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Tim Chapple

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About Tim Chapple

  • Birthday 27/08/1959

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  1. Recorded in Cornwall using a Zoom R8 recorder in my little home studio.
  2. Keep The Faith has been added to the playlist - good luck with the EP!
  3. Here's a new one - hope you like it! -
  4. Hi Chris - I've added your track to the playlist. Best Wishes!
  5. We just finished this tune! -
  6. Fresh Tomorrows is a hope for the future - the title came from an autocorrect text - the text should have been "Fresh Tomatoes" Jumping on the heads of shadows is inspired by picking the grandchildren up from school, and mucking about on the way home.
  7. Hiya Nick! - thanks for the post! - a good way to kick start this thread back to life! Ive added your track to the playlist - keep them coming!
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