Its not that i fret too hard or anything, i just can't put the damn thing down!
My wrist is fine , my fingers are fine , zero pain from anything tendon related.
But the fingertips.... not tough enough. Yet.
To enlighten further , if my wife is at work and the kids are at grannies house for the day , then i'm playing bass. The entire day.
I will practice for as long as possible. Literally. The other day i managed a seven hour session with only breaks for toilet etc.
I simply cannot help myself , bass has become an all consuming passion for me , the more i play the happier i am.
I used to smoke , up until my friends 21st when we both agreed to stop. That was 15 years ago and i have not looked back since , no regrets at all. No yearning for it , nothing.
But bass? totally different. I have to take a bass into work with me just in case i get a quiet period so i can practice some more. I just do not want to stop playing them. EVER.
Maybe some Iommi style fingertips are in order...