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Tim Chapple

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Everything posted by Tim Chapple

  1. Here's a new one on Bandcamp - https://timchapple.bandcamp.com/track/bass-guitar-instrumental-standing-in-your-dirt
  2. Excellent! - good work! - you got further through it than I have ever managed.
  3. <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/track=390073918/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://timchapple.bandcamp.com/track/i-believe-in-everything-and-nothing-je-crois-en-tout-et-en-rien">I Believe in Everything and Nothing (Je Crois en Tout et en Rien) by Tim Chapple</a></iframe> https://timchapple.bandcamp.com/track/i-believe-in-everything-and-nothing-je-crois-en-tout-et-en-rien
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  4. Love that! - added to my spotify playlist
  5. Love that Pachyman track!
  6. Bob Reynolds - Somewhere in Between - I think the track he talks about is "feedback"
  7. I've added some Musicmaster bass tracks to my playlist. Keep the suggestions coming!
  8. Appeared at the Cambridge Rock Festival with Blacktop Deluxe a few years ago, and met Del backstage.
  9. Look forward to hearing it! Say Hi to Del!
  10. I'll check them out - any reccomended tracks?
  11. I'm searching for songs recorded on the Musicmaster Bass. Can anyone suggest some good examples? Here's my 1971 Musicmaster.....
  12. https://youtu.be/sgCD5on0Y1s
  13. Thanks for the views and likes. How would you describe the style or genre of this stuff?
  14. https://timchapple.bandcamp.com/track/musicmaster-71 Did this today, a good range of sounds from the musicmaster, using la bella flats.
  15. https://timchapple.bandcamp.com/track/musicmaster-71
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