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Everything posted by Subthumper

  1. Hi all, I've seriously been considering moving to Devon or Cornwall from Bristol but don't want to end up where there's not a lot of music going on. Here in Bristol there's plenty going on on the live scene both original and covers . If any of you are down that way I'd love to know what's going on and to what kind of standard. I love the area and would like to be down there for a more healthy life for me and the family. Cheers Just
  2. Bamboo skewers from sainsburys glued with superglue work very well. Have used this on strap pegs, scratch plate holes and on amp and speaker cabs.
  3. How much is the bass worth? Add it's cost to the refret which is at least £150_200 and then ask is it worth the expence? You might never see that investment back. You might as well buy something you really want that is already right.spend the time on something else.
  4. A Bristol hello to you too. I don't have the otb schematic but I do have the ad200. I'm sure that runs at least 100volts plus,more than the terror. Would be interesting to compare the two and see if the otb is improved if run at a higher voltage.
  5. That would probably explain why they overdrive so easily. The less voltage the browner the sound. That's quite low compared to a lot of other amps using the same valve. Or is that the voltage on the actual plate of the valve as opposed to the HT supply?
  6. I would recommend a full service as these do suffer from solder joints going bad on all the front panel connections to pots and switches. If I remember correctly it's a ballache to change the valves too. If your not sure what your doing get it to a proper tech, it is valve so watch out for nasty voltages lurking in the filter caps. None of it is particularly difficult, it just needs a lot of care and much dismantling. Good pre amp when working.
  7. Yeah all doable. I got the idea from a love of hotrods and cafe racers but don't have the space so I thought do it to an amp instead. The red and black is my personal choice but anything is possible. Have a,think about colour of the chassis, transformers and grilles, and of course which circuit you would want it based on. It will never look the same again and with all brand new parts inside will sound good too.
  8. From a tech's point of view I would advise Orange fix it too. The type of circuitry these amps use is very complicated and without full technical backup and information on schematics and other circuit data they can be very difficult to fix. Chances are orange will either replace a module or be able to fault diagnose it with the same computer test equipment that would have been used when it was made. plus they have access to all the right bits. All of which is beyond the scope of the average amp tech, it's the sort of thing I would turn away myself, other than when the fault was something like a bad connection or a faulty pot. The other issue of these is the lead free solder which on these densely packed double sided pcb's is an absolute pig to work on. Very time consuming and needs a lot of skill not to wreck the board. If it were brought to me I would say I'd give it half an hour on the bench to establish if it was something ovoius or not but warn the customer that it may be beyond me to fix it. Sou ds like your tech has done the right thing. I'm sure Orange will give you an estimated cost and that it may actually be cheaper and a better repair than can be done by the likes of me. Good luck.
  9. Try a patch lead in the FX send and return sockets, if it's quite it could be that. Then as suggested check fuses, if it's not that then try another speaker cab. If it's none of these get a tech to have look.
  10. Here's pics of the carlsbro hot rod before and after. Circuit based on the hiwatt but modified for split channel with cascaded gain and individual bias.
  11. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1406888475' post='2515588'] Neat work, nice. One thing though - aren't the power and output transformers usually oriented at right angles to each other? [/quote] Yes bit of a mistake but hasn't been a problem. Orange do the same on the ad200.
  12. Some great feedback guy's, thank you. I'll get on the case of working out a cost, might take week or so, plus I'll factor in the suggestions and additions like DI out and speakons. The other option I can offer is to rework an old amp like a sound city with all new innards and hot rod paint job to your spec. I'll post up some pics of the carlsbro tc60 I did for my bands guitarist. As long as the transformers are good its a goer plus I'll recycle as many original bits of hardware like sockets and knobs as possible. If this option is of interest let me know.
  13. Here's the inside pics.
  14. All good suggestions and noted. I'll work out a cost. Anyone seriously interested Pm me.
  15. Just to add, these transformers came courtesy of Mr Foxen, any production models would utilise brand new ones.
  16. Controls are the same as the Hiwatt, normal gain, bright gain, bass, mid, treble, presence and master vol. It's actually quite flexible though I'm researching some parametric circuits for a pre amp design at the mo. Will mean lots of valves but will be nice to nail a frequency. My band plays around Bristol, wilts ,weston super mare. Www.quichetheband.com. it's all covers. Nearest to Swindon is gonna be trowbridge Sept 13.
  17. They were taken out of a carlsbro PA200 which was very similar in terms of power supply and output. Not too difficult to get new transformers to order. I've got another carlsbro to gut to build another and also want to mod the pre amp on this one, mid shift, fat switch etc. I've owned a Hartke ha3500 for years and it's a great amp but the valve head blows it away on every level.
  18. Would be happy to build if people really want them. Yes it is heavy, but the sound definitely comes from those massive transformers, huge power supply, 700v ht, and plenty of iron in the output transformer ensures huge low end.
  19. Would be happy to build if people really want them. Yes it is heavy, but the sound definitely comes from those massive transformers, huge power supply, 700v ht, and plenty of iron in the output transformer ensures huge low end.
  20. Hi folks, thought I'd share this. I built this a little while ago but thought I'd wait till it'd given good service before I shared it with the world. It's based on a hiwatt dr201, has 4xkt88 power valves, partridge transformers, and Ecc83 and ecc81 pre amp valves. Also has individual bias adjustment for each power valve. The chassis is a 19"rack case which makes it compatible with most cabs. Sound is huge, infinite lows even with a five string, plus very tight mids and clear highs. Have been gigging it for the last year with no problems except for one bad power valve. In all I'm very happy with it and it was very much worth all the work. I will add some inside pics soon. I
  21. 10K 2 watt should do for discharging smoothing caps. Worth looking over the whole board on ampeg, they went through a period of seeing what was the least amount of solder they could use. Especially check the joints that are under stress mechanically such as the the pots, jacks and switches on the front panel. Zap anything that looks remotely poor. Well done on the fix. £300 for a pre amp transformer is ludicrous. Even an SVT transformer for Tube Amp Doctor is only about £220. Someone's taking the p#ss.
  22. So after owning my 79 P Bass for 27 years I've finally come to admit that the original bridge is rubbish....saddles move and action adjusts itself as you play. I don't want anything too radically different, so looking for something essentially the same but of a superior build quality. I know loads of people have swapped bridges on fenders but was looking for a recommendation. It's my main bass and is gigged most weeks, long sweaty pub covers gigs, plus I do a lot of singing so mostly pick style that's gets quite thrashy. Be interested to see what comes up as after a quick Google there seems to be a huge variety of designs and prices. Cheers Just
  23. Got one of these to repair and need a schematic. In particular I need the pre amp diagrams. Any help very thankfully received. Cheers Just
  24. Got one of these to repair and need a schematic. In particular I need the pre amp diagrams. Any help very thankfully received. Cheers Just
  25. Very suspicious. Bet you can't buy a turbosound pa cab for that money that handles 2800 watts!!
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