Please help - I play in a 5 piece covers band with 2 guitars, vox, drums. I love playing in the band but there is a huge problem developing for me sound wise - the singer is forever asking me to turn down, even when I can already hardly hear myself over the drums and guitars and I'm considering turning up! This really pisses me off - if I can't hear myself I find I naturally work my right hand harder to try and be heard - this morning after last night's gig my fingers are red raw.
I'm seriously considering quitting because there's no pleasure in it for me getting on stage playing a bass and hardly hearing the result. I have lots of respect for the singers views - he's experienced and his views on sound are often really insightful - this makes it worse. But I do think he's over reacting a bit maybe because a couple of times when the guitarists have got their sound wrong, he's not been able to pick up the note and ended up singing off key, because he can only hear bass and drums. As we all know, the guitars cut through everything and they've recently reigned themselves in a bit - this could be contributing to the problem. Still hear them loud and clear tho! I'm not sure, but I think I just need to get my sound right I think so it cuts through without sounding too boomy maybe? I dunno.
I have a Jazz bass with a TC RH450 driving the 2 x 8" speakers in a TC BG250 208 and a 1 x 15" Trace Elliot cab. I'm changing this for a TC RS112 asap. I've been dicking about with the RH450 settings for weeks but with no real joy. I boost the bass and cut the highs a small amount, low gain and tubetone, middling amount of compression but I'm pretty clueless about that tbh. ANY experience shared, advice guidance etc VERY gratefully received.