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Everything posted by Thump

  1. If one were to woo a lady with a succession of Reggae songs, where might be a good place to start?  Without being too direct. I feel a good term would be blatant subtlety which i coincidentally may have just come up with yet cannot fully explain. I have no idea what i'm doing except steering towards the little bit of light at the end of this dark tunnel

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    2. Thump


      I have a reasonably accurate comparison for what's going on lately. The show Parks and recreation, Jerry's wife. I'll try and link it (on my phone) . Besides from the first short scene with the doctor (sadly not an issue for me) but very much like the following one with the slack jaws and wtf how expressions. Went for a walk yesterday and sat having a giggle at people walking past double taking at the stunningly beautiful woman snuggled into my shoulder. I'm still gobsmacked about my situation,  now I'm not pinching myself just in case I do wake up


    3. Thump


      I have to give many many thanks  to those that helped this happen.

      @Reggaebass you went above and beyond bro, big respect.  @SpondonBassed @GisserD @pete.youngand anyone who commented or gave support it was greatly appreciated and I feel grateful for it all. The language of love truly is music ❤️


    4. Reggaebass


      Really glad it’s all going well for you mr T , all the best 👍

  2. Checking older pictures it appears to be the exact same spacing , i know the volume from those strings certainly has not changed. No sideways adjustment available either.
  3. Nope , no screws supplied. But it was fine as i just reused the old ones , Squier - Fender hole pattern was identical and i didn't ham fist anything. I have noticed a difference in how it balances now , it is a little body heavier as you would expect but i didn't think it would be so noticeable.
  4. I didn't ever consider short scale as something for me , then the more i read of this thread i kept thinking , maybe... And then i found this https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/200107353580008--fender-player-mustang-short-scale-bass-pj-aged-natural-pau-ferr I fear signing up to the gear abstinence thread only to be the first eviction. The smarter person would have paid in full before midnight yesterday and i hesitate to include myself as a smarter person when there is so much evidence to the contrary
  5. Oh that is nice! If this is something you will continue to do , i would be interested for the future
  6. Go for it , finish it all off you will wonder why you stopped before Of course , we expect pictures as things progress
  7. Finally got the finger out this evening. I've had the bridge sat in a drawer for a couple of months now , went and bought new strings (ouch!) this afternoon. Not many pictures taken of the process , not a difficult one anyway. It plays the same , it sounds the same , it looks slightly better. Worth it? £30 for the bridge and an eyewatering £50 for new flats. Speaking of which , i bought the same set as i did 7 years ago except now they're 20 quid more and the G feels rougher than the last set and noticeably duller in appearance. Roto monel flats 40-100. Not sure if something has changed in the manufacturing or the finishing process or if this one G string slipped past qc. Just feels less quality than the one i took off.
  8. Orion - Metallica The Trooper - Iron maiden Shedding skin - Pantera Any good?
  9. I voted for the BB. Still has that classic P sound but with added bite(both pickups). It just sounded better to my ears
  10. I do love a NBD , anyones , not fussy. That is a beautiful instrument , i hope it plays as good as it looks. Utterly gorgeous
  11. I've only really bought two new bass related items this year , a bass and an amp. Whilst i could consider both items as best purchase of the year , neither would fall under the worst in my eyes. But in the spirit of things - Best - Ibanez Btb805ms - Worst - Orange Crush 100 Bass amp
  12. Yes , go to the toolbar just below the site header , click on shop->manage purchases and you can sort it from there
  13. On a more serious note , that red is absolutely stunning... I'd love to try one of these out sometime , instantly interested
  14. I'd send it back , damn things got a twisted neck
  15. Don't ever let this woman get away , treat her like a Queen every day
  16. That looks lovely! I really like the headstock shape , and the price too Definitely on the radar now
  17. I'd be getting my Aria fretless tore down and given the attention it needs by someone who knows what they're doing. The electronics are all shot and the pickups are microphonic , so maybe a little more than 200. Could do with some new tapewounds on it afterwards too , so definitely over the 200 but the blow is softened significantly
  18. I would happily pick half this list. It has made me realise i know of a lot more bass players than i thought , and i was going to list some of the missing ones but they are pretty much covered now. Apart from one. Are we really going to forget about Nick Beggs?
  19. Absolutely 200% yes please
  20. It was a bastardised version of a quote i heard a few years ago , the original referred to a gun instead of a bass I am however quite confident i am wrong on a whole lot of everything else , specialising in particular , most things
  21. This makes more sense, thank you
  22. Excuse my ignorance here chaps, but what is 70s spacing? Looking at the pic I would assume a wider spacing like 20mm or more?
  23. Excellent find! can never find bargains like this, lord knows I keep looking too. That looks like a real beauty cleaned up from the pics you posted. Very nice indeed
  24. Beware of the man with only one bass , he probably knows how to use it
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