][/quote] cheers, I'll go try, if I end up putting my bank details up, go easy on me!!. [quote name='sixshooter' post='334496' date='Nov 22 2008, 04:56 PM']Hi Sean, Glad you like the V8, to me there is no other Amp that comes close! Mine will be making its way over to US in December and as it is sold it is now sitting in its case never to be used by me again, but at least it is going to a good home to be played! I now have 2 people interested in the 4 x 12 but no takers yet....[/quote] Hi Steve, thats great its gone to another good home, shame for the UK that we will have one less though. ''Never to be used by me again'' Wow that sounds quite final, but if you ever needed to use one again, I'm sure something could be done with one of us here at least, and I for one would love to sit in the audience and hear another Bassman ripping through my amp. Now you got me thinkin bout the 412 , but, you know the car I just imported to sell on, well I'm goin to keep it!! same G.A.S different road.
  18. Ahh I wondered whether this euphoric state would last a little longer than a few days, I quite like the sound of the Caterham, I'll start reading up. I did speak to ''sixshooter'' about his, but I managed to find another inc the 810 cab. its great to be on board. ( just got to work out how to put some id/equipment etc on my posts,)
  19. I have been posting n lurking on the forum for a few months . I hadn't intro'd myself before, which I suppose I should. But after my first gig with my V8 I actually have something to shout about. So here goes:- Hi all, my name's Sean. Been playing bass n gigin since about 78, the year I saw Rush, Geddy then just became a total god, soon I had the 4001 and my Trace AH150 with home made 410 ported cab. Things really didn't change over the years n I was kind of happy with my sound, but now I got a Trace V8, it feels like I don't need to search any more, cos this thing is ''FRICKIN AWESOME ''. Must stop before I get to OTT, but gig was such a reveal of what this thing does, I'm at one. (Whether the croud thought so I'm not sure, but hey.) Cheers, Sean.
  20. [quote name='littleal' post='329100' date='Nov 14 2008, 01:48 PM']WOW A slot head eb3!! I love those basses, i tried to buy one recently from a guy in the states but he would,t ship it over here Nice gear too, i've just gone back to using trace gear after trying loads of other stuff, you can't beat it.[/quote] They are just a great version of the EB, nice in a way they didn't make to many. Such a shame the guy would'nt ship!, I've just come back from the states with an empty seat next to me ( you prob didn't need to hear that though). Now the US dollar has gone crazy, I think its all over for getting great stuff cheap over there. Trace gear ''rocks'', I just love it.
  21. Awesome man, this is what its all about, not just playing, but actually making your own gear, that most likely sounds better than you could buy ready made!!. Plus you're going to enjoy playing through it far more, and at the gig where someone comes up to you, and says '' great sound man, what make is the cab?''
  22. [quote name='Bassmonkey' post='324856' date='Nov 8 2008, 04:31 PM']Hi all, I have a horrible buzz on my Ricky. Started a few months back and buzzes when near my amps, if i move it away it reduces and increases when moved near again. Took it in to a local shop where they potted the pickups and screened the cavities - no change. Then they had a quick tinker with the jack solder joints - this appeared to slightly reduce it but not a great deal. They are now scratching their heads and I dint know what to try next. Is not the amp either, doesnt happen with any other of my guitars. Any ideas? Also, I wanna buy or make a thumb rest for it similar to P Bass. I want to screw through the existing pickguard scew holes so the rest is longer than a Fender one. Anyone know where I might get one OR even just a piee of perspex that I could make one from? Cheers Andy[/quote] Andy, have a close look at the jack sockets for any metalic debris, these jacks are quite complex and if there is something wedged in there it may not be apparent first look. On the mono socket there is a switch contact which joins both pickups for the mono circuit, give this a clean with a rag and some alcohol. What happens when you plug a mono jack into the stereo socket ( you will only get the bridge pup) does it still buzz. Is the earth wire still conected to the bridge. Cheers, Sean.
  23. [quote name='sixshooter' post='322167' date='Nov 4 2008, 08:37 PM']More Green porn, had to get the picture up before she goes :wacko: The Cabinet is currently for sale if anyone is interested let me know. [attachment=15590:Amp_and_Cab.jpg][/quote] Would it be too over the top to have a single dedicated Trace V8 porn thread just for these full bodied babes? they're so unique?
  24. [quote name='overwater#1' post='321912' date='Nov 4 2008, 04:23 PM']Very nice setup indeed!! I bet the V8 and 8x10 cab is stunning!!! Love the Twin Valve, thats the next head on my list!! [/quote] Cheers, yep its just awesome and really makes a very large n wide sound, I think because its just such a quality amp that it really cuts through and actually you don't need to turn up so much as my other amps to be heard as a separate instument in the band. Can't wait for a big venue when I can get the volume control off position 1.
  25. Bit more Green stuff, well quite a bit actually. When there's enough room on stage the Rick gets to go through both the V8 and the Twin Valve rigs. Ah150 GP7 was bought new by me in 82 and has never let me down and really is just an amazing amp. 410 is actually a Hartley Thompson design prototype with Trace speakers.[attachment=15573:V8_etc.jpg]
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