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Everything posted by TheBadger

  1. Cheers guys. Yeah I won't be replacing them, just wanted to know what they are. Cheers Kierab
  2. Got to have a play with it last night at band practice...... WOW! What a monster!!! Hit a new level on the Richter scale. Didn't have a whole lot of time to dial it in, but found a setting that I liked. Fuzz at 11, clean around noon, and the squish right down to about 8-9. Cut through the mix perfectly. Turned the squish up a little and rocked out with the drummer, whilst the guitarists looked on in despair! I have little experience with effects, but so far, this is at the top of my list! So much fun. Cheers Kieran
  3. It's here!!! Ps rediculously quick delivery right?!
  4. My Dad bought this 74/75 J bass in the late 80's then passed it down to me about 10 year ago. So it's been in the family a long time. But one thing we've never fully figured out is, what's the deal with the pickups? Original or Replaced? If replaced, what are they? To be honest we've never really looked into it. I asked the first time I took it in for service, but didnt get a straight answer. Can anyone tell me what they are? Cheers Kieran EDIT: sorry for the upside pictures. Silly phone!!
  5. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1426773781' post='2721792'] or Two short legs and a silly point? [/quote] Yessss!! Really need to find some muso cricket fans to start a band with!! Kieran
  6. How many band member? 3? 2 slips and a gully?
  7. In my opinion, learning a bit of guitar is essential for writing songs. You've got more of color palette with a guitar I'd say. When it comes to jamming, I'd sooner understand what the drummers up to and lock in with him, than lock in with guitarist. Obviously, this is just my approach and everyone's approach is going to be different. But learning a bit of guitar is only going to help with technique, understanding of chords etc etc? Cheers Kieran
  8. Sad news. RIP Andy. What a player! "Alright Now" was the first song I ever played live. That mid section holds great memories for me. Kieran
  9. Will do mate. Does anyone know the typical wait on a delivery from prymaxe? Standard delivery. 2-3 weeks? Cheers Kieran
  10. Thanks for the replies. I'm trying to dial it in so I get that squeeze and sustain, and a slight bit of the limiting. So far I'm getting the best results with the compressor straight after the tuner. Infact, I'm chaining to the complete opposite of that picture haha I wasn't getting the same effects from the bassballs and compressor when set up to the diagram. Hmmmmmm I must be doing something wrong. Full weekend off, so plenty of time to mess around with it once again Cheers Kieran
  11. Damn you Danny!!! haha Thanks for the alternatives anyways lads Kieran
  12. What is it that sets this pedal apart form the rest?! After watching lots of videos and listening to lots of sound clips, it seems to be on a different planet from other fuzz pedals. I'd really like one, but can't see it fitting into the music I'm currently playing. Can't really justify £110 for a pedal just to play around with. BUT I REALLY WANT TO PLAY AROUND WITH ONE! Is there any other pedals out there similar and cheaper than the diabolik? Cheers Kieran
  13. Weyyyyy spiders!!! Cheers SgtD
  14. I like and I dislike compression. On one hand, it comes in great for the funk band I'm in. Great tone, and my slapping sounds infinitely better with more control. Feels like I'm cheating a bit. On the other hand, the more rocky stuff I do, it smooths out the things I don't really want smoothing out. Sure, I could turn it off or fiddle with the settings, but that's going to mess with the sound I've spent some time to get. I'm using a mid range compressor, budda chakra, and might upgrade to see if I can the best of both worlds :/ Cheers Kieran
  15. Cheers guys. As long as there's no major "hazards" (don't want the HSE after me ) I'll run it to whatever sounds best. Practice tonight so will try a few different things whilst the drummer moves his Toms half inch that way and then half inch back! Cheers Kieran
  16. Cheers guys
  17. Hey all, New to the forum, fairly new to effects and very new to using multiple effects! So here's what I've got and how they should be ran according to the majority of threads, articles, instruction manuals I've read. Bass> Tuner> Compressor> Octaver> Fuzz> Envelope Filter. Unfortunately after adding the new Octaver, the Envelope filter (EH Bassballs) is sounding pretty bad. Creating a lot of noise and basically not getting the nice voice effect I was getting before. I toyed around for a couple of hours with the order of things and bizarrely this set up worked best: Bass> Tuner> Compressor> Envelope> Fuzz> Octaver. So my question to you is, will this cause a problem? Cheers Kieran
  18. Hey all, Kieran, 25, from Hull here. Been playing bass for coming up 10 years now! Current setup is a 75 Fender Jazz and a peavey firebass 700 (white face, absolute work horse). I think I may have recently become a "pedal junkie"! I've gone from spending 9 years with just a boss TU-2, to now having a pedalboard which is filling up at an alarming speed hahaha. So yeah, you'll probably find me in the effects section asking how best to fill it up Cheers Kieran
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