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Everything posted by SS73

  1. [quote name='SS73' post='1279475' date='Jun 23 2011, 11:05 AM']I would do a search on the net, I'm sure there is a step by step explanation somewhere and the 4003 is a lot easier than the 4001 to adjust. I have always done my own work on my 4001's.[/quote] Ok, back pedal on my input here, just looked at a video on Rickresource on 4001 truss adjustment, the screwdriver as a prybar was enough , take it to a tech.
  2. I would do a search on the net, I'm sure there is a step by step explanation somewhere and the 4003 is a lot easier than the 4001 to adjust. I have always done my own work on my 4001's.
  3. [quote name='Wints' post='1263470' date='Jun 10 2011, 12:18 AM']A '68 and a '72... [attachment=82246:rachel_and__68.JPG][/quote] Very nice and a 72 with chrome hardwear
  4. Geezer Butler used to finger up there and hard too, but still
  5. Quite a few SVT's n 810's too.
  6. I bought one in Jan this year just as they went up in price but managed to get it at last years price. I must say the quality is exceptional in all ways, neck is fantastic, binding perfect (early ones were painted, blocks too ), frets etc etc perfect and the paint!! wow. I did hear that they upped the quality control in the last couple of years and gave it new tuners (Schallers?), gig bag is revamped too, more padding than a sofa. Oh and CTS pot's.
  7. Been to most of the venues for various bands and they all are difficult to mix, so it's all down to the one I've never been, O2......
  8. Ok, I've posted this before a few times. Right, on a Jazz when both pups are selected, you have a Humbucker, now if one pup is wired the wrong way round it will sound thin, unsolder one pup and swap the wires around and see if it gets more alive, if not then you have a problem as others have posted. Or you have bought my old 73, if so I feel sorry for you as this was the deadest Fender I ever played, although it didn't sound thin, just dead.
  9. One of the best I've seen, great to see a relic with no paint missing too.
  10. Is it me or do the RS66 seem sharper and are not so fast when new to fret quickly, I find too that they graze my plucking fingers quicker than most.
  11. That makes it and earlier 74, they only did the red markers for a brief period in 74 and then went back to black, so that's a bonus.
  12. Red, side dot markers or Black?
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1214852' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:31 PM']Aluminium is a well known tone 'wood'.[/quote] Pretty sure that style of hub cap is pressed Stainless around 0.5/0.6mm gauge. Speaking of tone metals, Magnesium is a fantastic metal, extremely light, very strong and has nice sonic properties, on the downside its very susceptible to corrosion, can be quite brittle and of course if it catches fire it will be gone before you have chance to undo the straplocks.
  14. I was generalizing there, I have gigged mine with small/medium pubs and no pa, rock band and it coped fine. We have a drummer that hits hard but only one guitar. There are many discussions on Talkbass. Saying all this though, I have just gone ahead and bought an 810AV to go with my SVT as I have no problem with loading etc, in fact having always gigged until recently with a 410 cab I can safely say I will never ever go this 410 way again, 210's for small and 810 everywhere else.
  15. Great little amp and it does the SVT sound, perfect for gigs with two 210AV's. As with all speakers, until they're run in, they do sound quite harsh, but once there, the 210's really do the 810 vintage sound. I ran mine in for a couple of days with a low freq hum at moderate volume and they really smoothed out nicely.
  16. [quote name='Stag' post='1199014' date='Apr 14 2011, 08:03 AM']a few weeks too late for me sadly Edit : and did you get my reply PM? cheers![/quote] Don't know what to say really, luck, fate?, perhaps it was meant to be.
  17. [quote name='longtimefred' post='1180780' date='Mar 29 2011, 01:59 PM']just my 2p worth. I bought a USA SVT410HLF from a guy on here and was in prestine condition when i had it. I have done a fair bit of gigging with it and lugging in and out of cars, studios etc and now the tolex is really starting to take a battering. It tears, unsticks dents with the smallest of contacts. I have had a good few other brands of cabs and my old Trace 8x10 took a far more battering than the ampeg and didnt even rip once. basically, i think even the USA made stuff (well my cab at least) is crap at being used! sounds awsome and i want the bigger 6x10 but i want it to last and not look like a peice of crap! SORT IT OUT AMPEG![/quote] You're right about the tolex, my 210av's seem to just rip at the slightest contact, if the missus got the nails in it would look like it was wearin tassels. On the Trace 810's though, I've seen more with no wheels as they're floating around in the cab, sh..y old MDF.
  18. [quote name='4000' post='1193085' date='Apr 8 2011, 05:06 PM']'72 pre-skunk? Now you're talking. Here are my current 2; recently received the '72 Azure which is something I've been after for 17 years; I've only ever seen 4 and only 2 of them were for sale. This is one of them. It needs a little work (a new bit of outer binding where it's missing - the checkerboard is intact & I'm keeping the original elsewhere - and a pro set up) but is a wonderful bass. [/quote] Holy ...., AZ from pre 73, never seen one, ever. The BG looks so cool too. I will post my 75 AZ when I get chance, JG,AZ and BG the 3 best colours. With the JG it's may 72, i couldn't see a skunk stripe at all and looking closer at the peg holes I could see it had Walnut wings too, but looking at all other 72's of this period they had the stripe ( all the MG and BG's etc where you could see it ), so I figured that all the old stock bodies from 71 they had left were made into solid colour basses, so as not to make the new range appear different. [attachment=76996:IMG01344...128_0928.jpg]
  19. Just put it all back together, so no strings yet, but it kind of looked quite good. 72 non skunk, walnuts flat grovers etc [attachment=76970:IMG01349...128_0929.jpg]
  20. So cool, JG is just......., you don't see the Walnut wings but we know they're there
  21. Thanks for the PM mr greek, kind of sums up my post on this thread nicely and gives it a little more credence , not that it needed any as it was just light hearted or perhaps about as meaningless as the weight of a Bass?.
  22. I think in general after reading most of the posts and the fact I have only had good experiences here, that the OP is being a bit of a Grump, IMO.
  23. This ones up again, but now it's a private listing, other times it was on, he ended up winning his own auctions at least now we can't tell http;//cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-B15N-Portaflex-Bass-combo-amplifier-/160566378280?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item2562807f28
  24. Excellent news, but what colour did you opt for, or do we have to wait
  25. [quote name='4000' post='1183162' date='Mar 31 2011, 11:47 AM']If by this you mean the treble pickup surround on your 4001 doesn't have a cutaway to enable you to lower the strings sufficiently, this is something that varies from bass to bass, never mind year to year. All my Rics have had the cutaway, but some don't. Personally my least favourite 4001s are anything after mid '73 up until they changed to the 4003. For many people I suspect a 4003 is a better prospect because of the hotter pickups and "improved" (i.e. easier to adjust if nothing else) truss rod system.[/quote] All 4001's after the transition in 73 lost the cutaway surround, when they got larger and thicker in all areas, the neck also was raised out of the body, check a pre 73 and see that the underside of the fretboard is on the level of the body and after they went up by about an 1/8'', so the cutout was not needed. For some reason the 4003's got the cut away back.
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