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Everything posted by Thump

  1. Edinburgh is my closest guitarguitar , about a 30 minute drive from home. Merchant city do have Reverends though... i guess if i want to try before i buy i have to make the journey. Better not do it before the holiday , the Mrs would explode. All great suggestions thanks , hadn't considered 2nd hand at all yet. Thinking this will be one to hand down to ungrateful kids later on. Its gonna be my big spend bass. Not a lot to some but for me and what i do / can do its more than enough. Should satisfy the GAS monster for a long time. At least a few months...
  2. I go on holiday a week on Monday...must...resist... Only until I get back of course 🤷‍♂️ I don't want to trade my prs in, I'd get more if I sold it privately, but no takers so far. The trade in looms large. Only problem is there are no meteoras near me or my usual vendors. I'd like to haggle this time. A free strap would satisfy me, I'm a cheap date
  3. Has anyone had or have one of these with any tales of woe to share? GAS is biting hard and this is the front runner for my money currently https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/220118379882025--fender-player-plus-active-meteora-bass-silverburst-maple-finger
  4. Love the colour, bet that's a beast
  5. The more I see this model the more I like it, its beautiful
  6. I also play some bluegrass banjo so using index/middle/thumb is second nature to me. For a gallop I drop the thumb and use ring finger instead. I just use whatever works for me 🤷‍♂️
  7. Rarely, only with a couple of friends i go to the pub with maybe 4 times a year. The wife is tone deaf and zero interest. My daughter wants to play guitar now so i'm encouraging her in any way i can
  8. This would look amazing
  9. ooo thats nice
  10. Guitat guitar have them in now as well. This is a problem for me as i have longed for an olympic white P with a tort guard and rosewood board for some time. I say problem as i am selling a prs to fund a Reverend purchase, which may now be traded in against the OW P instead. I am quite lazy , the trade in is easier
  11. I quite enjoy a good covers band , but i always end up more interested in the gear they are using. Can't help it, GAS never sleeps
  12. And for the men, .22 🤣
  13. Same here, hoping to make the Glasgow date, might need to swap a shift or two but I want to go for sure.
  14. This thread gives me the itch all over again. Just so happens I've been looking at mm style lately (amongst others) and the Mrs has already been at me for what I'd like for Xmas. Heavy hints going her way now 😂
  15. You spelled "coincide" wrong in the book Sounds like quite a few people here have lots of stories to share The only book i've been in was the phone book
  16. That is a gorgeous looking bass! Please excuse my ignorance but what do all the controls do?
  17. I hadn't considered those who collect memorabilia and such. Some of those people go to crazy lengths to get what they want , and its definite that here are some incredibly wealthy folk amongst them. It really doesn't matter then if its a good instrument or not , they're going to vanish quickly only to reappear on the 2nd hand market with an even more ridiculous price , and they'll still sell. the worlds gone mad
  18. I wonder what led them to put the price point as high as it is? greed? Or just that they know some mug with too much money will pay whatever they ask? I just don't get where some of these companies get their pricing structure from. Are the components , wood of this one of incredibly high value? Or is it just the name at the end of the neck? I'd like to know their justification for such a price, it just doesn't seem anything like good value to me. Maybe its me and my cheapskateness , but for 7k it better bloody play itself and make me look good (no small feat)
  19. Nice find!
  20. My initial thought was it was dodgy, especially when the serial number didn't check out. Crazy price though right enough
  21. Spotted this online this afternoon, its a bit of an oddity. Never seen a P that looks like a single pickup Jazz before. The serial number comes back as a champion 30 amp?!? and thats on Fenders own lookup https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/fender-precision-active-fretless-electric-bass-guitar-circa-79-usa-hybrid/1385314042
  22. +1 for Harley Benton
  23. In my teenage years i always hoped i'd make an impact in the music scene. Metallica were huge at the time, black album just released. We were 4 guitars , of which only one of us had any real talent(not me), no singer , a bass(also not me) and drums. The drummer was and still is, a very gifted pianist and good friend of mine to this day. We really thought we had something too, no idea why we thought that. We were terrible. So , 30 years ago is when my dreams of international fame and stardom came to an abrupt end.
  24. Utterly gorgeous bass , gonna have to pick one up myself 😍
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