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Everything posted by Sonic_Groove

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1491154929' post='3270871'] Water, cranberry juice, banana and packet of ready salted crisps should sort this. [/quote] This was part of the great Man's rig -- Cycle bottles on mike-stand one Cranberry one Water!!! B
  2. Wow, He really is still using an (out of production) Trace Elliot rig!! Cool Dude -- Top Player & Craftsman B
  3. Are these Low B or Hi C ? Thanks Brendan
  4. I would say -- "No Don't Clean It!!!" B
  5. IMHO They are all too expensive!! B
  6. Hi lechirons, if your Status is standard it will have 18mm spacing (unless original owner had custom spacing.) As others have said there are a good many 14mm & 12.5mm space 6 strings in Ibanez range. Brendan
  7. Skybone -- How do You amplify Your HD500? Do You go into the front of Your Amp? Do You change the unit from Studio Direct? ect I really want to get happy with mine! B
  8. That's Beautiful B
  9. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1486054131' post='3228882'] Reminds me of Patituci's Yamaha acoustic 6. [/quote] They are not available to Us Plebs either!!! (and I think I read that it weight 6.5 Kg!!!) B
  10. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1484690282' post='3217624'] Try using the HIWatt DR103 amp model, used that a lot on my old PODxt for bass. [/quote] I really wish they would just make an updated POD XT. To me the HD500 is nowhere near as comprehensive!!!
  11. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1485723404' post='3226192'] Primus. I just don't get the fuss. I bought Sailing The Seas Of Cheese to see what the fuss was about... listened to it once with ever increasing incredulity, shook my head in bafflement at its popularity and put it in a drawer. Rediscovered it a couple of years later, thought I'd see if it would do any better this time.... and, no. Les Claypool's voice was still like fingernails down a blackboard and his supposedly brilliant bass playing still just sounded sloppy. Sold it. [/quote] I've never got Him/Them either! And all that posing n pointing at frying-pans while wearing silly hats in the mags does nothing to amour him to me either!!! B
  12. I use a pick-up cover (ashtray) on My P & J fretted basses can play in front or behind in various places for different sounds, plus rest on it when using thumb (for plucking or a bit of slap) B
  13. [quote name='grahamd' timestamp='1485374067' post='3223508'] Brilliant player and formative influence in my own playing, he's touring solo soon and well worth seeing. Also played Ri**ys on the Magazine stuff but couldn't tell you on which [/quote] First Album (Real Life) -- Is that an HH amp??
  14. "So Oblique & Easy..." Magazine were Great... Barry is fantastic...
  15. The Jam -- This is The Modern World
  16. Where is this Bass bassed?? B
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1484050817' post='3212190'] Which is why this is only the 2nd time in about a month that I've visited the site. [/quote] Illegitimi non carborundum Ambient! -- I rarely visit now a days too though. B
  18. Very Nice!! B
  19. Thanks Folks, I thought all things being equal it was not much difference to heaver. Just I tried a 35 inch scale the other day with strings heaver than I normally use (on a 34) & it felt great with a light tension! Must of been other factors of the bass!? Guess I need to start saving & seeing what I can sell!!! B
  20. Time & Practice I'll Get Me Coat...
  21. Does a longer scale length make the same gauge strings feel tighter or looser??? Thanks Brendan
  22. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1477566046' post='3162984'] There's a guy contacted me about selling his, if you're interested ? [/quote] Thanks ambient, But I guess it is not in the UK. I won't buy a bass I can't try & collect in person. Hope your are enjoying Yours? BTW have You ever tried a Status 6? Any comparisons ? Brendan
  23. That's Beautiful Enjoy... I am looking for one. Hopefully trying a New JP2 next week -- But they are well over 3 grand new now!!! B
  24. If only this were local!! B
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