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Everything posted by Thump

  1. I don't mind whatever comes up , as long as i can find a groove in it i will give it an honest listen. Actually hoping for a Reggae album first
  2. Thump

    Envelope filters

    Lots of reading up to do! Thanks folks , i know what i'll be doing on my next two nightshifts
  3. Having spent the last couple of hours reading through this thread , i'm absolutely astounded by the size and complexity of some of these boards! Some real beauties in there. I bet you're all pretty good at riverdance
  4. Thump

    Envelope filters

    Thanks guys , both options sound really good
  5. And even less where we can actually play or feel like playing. Short spells but often can be the key to effective practice , it certainly works for myself and some guitar players i know
  6. Thump

    Envelope filters

    I'm looking for a recommendation from you experienced folks , as per the title i am looking to add an envelope filter to the xmas list as the wife is nagging me already. It can be stand alone as or part of a multi effects unit. Possibly looking for a chorus at some point too. The only one i have heard so far is the MXR M82 at about £170 , it does sound good but i'm wondering what other options are available that would be recommended by the good people here Thanks
  7. Count me in 100% Always looking for something new / different
  8. I'm not too sure how many people will find that an affordable price. I'd be interested if it were about $600 cheaper. It definitely looks good though
  9. I too am a hobbyist player , i play what i like listening too , or at least try to. I enjoy Primus so thats something to aim for i guess. I get drawn to tunes with a nice bass groove or a tasty line and end up attempting to play it. Quite often it leads me to new artists or groups i would not have listened to normally. My playing is purely limited to my abilities , which regrettably are not up to much. I'm working on it every day , even just a little bit, there will be improvements over time.
  10. A DHL delivery driver once told me it stood for Day and a Half Late
  11. It's been a total Donny takeover for me this week
  12. Just realised i can post a pic in here now 🙃 My new Btb805ms
  13. Ended up buying a new amp, despite more flip flopping yet again (so many choices) I decided against the katana. Orange crush 100 on its way to me now. Love the tone from these ❤️

    1. Thump


      Picked it up today , it is quite large 😲

    2. Thump


      I'd add a NAD post , but everyone knows what a large orange box looks like. No way to record a sound sample , so that's out, thankfully.

      It does sound great , have not had it past 50% yet as the Mrs was still in. Loving the blend function and may have to buy the separate footswitch for it. 

      Might have to practice quietly for a while as i recently swapped to 5 strings and its trickier than i thought to adjust my playing. 

      All said and done , i'd happily recommend them to someone looking for a reasonably loud and affordable MASSIVE orange box

  14. Really nice blue , hope it plays as good as it looks 😍
  15. After a long time thinking about it and flip flopping on choice of a new bass, I spotted this online and it instantly drew all my attention. I have looked at Btb's for several years and nearly bought one in the USA a few years back. I always thought i could never do an instrument like this any justice when it came to playing. It turns out i don't care 🤷‍♂️ Still playing around with the mid frequency switch and discovering what it does. So far it's incredible , nicely set up straight from the box , neeeearly in tune with one or two strings needing a tweak only. 5 string is entirely new to me and so is multi scale and i have to say i'm loving both. That low B string...oh man that sounds goooood. Clear as a bell , meaty as hell. Love me some beef. The sounds it can push out are punishing my little 25W orange amp , the poor little 8" speaker was farting its life away at a tiny tweak of bass boost with the amp eq flat. Good enough reason for something else i reckon 😬 Here are the obligatory pictures , the only i have taken so far
  16. I have a delivery slot, not me personally,  the Ibanez Btb that's coming. 12:07-13:07. Time to sit by the window now

    1. ezbass
    2. Thump


      This is really quite accurate


      However , it arrived and all is well. NBD thread incoming soon™️

  17. And now we're getting two kittens. Unsure how this transpired 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thump


      I wasn't aware myself, but here I am buying kitten stuff 🤷‍♂️

      Guess the new bass will live on the wall mount in case of claw damage

    3. SpondonBassed


      Wait 'till they discover guitar cases.  It's great that you're getting two.  They'll tire each other out.

    4. Thump


      Well they've investigated some of their new home , had a play with each other and the kids and are crashed out again in their new bed. Impossibly cute :x

  18. Btb805MS now ordered, cannot wait for delivery day. Hopefully this week 🤞

    1. Thump


      It's coming tomorrow 😁 Once the tracking info arrives I'll be like a kid with the seasonal santa tracker studying it every 5 mins torturing myself

  19. 14 hours until touchdown in a sensible temperature. Every day 30°C+ is far too much for a pasty Scotsman

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daz39


      Wait - that still sounds like a punishment ;)

    3. Cliff Edge

      Cliff Edge

      It’s not predicted to drop below 27 here all week and the humidity is high which can be uncomfortable. But it’s 5 degrees at home and the hotel bars have good aircon and cheap drinks. 

    4. Thump


      Right now I'm looking forward to 5 degrees. Until I get there at least. Sat in the airport at the minute, not long now

  20. Final night here in overly sunny tenerife,  35 hours and 15 mins approximately until I get my hands on a bass again. Not that I'm counting...

  21. I was 6 , had zero interest in music. I do remember having a Star wars audio tape at the time of live aid as my cousin who is 4 years older gave it to me when that was on the telly. To this day I still haven't watched it.
  22. Awesome thanks, I'll get that book ordered up, find a tutor and take it from there. Thank you 🫡
  23. This gives me hope, I have next to zero theory knowledge and I'd really like to get a grasp of it. Thinking of finding a tutor locally as I'm not even sure where to start
  24. A few years ago I bought a lovely telecaster in california, got a hard case too. Brought it back no problem. No charges, nothing
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